Post by xxgeek on Nov 3, 2022 16:48:40 GMT
When using a search engine would it be better to have a long list, or a shorter list, of results.
For instance when searching the help files with jbsearch using the word "print" we get just about every help file in the resulting list because the word "print" is in almost every help file page. We end up with a lot of irrelevant results. Many of the JB commands are in the help pages as example code, and can create long result lists.
Would it be better to have the shorter list, of relevant results? How about a button to choose "deep dive" for the longer list, and default to a shorter list? Or just live with the long lists of results as default?
One quick question while I'm here. I have a list in an array, but because I coded to ADD cundo's method of searching(resulting in long lists at times) to a new method I get duplicates in the list.
How do I remove the duplicates, leaving just one instance in the array's list
Post by xxgeek on Nov 3, 2022 17:05:54 GMT
Here is the code so far.
This is the original code posted by cundo, with changed method getting short list. Once I get this done right, I'll move on to adding the Tutorial search as well.
' another help file viewer ' (C) 2020 by cundo ' find this code and discussion at justbasiccom.proboards.com ' version: 1002 'nomainwin
if VAL(Version$)<2 then notice "Just BASIC 2.0 required" end end if if fileExists(StartupDir$, "jbasic.exe")=0 then notice "Please, run this bas file or tkn from ";_ "the Just BASIC IDE (launch it from the desktop or the start menu)" end end if
WindowWidth = 228 : WindowHeight = 514 UpperLeftX= 1 : UpperLeftY= 1 dim ar$(500),searchList$(500), info$(0,0), searchList1$(500) global helpFilePath$ helpFilePath$ = StartupDir$;"jb2help\JustBASIC_2_web" helpFileMenu$ = "amber_menu.htm"
if fileExists(helpFilePath$, helpFileMenu$)=0 then notice "Program Terminated";chr$(13);_ "Couldn't find the help files" end end if
open helpFilePath$; "\"; helpFileMenu$ for input as #1 txt$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) close #1
' do a lower case version of the html file ' to avoid discrepances or whatever. lowerTxt$= lower$(txt$)
while 1 scan
startAt = c+1 a = instr(lowerTxt$, "href",startAt) b = instr(lowerTxt$, ">",a+1) c = instr(lowerTxt$, "</a>",b+1)
if a=0 or b=0 or c= 0 then exit while
hrefA= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),a+1) hrefB= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),hrefA+1) idx = idx +1 ar$(idx)= trim$(mid$(txt$,b+1,c-b-1));chr$(0);_ trim$(mid$(txt$,hrefA+1,hrefB-hrefA-1))
listbox #main.listbox1, ar$(, lbDoubleClick, 8, 48, 200, 400 textbox #main.tb 8,49,148,32 listbox #main.listbox2, searchList$(, lbDoubleClick, 8, 96, 200, 352 button #main.contents, "&Contents", buttonClick, UL, 8, 8, 80, 30 button #main.search, "&Search", buttonClick, UL, 90, 8, 90, 30 button #main.help, "?", buttonClick, UL, 182, 8, 26, 30 instructions$ = "Select an item from the ";_ "list to view the article on your web browser." 'statictext #main.st, instructions$,12,460,180,32 button #main.default, "&Go", buttonClick, UL, 160, 49, 46, 32
open "JB Help" for dialog_nf as #main #main "trapclose quit" #main "font Arial 12" #main.listbox1 "singleclickselect" #main.listbox2 "singleclickselect" #main.listbox2 "hide" : #main.tb "!hide" : #main.default "!hide" wait
sub quit h$ close #h$ : end end sub
sub buttonClick h$ select case word$(h$,2,".") case "contents" #main.listbox1 "show" : #main.listbox2 "hide" : #main.tb "!hide" :#main.default "!hide" case "search" #main.listbox1 "hide" : #main.listbox2 "show" : #main.tb "!show" : #main.default "!show" #main.tb "!setfocus" case "help" notice "Help";CHR$(13);_ "From the Contents list, single click an";_ " item and the web browser will display the topic.";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "From the Search list (empty at start), write";_ " a word, and press the Enter key or press the Go button, to search.";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "How to append this program to the Just BASIC Run menu for easy access.";_ CHR$(13);_ "1) Tokenize this program's code: Run menu > Make *.tkn File.";_ " Use any name for the file,";_ " remember where this file is, and how it is named.";_ CHR$(13);_ "2) Select the menu Setup > External Programs";_ CHR$(13);_ "3) Click on the New button, choose a name of your liking to create a new item.";_ " This is the name that will appear under the JB's Run menu. So choose a descriptive name.";_ CHR$(13);_ "4) Select the created item.";CHR$(13);_ "5) Click on the Browse menu, and look for your previously created tkn file on step 1.";_ CHR$(13);_ "6) Just BASIC will tell you should restart the Editor." trace 2 case "default" #main.tb "!contents? searchFor$" searchFor$=trim$(searchFor$) if len(searchFor$)>2 then cursor hourglass dim searchList2$(500) for b = 1 to 500 ' so so if ar$(b) ="" then exit for fileToOpen$= word$(ar$(b),2,chr$(0)) open helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then count2=count2+1 searchList2$(count2)= ar$(b) end if close #2 next b for b = 1 to count2 searchList2$(count2) = ar$(b) next b redim searchList$(1000) files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) dim dummy2$(numFiles) dim dummy$(numFiles) for i = 1 to numFiles x = 1 fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) : close #2 if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then dummy$(i) = helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ listName$ = dummy$(i) open listName$ for input as #1 : isOpen = 1 while not(eof(#1)) line input #1, dum$ dummy$(i) = dum$ if instr(lower$(dum$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = dum$ : count = count + 1 : close #1 : isOpen = 0 : exit while if x = 5 and instr(lower$(dum$), lower$(searchFor$)) then name$ = dum$ : count = count + 1 : close #1 : isOpen = 0 : exit while if x = 8 then name$ = dum$ : count = count + 1 : close #1 : isOpen = 0 : exit while x = x + 1 wend if isOpen = 1 then close #1 : isOpen = 0 if x = 5 then name$ = word$(name$, 2 , "<TITLE>") : name$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-8) if x = 8 then name$ = word$(name$, 2 , "<title>") : name$ = left$(name$, len(name$)-8) searchList$(i) = name$ end if next i for b = 1 to count2 +count searchList2$(count2 +count) = ar$(b) next b for a = 1 to count2 + count next a for x = 1 to count + count2 copy$ = searchList2$(x) if copy$ = "" then exit for print "copy = ";copy$ for t = 1 to count + count2 if copy$ = searchList2$(x) then copy = copy + 1 : if copy > 0 then [next] searchList$(t) = copy$ : print "searchList$(t) = ";searchList$(t) [next] next t copy = 0 next x sort searchList$(), 0, count2 + count' + 10 #main.listbox2 "reload" cursor normal else notice "Please write down more than 2 characters." end if end select end sub
sub lbDoubleClick h$ #h$ "selection? selection$" files helpFilePath$;"\html", info$() numFiles = val(info$(0,0 )) for i = 1 to numFiles fileToOpen$ = info$(i, 0) open helpFilePath$;"\html\";fileToOpen$ for input as #3 contents$ = input$(#3, lof(#3)) if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$("<TITLE>";selection$;"</TITLE>")) then fileToRead$ = helpFilePath$;"\html\"; fileToOpen$ close #3 : searchlist = 1 : exit for end if close #3 next i if selection$ = "" then exit sub if searchlist = 1 then searchlist = 0 if fileExists(helpFilePath$;"\html", fileToOpen$) <> 0 then run "explorer.exe ";fileToRead$ else if fileExists(helpFilePath$;"\html",fileToOpen$) = 0 then fileToOpen$= word$( selection$,2,chr$(0)) fileToOpen$=replace$( fileToOpen$ , "/", "\" ) run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\";fileToOpen$ #h$ "select 0" end if end if else fileToOpen$= word$( selection$,2,chr$(0)) fileToOpen$=replace$( fileToOpen$ , "/", "\" ) run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\";fileToOpen$ #h$ "select 0" end if end sub
function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim fileExistsInfo$(0,0) files path$, filename$, fileExistsInfo$() fileExists = val(fileExistsInfo$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
function replace$( text$ , this$, tothis$ ) while 1 if instr(text$, this$) then f = instr(text$, this$) lenght=len(this$) text$ = mid$(text$,1,f-1);_ tothis$;mid$(text$,f+lenght) else exit while end if wend replace$=text$ end function
Post by tsh73 on Nov 3, 2022 18:06:49 GMT
one of ways is with SORT
N=20 dim a$(N) dim b$(N)
'make lot's of duplicates for i = 1 to N a$(i)=chr$(65+int(rnd(0)*5)) print i, a$(i) next
print" --------------"
'sort sort a$(), 1, N
'skip all duplicates prev$="" K = 0 for i = 1 to N if prev$<>a$(i) then K=K+1: b$(K)=a$(i)'print a$(i) prev$=a$(i) next
'unique results for i = 1 to K print i, b$(i) next
Another way is by keeping "happened" list (this will preserve order of things) (care must be taken about list delimiter, I used "|")
N=20 dim a$(N) dim b$(N)
'make lot's of duplicates for i = 1 to N a$(i)=chr$(65+int(rnd(0)*5)) print i, a$(i) next
print" --------------"
'skip all duplicates K = 0 for i = 1 to N if instr(happened$, "|";a$(i);"|")=0 then happened$=happened$;a$(i);"|" K=K+1: b$(K)=a$(i) end if next
'unique results for i = 1 to K print i, b$(i) next
Post by xxgeek on Nov 3, 2022 19:15:20 GMT
Thanks tsh73 I'll work on that tonight.
My code above creates the shorter list. The original code creates the longer list.
We tried searching for print and didn't get PrinterFont$ from original code, so wanted to fix that, not only for a "print" search, but in case other keywords were missing relevant help pages too. What I am trying to do is use both cundo's method along with my own to create the lists of search results. JB help pages are not all written the same, so a bit of maneuvering was needed. Got that done. But my new lists were short because I didn't remove the "copies" properly. Thanks again. I should have this done within a day or 2. Then on to add the Tutorial search with the new coding.
Original code ' another help file viewer ' (C) 2020 by cundo ' find this code and discussion at justbasiccom.proboards.com ' version: 1002 nomainwin
if VAL(Version$)<2 then notice "Just BASIC 2.0 required" end end if if fileExists(StartupDir$, "jbasic.exe")=0 then notice "Please, run this bas file or tkn from ";_ "the Just BASIC IDE (launch it from the desktop or the start menu)" end end if
WindowWidth = 228 : WindowHeight = 514 UpperLeftX= 1 : UpperLeftY= 1 dim ar$(1000),searchList$(1000) global helpFilePath$ helpFilePath$ = StartupDir$;"jb2help\JustBASIC_2_web" helpFileMenu$ = "amber_menu.htm"
if fileExists(helpFilePath$, helpFileMenu$)=0 then notice "Program Terminated";chr$(13);_ "Couldn't find the help files" end end if
open helpFilePath$; "\"; helpFileMenu$ for input as #1 txt$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) close #1
' do a lower case version of the html file ' to avoid discrepances or whatever. lowerTxt$= lower$(txt$)
while 1 scan
startAt = c+1 a = instr(lowerTxt$, "href",startAt) b = instr(lowerTxt$, ">",a+1) c = instr(lowerTxt$, "</a>",b+1)
if a=0 or b=0 or c= 0 then exit while
hrefA= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),a+1) hrefB= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),hrefA+1) idx = idx +1 ar$(idx)= trim$(mid$(txt$,b+1,c-b-1));chr$(0);_ trim$(mid$(txt$,hrefA+1,hrefB-hrefA-1))
listbox #main.listbox1, ar$(, lbDoubleClick, 8, 48, 200, 400 textbox #main.tb 8,49,148,32 listbox #main.listbox2, searchList$(, lbDoubleClick, 8, 96, 200, 352 button #main.contents, "&Contents", buttonClick, UL, 8, 8, 80, 30 button #main.search, "&Search", buttonClick, UL, 90, 8, 90, 30 button #main.help, "?", buttonClick, UL, 182, 8, 26, 30 instructions$ = "Select an item from the ";_ "list to view the article on your web browser." 'statictext #main.st, instructions$,12,460,180,32 button #main.default, "&Go", buttonClick, UL, 160, 49, 46, 32
open "JB Help" for dialog_nf as #main
#main "trapclose quit" #main "font Arial 12" #main.listbox1 "singleclickselect" #main.listbox2 "singleclickselect" #main.listbox2 "hide" : #main.tb "!hide" : #main.default "!hide"
sub quit h$ close #h$ : end end sub
sub buttonClick h$
select case word$(h$,2,".") case "contents" #main.listbox1 "show" : #main.listbox2 "hide" : #main.tb "!hide" :#main.default "!hide" case "search" #main.listbox1 "hide" : #main.listbox2 "show" : #main.tb "!show" : #main.default "!show" #main.tb "!setfocus" case "help"
notice "Help";CHR$(13);_ "From the Contents list, single click an";_ " item and the web browser will display the topic.";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "From the Search list (empty at start), write";_ " a word, and press the Enter key or press the Go button, to search.";_ CHR$(13);CHR$(13);_ "How to append this program to the Just BASIC Run menu for easy access.";_ CHR$(13);_ "1) Tokenize this program's code: Run menu > Make *.tkn File.";_ " Use any name for the file,";_ " remember where this file is, and how it is named.";_ CHR$(13);_ "2) Select the menu Setup > External Programs";_ CHR$(13);_ "3) Click on the New button, choose a name of your liking to create a new item.";_ " This is the name that will appear under the JB's Run menu. So choose a descriptive name.";_ CHR$(13);_ "4) Select the created item.";CHR$(13);_ "5) Click on the Browse menu, and look for your previously created tkn file on step 1.";_ CHR$(13);_ "6) Just BASIC will tell you should restart the Editor."
case "default"
#main.tb "!contents? searchFor$"
if len(searchFor$)>2 then cursor hourglass redim searchList$(500) for i = 1 to 500 ' so so if ar$(i)="" then exit for fileToOpen$= word$(ar$(i),2,chr$(0)) open helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) '#main.texteditor contents$ if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then count=count+1 searchList$(count)= ar$(i) end if close #2 next i #main.listbox2 "reload" cursor normal else notice "Please write down more than 2 characters." end if end select end sub
sub lbDoubleClick h$ #h$ "selection? selection$" if selection$ = "" then exit sub
fileToOpen$= word$( selection$,2,chr$(0))
fileToOpen$=replace$( fileToOpen$ , "/", "\" ) run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$
end sub
function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim fileExistsInfo$(0,0) files path$, filename$, fileExistsInfo$() fileExists = val(fileExistsInfo$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
function replace$( text$ , this$, tothis$ ) while 1 if instr(text$, this$) then f = instr(text$, this$) lenght=len(this$) text$ = mid$(text$,1,f-1);_ tothis$;mid$(text$,f+lenght) else exit while end if wend replace$=text$ end function
And the original with Tutorial search added (old method)
'JB v2.0 Help and Tutorial Search 'Created by cundo - Editted by xxgeek - added Tutorial Search
global q$, fileToCheck$, helpFilePath$, resetsearch JBpath$ = "c:\Program Files (x86)\Just Basic v2.0" tutorialPath$ = JBpath$;"\jbtutorial\index.html" openhelp$ = JBpath$;"\jb2help\JustBASIC_2_web\amber_menu.htm" helpFilePath$ = JBpath$;"\jb2help\JustBASIC_2_web" : helpFileMenu$ = "amber_menu.htm"
nomainwin WindowWidth = 700:WindowHeight = 580 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black"
[resetsearch] if resetsearch = 1 then count = 0 : startAt = 0 : idx = 0 : hrefA = 0 : hrefB = 0 : a = 0 : b = 0 : c = 0 dim helpList$(500), searchList$(500) open helpFilePath$;"\";helpFileMenu$ for input as #1 txt$ = input$(#1, lof(#1)) close #1 lowerTxt$= lower$(txt$) while 1 scan startAt = c+1 a = instr(lowerTxt$, "href",startAt) b = instr(lowerTxt$, ">",a+1) c = instr(lowerTxt$, "</a>",b+1) if a=0 or b=0 or c= 0 then exit while hrefA= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),a+1) hrefB= instr(lowerTxt$,chr$(34),hrefA+1) idx = idx +1 helpList$(idx)= trim$(mid$(txt$,b+1,c-b-1));chr$(0);_ trim$(mid$(txt$,hrefA+1,hrefB-hrefA-1)) wend
if resetsearch = 1 then [reloadSearchLists]
'jbsearch by cundo listbox #main.listbox1, helpList$(, lbDoubleClick, 20, 80, 325, 410 statictext #main.searchtext, "Search For KeyWord(s)", 355, 40, 160, 20 statictext #main.searchheader, "Just Basic v2.0 Help and Tutorial Search", 200, 7, 360, 20 statictext #main.searchin, "Search in >>", 23, 41, 85, 20 statictext #main.clickTip1, "Single Click to Select", 120, 67, 170, 15 statictext #main.clickTip2, "Single Click to Select", 435, 102, 170, 15 statictext #main.or, " or", 210, 38, 20, 20 textbox #main.tb, 510, 35, 155, 25 listbox #main.listbox2, searchList$(, lbDoubleClick, 345, 115, 325, 370 button #main.search, "&Start Searching in JB Help", buttonClick, UL, 400, 70, 220, 25 button #main.contents, "&JB Help File", [helpfiles], UL, 110, 35, 90, 25 button #main.tutorial, "JB Tuto&rial", [tutorial], UL, 245, 35, 90, 25 button #main.tutorial, "Open JB Tutoria&l", [opentutorial], UL, 185, 505, 120, 20
button #main.openhelp, "Open JB Help", [openhelp], UL, 55, 505, 120, 20
open "JBSearch by cundo" for window as #main
#main "trapclose [quit.main]"
#main.listbox1 "singleclickselect" #main.listbox2 "singleclickselect" #main "font arial 10 Bold" #main.listbox1, "font arial 12 bold" #main.listbox2, "font arial 12 bold" #main.clickTip1, "!font arial 8 bold" #main.clickTip2, "!font arial 8 bold" #main.searchin, "!font arial 12 bold" #main.search, "!font arial 12 bold" #main.searchheader, "!font arial 12 bold" '#main.jbforums, "!font arial 8 bold"
'reload search and help lists if selected path changes from Help to Tutorial [reloadSearchLists] 'wait here for input event if resetsearch = 1 then #main.listbox1, "reload" #main.listbox2, "reload" resetsearch = 0 #main.tb, "!setfocus" end if wait
'xxgeek code [tutorial] resetsearch = 1 : helpFilePath$ = JBpath$;"\jbtutorial" helpFileMenu$ = "index.html" : #main.search, "&Start Searching JB Tutorial " : goto [resetsearch]
[helpfiles] resetsearch = 1 : helpFilePath$ = JBpath$;"\jb2help\JustBASIC_2_web" helpFileMenu$ = "amber_menu.htm" #main.search, "&Start Searching in JB Help" goto [resetsearch]
[openhelp] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";openhelp$ else run "explorer.exe ";openhelp$ end if wait
[opentutorial] if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then run "htmlviewer.exe ";tutorialPath$ else run "explorer.exe ";tutorialPath$ end if wait
[forumlink] run "explorer.exe https://justbasiccom.proboards.com/" wait
'quit program, save the current selected List first, and kill all htmlviewer 'windows if User chose to as well [quit.main] close #main end
'the following are cundo's jbsearch code edited by xxgeek 'subroutine to search selection Help, and or Tutorial sub buttonClick h2$ select case word$(h2$,2,".") case "search" #main.tb "!setfocus" #main.tb "!contents? searchFor$" searchFor$=trim$(searchFor$) if len(searchFor$)>2 then cursor hourglass redim searchList$(1000) for i = 1 to 1000 ' so so if helpList$(i)="" then result$ = "yes" #main.tb "!setfocus" : exit for end if fileToOpen$= word$(helpList$(i),2,chr$(0)) print helpFilePath$; " "; fileToOpen$ if fileToOpen$ = "http://www.justbasic.com" then fileToOpen$ = "index.html" open helpFilePath$; "\"; fileToOpen$ for input as #2 contents$ = input$(#2, lof(#2)) if instr(lower$(contents$), lower$(searchFor$)) then count=count+1 searchList$(count)= helpList$(i) end if close #2 next i if count = 0 then prompt "No Entries Found for " + chr$(13) + searchFor$ + " TRY AGAIN?" ; result$ sort searchList$(), 0, count #main.listbox2 "reload" cursor normal else result$ = "yes" prompt " 3 Character Minimum"+chr$(13) +" TRY AGAIN?";result$ end if end select end sub
'subroutine to open selected search item in a browser (htmlviewer if exists\default if not) sub lbDoubleClick h2$ #h2$ "selection? selection$" if selection$ = "" then exit sub fileToOpen$= word$( selection$,2,chr$(0)) if fileToOpen$ = "http://www.justbasic.com" then run "explorer.exe ";fileToOpen$ : wait fileToOpen$=replace$( fileToOpen$ , "/", "\" ) if fileExists(DefaultDir$, "htmlviewer.exe") <> 0 then print "fileToOpen$ = ";helpFilePath$;"\";fileToOpen$ 'for testing with mainwin run "htmlviewer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\";fileToOpen$ else run "explorer.exe ";helpFilePath$;"\";fileToOpen$ end if end sub
function replace$( text$ , this$, tothis$ ) while 1 if instr(text$, this$) then f = instr(text$, this$) lenght=len(this$) text$ = mid$(text$,1,f-1);_ tothis$;mid$(text$,f+lenght) else exit while end if wend replace$=text$ end function
'function for checking file existence function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim info$(0, 0) files path$, filename$, info$() fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
Post by xxgeek on Nov 5, 2022 1:03:53 GMT
Bit late to the party but context sensitive would help. Yes print gets about every paragraph in the help file but printing is an entirely different action. Action or context? I have often thought about a visual help file. A form that contains controls that expand as you hover to lead you down the command set you need. So a combobox expands to show or list combobox command statements. A graphicbox expands to quite a list. The other thing I have played with is a side bar or dialog that reads what you type and lists the associated command set. So type combobox and all combobox commands are listed in the side bar. However Cundo gave us a great utility. I may try some of those ideas one day Rod. For now though, I have a lot on my plate to deal with, not to mention coding. Indeed cundo gave us a great utility. Without it, I wouldn't be near the level I'm at now with JB coding. Still a way to go for me....Not got into graphics at all yet, other than playing in graphics windows for my next surprise (coming soon) The main thing with cundo's version is some relevant help files were being overlooked. For instance, a search for printer, pri, print etc didn't pull up the PrinterFont$ page, and it really should. That's a relevant page. Other pages may have been missed as well, who knows. cundo was getting the list from the index file, and PrinterFont$ isn't in that index page, maybe others too. My last attempt to add Tutorial search works well, but I added a button to switch from JB help to JB Tutorial. The version I'm working on now will not need a second button to switch, and it will include searches in Help, FreeformHelp, and Tutorial, covering all possible Help pages, using the FILES command, instead of reading the index page list. Don't get me wrong Rod, I have tons of respect for cundo and his work. I've learned a lot from cundo, and appreciate all his posted code. Like most everything else in life, the search engine can be improved and really should be to be MOST effective. Who knows, cundo may be working on it as we speak. Presently I have freeformHelp and JBhelp working, providing lists a bit longer than the original code with some key words. I still need to get the Tutorial help included. I'm glad I got this figured out. I didn't like the bulky look of my added Tutorial search with the extra buttons for switching from Tutorial to JB Help. cundo's slim look is so much better. Rod, you or cundo would probably have this done in an hour or so. I'm still learning so it may take a day or 2 more, unless I think of something else to add, then we're looking at a week or so.........