Post by marshawn on Jul 27, 2022 5:05:09 GMT
is your JB portfolio as rich as prolific as the one on Steve's forum?
Post by plus on Jul 27, 2022 11:15:33 GMT
is your JB portfolio as rich as prolific as the one on Steve's forum? No graphics and speed are not nearly as good. But GUI is inspiration! So is arbitrary math, endless integers... my first Eval function was in JB. I wonder if I can dig that up? Probably peaked out in JB by 2018. Ah yes! Here is some graphing with the help of Eval: 'graphing eval.txt for JB [B+=MGA] 2017-03-10 'combine evalW 2.txt and Graph Dialog 4 graphing evalB
global form$, evalErr$, pi, rad, deg, Dflag, globalx global sminx, sminy, smaxx, smaxy 'for xScreen, yScreen functions pi = acs(-1) : rad = pi / 180 : deg = 180 / pi Dflag = 1 : globalx = 5 'changeable
nomainwin WindowWidth = 525 WindowHeight = 680 UpperLeftX = int((DisplayWidth - WindowWidth) / 2) UpperLeftY = int((DisplayHeight - WindowHeight) / 2)
textbox #g.tbForm, 5, 5, 455, 30
textbox #g.tbStartX 5, 40, 60, 30 statictext #g.lbStartX, "X Start", 70, 45, 50, 30 textbox #g.tbEndX 125, 40, 60, 30 statictext #g.lbEndX, "X End", 190, 45, 50, 30
textbox #g.tbStartY 5, 75, 60, 30 statictext #g.lbStartY, "Y Min", 75, 80, 50, 30 textbox #g.tbEndY 125, 75, 60, 30 statictext #g.lbEndY, "Y Max", 190, 80, 50, 30
button #g.btoggle, "Angles", toggleMeas, UL, 250, 40 statictext #g.lbAngle, "Degrees", 325, 45, 55, 30 button #g.bGraph, "GRAPH", graph, UL, 400, 40
graphicbox #g.gb 5, 115, 510, 500 statictext #g.lbZoom, "Zoom: i = in o = out Arrows: left, right, up down", 100, 620, 340, 25
open "Graphing function strings" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "font arial 12" #g "trapclose quit" #g.tbForm "cos(x())" '<< whatever formula string to start with #g.tbStartX "-360" '<< for starters #g.tbEndX "360" '<< #g.tbStartY "-2" '<< for starters #g.tbEndY "2" wait
sub graph h$ #g.tbForm "!contents? form$" if form$ = "" then notice "Formula text box is empty." exit sub end if #g.tbStartX "!contents? xStart$" if xStart$ = "" then notice "X start is empty." exit sub else sminx = val(xStart$) end if #g.tbEndX "!contents? xEnd$" if xEnd$ = "" then notice "X End is empty." exit sub else smaxx = val(xEnd$) end if
#g.tbStartY "!contents? xStart$" if xStart$ = "" then notice "Y Min is empty." exit sub else sminy = val(xStart$) end if #g.tbEndY "!contents? xEnd$" if xEnd$ = "" then notice "Y Max is empty." exit sub else smaxy = val(xEnd$) end if
call showGraph form$
end sub
sub toggleMeas h$ if Dflag = 0 then Dflag = 1 else Dflag = 0 if Dflag then #g.lbAngle "Degrees" else #g.lbAngle "Radians" end if end sub
sub fore r, g, b #g.gb "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b end sub
sub aline x0, y0, x1, y1 #g.gb "line ";x0;" ";y0;" ";x1;" ";y1 end sub
sub stext x, y, message$ #g.gb "place ";x;" ";y;";|";message$ end sub
sub quit H$ close #g end end sub
sub showGraph gTitle$ #g.gb "when characterInput [keyHandler]" #g.gb "font arial 8" #g.gb "down" #g.gb "setfocus"
[restartGraphDialog] scan #g.gb "cls" #g.gb "size 1"
'graph box section #g.gb "color cyan" #g.gb "backcolor lightgray" #g.gb "place ";0;" ";0 #g.gb "boxfilled ";400;" ";400 #g.gb "backcolor white"
x0 = xScreen(0) : y0 = yScreen(0)
'xgrid lines inc = (smaxx - sminx) / 20 #g.gb "color cyan" if 0 <= x0 and x0 <= 400 then start = 0 while start <= smaxx scan #g.gb "line ";xScreen(start);" ";0;" ";xScreen(start);" ";400 start = start + inc wend start = 0 while start >= sminx scan #g.gb "line ";xScreen(start);" ";0;" ";xScreen(start);" ";400 start = start - inc wend else start = sminx for i = 0 to 20 #g.gb "line ";i * 20;" ";0;" ";i * 20;" ";400 start = start + inc next end if #g.gb "color black" #g.gb "place "; 2;" ";415;";| x min (left) is ";sminx;"." #g.gb "place ";145;" ";430;";| x scale increment is ";inc;"." #g.gb "place ";170;" ";445;";| x middle is ";sminx + 10 * inc;"." #g.gb "place ";325;" ";460;";| x max (right) is ";smaxx;"."
'y grid lines inc = (smaxy - sminy) / 20 if 0 <= y0 and y0 <= 400 then start = 0 while start <= smaxy scan #g.gb "color cyan" #g.gb "line ";0;" ";yScreen(start);" ";400;" ";yScreen(start) #g.gb "color black" #g.gb "place ";405;" ";yScreen(start);";|";start start = start + inc wend start = 0 while start >= sminy scan #g.gb "color cyan" #g.gb "line ";0;" ";yScreen(start);" ";400;" ";yScreen(start) #g.gb "color black" #g.gb "place ";405;" ";yScreen(start);";|";start start = start - inc wend else start = sminy for i = 0 to 20 #g.gb "color cyan" #g.gb "line ";0;" ";i * 20;" ";400;" ";i * 20 #g.gb "color black" #g.gb "place ";405;" ";400 -(i*20);";|";start start = start + inc next end if
#g.gb "size 2"
'x, y axis if in graph #g.gb "color yellow" if 0 <= y0 and y0 <= 400 then #g.gb "line ";xScreen(sminx);" ";y0;" ";xScreen(smaxx);" ";y0 end if if 0 <= x0 and x0 <= 400 then #g.gb "line ";x0;" ";yScreen(sminy);" ";x0;" ";yScreen(smaxy) end if
'fx graph just dots now #g.gb "color blue" stepper = (smaxx - sminx)/400 for xfx = sminx to smaxx step stepper x = xScreen(xfx) : y = yScreen(fx(xfx)) if x > 0 and x < 400 and y > 0 and y < 400 then #g.gb "set ";x;" ";y end if next #g.gb "flush" wait
[keyHandler] 'all these just readjust sminx, smaxx, sminx, sminy key$ = Inkey$ if len(key$) < 2 then if key$ = "o" then diff = (smaxx - sminx) / 2 : sminx = sminx - diff : smaxx = smaxx + diff diff = (smaxy - sminy) / 2 : sminy = sminy - diff : smaxy = smaxy + diff end if if key$ = "i" then diff = (smaxx - sminx) / 4 : sminx = sminx + diff : smaxx = smaxx - diff diff = (smaxy - sminy) / 4 : sminy = sminy + diff : smaxy = smaxy - diff end if else select case asc(right$(key$, 1)) case 37 'left diff = (smaxx - sminx) * .1 : sminx = sminx - diff : smaxx = smaxx - diff case 38 'up diff = (smaxy - sminy) * .1 : sminy = sminy + diff : smaxy = smaxy + diff case 39 'right diff = (smaxx - sminx) * .1 : sminx = sminx + diff : smaxx = smaxx + diff case 40 'down diff = (smaxy - sminy) * .1 : sminy = sminy - diff : smaxy = smaxy - diff end select end if goto [restartGraphDialog]
end sub
'conversions (logical coords to screen) tsh73 2017-03-04 function xScreen(x) 'global sminx, sminy, smaxx, smaxy 'for xScreen, yScreen functions xScreen = (x - sminx) / (smaxx - sminx) * 400 end function
function yScreen(y) 'global sminx, sminy, smaxx, smaxy 'for xScreen, yScreen functions yScreen = (1 - (y - sminy) / (smaxy - sminy)) * 400 end function
function fx(x) 'any general function of x globalx = x : evalErr$ = "" r = evaluate(form$) if evalErr$ = "" then fx = r end function
function evaluate(e$) 'make sure ( ) + * / % ^ are wrapped with spaces on your own with - for i = 1 to len(e$) 'filter chars and count () c$ = lower$(mid$(e$, i, 1)) select case case c$ = ")" : po = po - 1 : b$ = b$;" ) " case c$ = "(" : po = po + 1 : b$ = b$;" ( " case instr("+*/%^", c$) > 0 : b$ = b$;" ";c$;" " case instr(" -.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", c$) > 0 : b$ = b$;c$ end select if po < 0 then evalErr$ = "Too many )" : exit function next if po <> 0 then evalErr$ = "Unbalanced ()" : exit function e$ = b$ for i = 1 to 3 p = wIn(e$, word$("x e pi", i)) while p > 0 select case i case 1 : subst$ = str$(globalx) case 2 : subst$ = str$(exp(1)) case 3 : subst$ = str$(pi) end select call wsSub e$, p, p, subst$ p = wIn(e$, word$("x e pi", i)) wend next evaluate = evalW(e$) end function
function evalW(s$) scan pop = wIn(s$, "(") 'parenthesis open place while pop > 0 scan if pop = 1 then fun$ = "" : lPlace = 1 else test$ = word$(s$, pop - 1) funPlace = wIn("sin cos tan asin acos atan log exp sqr rad deg", test$) if funPlace > 0 then fun$ = test$ : lPlace = pop - 1 else fun$ = "" : lPlace = pop end if end if wc = wCnt(s$) : po = 1 for i = pop + 1 to wc if word$(s$, i) = "(" then po = po + 1 if word$(s$, i) = ")" then po = po - 1 if po = 0 then rPlace = i : exit for next inner$ = "" for i = (pop + 1) to (rPlace - 1) w$ = word$(s$, i) inner$ = inner$;w$;" " if wIn("( + - * / % ^", w$) > 0 then recurs = 1 next if recurs then inner = evalW(inner$) else inner = val(inner$) select case fun$ case "" : m = inner case "sin" : if Dflag then m = sin(rad * inner) else m = sin(inner) case "cos" : if Dflag then m = cos(rad * inner) else m = cos(inner) case "tan" : if Dflag then m = tan(rad * inner) else m = tan(inner) case "asin": if Dflag then m = deg * (asn(inner)) else m = asn(inner) case "acos": if Dflag then m = deg * (acs(inner)) else m = acs(inner) case "atan": if Dflag then m = deg * (atn(inner)) else m = atn(inner) case "log" if inner > 0 then m = log(inner) else evalErr$ = "LOG only works on numbers > 0." : exit function end if case "exp" 'the error limit is inconsistent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'I had to readjust limit, memory problem ???????????????????????? 'this worked fine tested alone up to -708 +709
if -693 <= inner and inner <= 709 then 'your system may have different results m = exp(inner) else ' what the heck???? 708 works fine all alone as limit ????? evalErr$ = "EXP only works for ABS(number) <= ??? using 693." : exit function end if case "sqr" if inner >= 0 then m = sqr(inner) else evalErr$ = "SQR only works for numbers >= 0." : exit function end if case "rad" : m = inner * rad case "deg" : m = inner * deg case else : evalErr$ = "Unidentified function ";fun$ : exit function end select call wsSub s$, lPlace, rPlace, str$(m) pop = wIn(s$, "(") wend ops$ = "%^/*-+" 'all () cleared, now for binary ops for o = 1 to 6 op$ = mid$(ops$, o, 1) p = wIn(s$, op$) while p > 0 scan a = val(word$(s$, p - 1)) b = val(word$(s$, p + 1)) select case op$ case "%" if b >= 2 then middle$ = str$(int(a) mod int(b)) else evalErr$ = "For a Mod b, b value < 2." exit function end if case "^" if int(b) = b or a >= 0 then middle$ = str$(a ^ b) else evalErr$ = "For a ^ b, a needs to be >= 0 when b not integer." exit function end if case "/" if b <> 0 then middle$ = str$(a / b) else evalErr$ = "Div by 0" exit function end if case "*" : middle$ = str$(a * b) case "-" : middle$ = str$(a - b) case "+" : middle$ = str$(a + b) end select call wsSub s$, p - 1, p + 1, middle$ p = wIn(s$, op$) wend next evalW = val(s$) end function
sub wsSub byref s$, first, last, subst$ 'far more powerful wc = wCnt(s$) for i = 1 to wc if first <= i and i <= last then 'do this only once! if subF = 0 then b$ = b$;subst$;" " : subF = 1 else b$ = b$;word$(s$, i);" " end if next s$ = b$ end sub
function wIn(s$, w$) 'first in s$ that matches w$ (no spaces in w$!) wIn = 0 : wc = wCnt(s$) for i = 1 to wc if w$ = word$(s$, i) then wIn = i : exit function next end function
function wCnt(s$) 'of default space delimited string while word$(s$, wc + 1) <> "" : wc = wc + 1 : wend wCnt = wc end function
Eval was inspired by my favorite JB Function Word$().
Post by plus on Jul 30, 2022 17:53:02 GMT
Here is another Gem from bplus JB Treasure Chest: Dragged out and posted at Liberty Forum but why should they have all the fun? 'Rotate colors on a sphere.txt for JB v2.0 bplus 2018-04-16 '2018-04-16 EDIT #1 Fix final circle drawn and add discard to clear memory
'from (extremely simplified) ' Double spiral.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.8 [B+=MGA] 2017-03-28 'from figosdev post at http://smallbasic.sourceforge.net/?q=node/1684#comment-1955 'translating fig to SmallBASIC for alittle cross pollination...
global rrr, ggg, bbb, ccc 'mod global XMAX, YMAX, pi XMAX = 600 '< actual drawing space needed YMAX = 600 '< actual drawing space needed pi = acs(-1) nomainwin WindowWidth = XMAX + 8 WindowHeight = YMAX + 32 UpperLeftX = 300 UpperLeftY = 40
open "Rotate colors on sphere press q to quit " for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr "trapclose quit" #gr "setfocus" #gr "when characterInput charIn" #gr "down" #gr "fill black;flush" cx = 300 ww = 3.14159 / 2 'fix to return back to this after each run while 1 scan #gr "discard" 'fix to clear memory call setRGB w = ww 'fix for r = 490 to 300 step -.25 scan e = w - pi / 4 / (490 - 300) 'swap w, e tmp = e : e = w : w = tmp for p = -1 * pi to pi step pi / 144 scan e = int((cos(w) * 380) / 2) x = int(cos(p * 2) * e + cx) y = int(sin(p * 2) * e + r - 50) lc = lc + 1 if lc mod 90 = 0 then ccc = ccc + .2 call changeRGB #gr "place ";x;" ";y #gr "circlefilled ";12 end if next call pause 10 next '#gr "color white" '#gr "backcolor black" '#gr "place ";x-7;" ";y+5;";|";"B+" 'make new JB avatar #gr "flush" call pause 5000 wend wait
sub quit h$ close #gr end end sub
sub charIn h$, k$ 'mod if k$ = "q" then call quit h$ end sub
sub pause mil 'tsh version has scan built-in t0 = time$("ms") while time$("ms") < t0 + mil : scan : wend end sub
sub setRGB 'mod rrr = rnd(0)^2 : ggg = rnd(0)^2 : bbb = rnd(0)^2 end sub
sub changeRGB 'mod c$ = 127 + 127 * sin(rrr * ccc);" ";127 + 127 * sin(ggg * ccc);" ";127 + 127 * sin(bbb * ccc) #gr "color ";c$ #gr "backcolor ";c$ end sub
Post by plus on Jul 30, 2022 21:18:51 GMT
Here is another one I just dug up from out of the sand: '_Title "Shell of another color 3" 'b+2020-01-25 trans 2022-07-30 'inspired by "shell-like thing" by tsh73 Jan 2020 at JB ' 2020-01-27 Shell of another color 3 adds more improvements
global H$, XMAX, YMAX, PI, DEG, RAD, goON H$ = "gr" Xmax = 660 '<======================================== actual drawing space needed Ymax = 660 '<======================================== actual drawing space needed Pi = acs(-1) Deg = 180 / Pi Rad = Pi / 180
WindowWidth = Xmax + 8 WindowHeight = Ymax + 32 UpperLeftX = (DisplayWidth - Xmax) / 2 'or delete if XMAX is 1200 or above UpperLeftY = (DisplayHeight - Ymax) / 2 'or delete if YMAX is 700 or above
open "Shell of another color" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr "setfocus" #gr "trapclose quit" #gr "size 2" #gr "down" #gr "fill black"
Dim x(1600), y(1600) ' dim c As _Unsigned Long cx = 340: cy = 390: stepper = 1/200*Pi For a = 0 To Pi*8 Step stepper ' load x, y arrays scan x(i) = cx + ra * Cos(a): y(i) = cy + ra * Sin(a) dr = dr + 1 / 1700: ra = ra + dr ^ 2: i = i + 1 Next While 1 scan R = Rnd(0) ^ 2: G = Rnd(0) ^ 2: B = Rnd(0) ^ 2: PN = 0: size = 1 For i = 0 To 1139 scan dx = x(i + 400) - x(i): dy = y(i + 400) - y(i) dist = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy): dx = dx / dist: dy = dy / dist: PN = PN + .73 if i > 950 then #gr "size 6" else If i > 820 Then #gr "size 5" Else if i > 370 then #gr "size 3" end if End If End If For j = 0 To dist scan shade = 1 - ((dist / 2 - j + 1 / 2) / (dist / 2)) ^ 2 rr = shade * Int(127 + 127 * Sin(R * PN)) if rr < 0 then rr = 0 gg = shade * Int(127 + 127 * Sin(G * PN)) if gg < 0 then gg = 0 bb = shade * Int(127 + 127 * Sin(B * PN)) if bb < 0 then bb = 0 #gr "color ";rr;" ";gg;" ";bb #gr "set ";x(i) + j * dx;" ";y(i) + j * dy Next Next #gr "flush" call pause 2000 Wend wait
sub quit H$ close #gr '<=== this needs Global H$ = "gr" end 'Thanks Facundo, close graphic wo error end sub
sub pause mil 'tsh version has scan built-in t0 = time$("ms") while time$("ms") < t0 + mil : scan : wend end sub
Post by plus on Jul 30, 2022 21:22:31 GMT
This one might be very close to what Rod is looking for BUT these are straight lines across AND we need to taper down so we end with nice round circle... just got done writing up a Sub I call, ArcOfTheChord(Ax, Ay, Bx, By), coming soon if all goes well ;-))
Post by marshawn on Jul 31, 2022 5:19:27 GMT
Wow, that is some serious JB, bplus, really nice. post more mods if you have. Here is your graphing calc running in your new favourite os, linux
Post by plus on Jul 31, 2022 11:09:51 GMT
Hey marshawn Rod has shown me a link to this sorta challenge at Liberty Basic (LB), JB's big brother: libertybasiccom.proboards.com/thread/2062/more-old-basic-booksJohn T ( T for tenochtitlanuk, T is much easier) a great JB, more LB, graphics fan too! Write a program that attempts to duplicate the graphic of that old magazine cover. I don't think you need to add the warps, worn edges or scotch tape ;-)) I've been working on it all day yesterday, not the prettiest of graphics but good challenge. Close to finishing and will post here unless Rod or someone else tsh73? John T himself?, starts a thread for it here. I can now draw arcs on 2 points of a line, or endpoints of line segment. At first I did it from a given radius but the arcs in the magazine cover seemed much flatter from radii possibly the outer edge of circle or beyond... Personal update: back to Windows 10 OS now that I have my old computer hard drive replaced with SSD and even bought a sweet little refurbished Dell with SSD and fresh install of Windows 10. Bootups are a second or 2! Sure beats minutes to boot up the old hard drive and then wait until Windows gets done fooling around with my Disk Usage enough that I can use the computer. BTW, your screen shot is curious, I am looking at the 2 sets of controls on the running JB IDE app, seems to have a link right in Title bar?. Is that running in Mint or some other app that can run Windows exes?
Post by Rod on Jul 31, 2022 16:12:08 GMT
If there is a specific way to get JB running happily in Linux a little tutorial or list of preferred options installing Linux would be good.
I dabbled with Apple MAC M1 and running Windows on Parallels but it is an expensive way to get to Windows and buggy too, if not buggy slow!
So I too am back to a Windows machine.
Post by plus on Jul 31, 2022 16:14:17 GMT
Re: Well this is about as good as I can make it, wasted enough time on it: ' Title "Graphic Challenge LB 2022-07-30" 'b+2022-07-30 ' 2022-07-30 started from Shell of Another Color added ArcOfTheChord ' 2022-07-31 final touch ups and post 2 version color scheme
global Xmax, Ymax, Pi Xmax = 660 Ymax = 660 Pi = acs(-1)
WindowWidth = Xmax + 8 WindowHeight = Ymax + 32 UpperLeftX = (DisplayWidth - Xmax) / 2 'or delete if XMAX is 1200 or above UpperLeftY = (DisplayHeight - Ymax) / 2 'or delete if YMAX is 700 or above
toner$ = 100;" ";220;" ";50 ' Attempt to tone down big contrast between yellow and black
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Switch for 2 Coloring Versions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ToneDown = 1 ' switch for 2 versions of coloring
open "Grpahic Challenge at LB 2022-07-30" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr "setfocus" #gr "trapclose quit" #gr "size 1" #gr "down" if ToneDown then #gr "fill ";toner$ ' loaded with allot of yellow to reduce contrast with background else #gr "fill black" end if
Dim x(2200), y(2200) ' oversized cx = 330: cy = 330: rLimit = 300: stepper = Pi/200 For a = 0 To Pi*11 Step stepper ' load x, y arrays scan x(i) = cx + ra * Cos(a): y(i) = cy + ra * Sin(a) If Sqr((x(i) - cx) ^ 2 + (y(i) - cy) ^ 2) > rLimit Then x(i) = cx + 300 * Cos(a): y(i) = cy + 300 * Sin(a) End If dr = dr + 1 / 1700: ra = ra + dr ^ 2: i = i + 1 Next
#gr "color yellow" 'for shell color #gr "backcolor yellow" For i = 0 To 1500 Step 2 scan #gr "size 1" call ArcOfTheChord x(i), y(i), x(i + 400), y(i + 400) ' 400 select case case i < 400 #gr "size 4" case i < 600 #gr "size 5" case i < 700 #gr "size 6" case i < 800 #gr "size 8" case i < 900 #gr "size 10" case i < 975 #gr "size 11" case i < 1050 #gr "size 12" case i < 1100 #gr "size 13" case i < 1150 #gr "size 14" case i < 1600 #gr "size 15" end select #gr "set ";x(i + 400);" ";y(i + 400) Next
#gr "size 1" if ToneDown then ' center "hole" #gr "color ";toner$ ' for shell background closer to yellow #gr "backcolor ";toner$ else #gr "color black" ' for shell background to match magazine cover #gr "backcolor black" end if #gr "place ";310;" ";310 #gr "boxfilled ";350;" ";350
#gr "color yellow" 'for shell color #gr "backcolor yellow" #gr "line ";330;" ";300;" ";330;" ";360 ' 2 center crosses crissed #gr "line ";300;" ";330;" ";360;" ";330 #gr "line ";300;" ";300;" ";360;" ";360 #gr "line ";300;" ";360;" ";360;" ";300
dx = 15: dx1 = 13 While accum < 30 ' more lines blending to solid yellow accum = accum + dx accum1 = accum1 + dx1 #gr "line ";330 - accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1 #gr "line ";330 + accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 + accum1 #gr "line ";330 - accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 - accum1 #gr "line ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 + accum1
#gr "line ";330;" ";330-accum;" ";330+accum;" ";330 #gr "line ";330;" ";330+accum;" ";330+accum;" ";330 #gr "line ";330;" ";330+accum;" ";330-accum;" ";330 #gr "line ";330;" ";330-accum;" ";330-accum;" ";330
dx = dx * .5 if dx < 1 then dx = 1 dx1 = dx1 * .5 if dx1 < 1 then dx1 = 1 Wend for r = 20 to 30 #gr "place ";330;" ";330;"; circle ";r next #gr "Flush" wait
sub quit H$ close #gr end end sub
sub pause mil 'tsh version has scan built-in t0 = time$("ms") while time$("ms") < t0 + mil : scan : wend end sub
' modified and simplified for flatter arcs attempting to match magazine cover Sub ArcOfTheChord Ax, Ay, Bx, By ' well one of them anyway ;-)) 2022-07-30 for LB Challenge pd2 = Pi/2 ' constant for 90 degrees dd2 = .5 * Sqr((Ax - Bx) ^ 2 + (Ay - By) ^ 2) ' dist between A and B want mid point mx = (Ax + Bx) / 2: my = (Ay + By) / 2 a = Atan2(By - Ay, Bx - Ax) ' angle of B to A r = 100 ' just make up a radius that gets close to flatness in magazine cover ox = mx + r * Cos(a + pd2): oy = my + r * Sin(a + pd2) r1 = Sqr((ox - Ax) ^ 2 + (oy - Ay) ^ 2) ' Now find distance of O to A !!! that radius oa = Atan2(Ay - oy, Ax - ox) ob = Atan2(By - oy, Bx - ox) call arc ox, oy, r1, oa, ob End Sub
'use radians Sub arc x, y, r, raBegin, raEnd ' updated 2021-09-09 ' raStart is first angle clockwise from due East = 0 degrees ' arc will start drawing there and clockwise until raStop angle reached 'x, y origin, r = radius, c = color p = Pi: p2 = p * 2
' Last time I tried to use this SUB it hung the program, possible causes: ' Make sure raStart and raStop are between 0 and 2pi. ' This sub does not have to be recursive, use GOSUB to do drawing to execute arc in one call.
'make copies before changing raStart = raBegin: raStop = raEnd While raStart < 0: raStart = raStart + p2: Wend While raStart >= p2: raStart = raStart - p2: Wend While raStop < 0: raStop = raStop + p2: Wend While raStop >= p2: raStop = raStop - p2: Wend
If raStop < raStart Then dStart = raStart: dStop = p2 - .00001 GoSub [drawArc] dStart = 0: dStop = raStop GoSub [drawArc] Else dStart = raStart: dStop = raStop GoSub [drawArc] End If Exit Sub [drawArc] al = p * r * r * (dStop - dStart) / p2 For a = dStart To dStop Step 10 / al ' orig 1/al #gr "set ";x + r * Cos(a);" ";y + r * Sin(a) Next Return End Sub
Function Atan2(y, x) 'Atan2 is a function which determines the angle between points 'x1, y1 and x2, y2. The angle returned is in radians 'The angle returned is always in the range of '-PI to PI radians (-180 to 180 degrees) '============================================================== 'NOTE the position of Y and X arguments 'This keeps Atan2 function same as other language versions '============================================================== If x = 0 Then If y < 0 Then Atan2 = -1.5707963267948967 Else Atan2 = 1.5707963267948967 End If Else chk = atn(y/x) If x < 0 Then If y < 0 Then chk = chk - 3.1415926535897932 Else chk = chk + 3.1415926535897932 End If End If Atan2 = chk End If 'thanks Andy Amaya End Function
The code has a "ToneDown" switch that when <>0 makes a background with lots of yellow to "Tone Down" all the interference patterns that Yellow lines on Black background make. see first screen shot. Turn the switch to false ToneDown = 0 and you will see my best attempt to duplicate that magazine cover from the link.
Post by tsh73 on Jul 31, 2022 22:03:14 GMT
It happened to be harder then it looks. 'spiral-like thing - old book cover contest 'tsh73 Jul2022 nomainwin
WindowHeight = 1040 WindowWidth = 1010 WindowHeight = 740 WindowWidth = 710
open "Old book cover" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr "home; down; posxy cx cy" #gr "trapclose [quit]" #gr "fill black" #gr "color yellow" #gr "color 196 225 72" 'screengrabbed color
pi = acs(-1)
R0=30 #gr "circle ";R0 'goto [central] R=300 #gr "circle ";R n = 10 da1=pi/6 aN = 2.7*pi
[central] 'now central thing. 10 pixels widest cell... x=0-R0+1 while x < R0 SCAN y=sqr(R0^2-x^2) #gr "line ";cx+x;" ";cy+y;" ";cx+x;" ";cy-y #gr "line ";cx+y;" ";cy+x;" ";cx-y;" ";cy+x x=x+10*y^2/R0^2 wend x=0-R0+1 while x < R0 'somehow made diagonals too SCAN y=sqr(R0^2-x^2) #gr "line ";cx+x;" ";cy+y;" ";cx+y;" ";cy+x #gr "line ";cx-x;" ";cy-y;" ";cx+y;" ";cy+x x=x+15*y^2/R0^2 wend 'wait
'goto [skip1] for a = 0 to aN-da1 step 1/R0 #gr "set ";cx+R0*cos(a-pi/2) ;" " ; cy+R0*sin(a-pi/2) R1= a*R/aN if R1>R0 then R1= (a+da1*(R1-R0)/(R-R0))*R/aN for i = 1 to n r1=R0+(R1-R0)*i/n a1=a+da1*(R1-R0)/(R-R0)*i/n #gr "goto ";cx+r1*cos(a1-pi/2) ;" " ; cy+r1*sin(a1-pi/2) next end if
next #gr "flush" 'wait [skip1]
a =0 while a<aN SCAN r = R*a/aN if r <1 then r = 1':da=1/R da=1/r*1 k=k+1 if k mod 2 <> 0 then [cont] if a <0.55*pi then [cont] 'cheating here #gr "set ";cx+r*cos(a-pi/2) ;" " ; cy+r*sin(a-pi/2) for i = 1 to n r1=r+(R-r)*i/n a1=a-pi/2+da1*(R-r)/(R-R0)*i/n #gr "goto ";cx+r1*cos(a1) ;" " ; cy+r1*sin(a1) next
[cont] a=a+da wend
#gr "flush" wait
[quit] timer 0 close #gr end
Post by tenochtitlanuk on Jul 31, 2022 22:17:44 GMT
My wife sticks with MS W11, but I do everything in Linux- I use Mint and other flavours for all my LB/JB stuff, except when trying LB5. No need for instructions on 'a way to get JB running happily in Linux'. Just make sure you've got Wine installed and run the JB install exe downloaded from Carl's site. I'm not aware of many problems or quirks other than being aware of Linux pathname conventions. No current experience with Apple- surely it runs Parallels/JB?? I dislike the way Microsoft and Apple have distorted and financially profited from their public. I voluntarily contribute to various Open Source projects on Linux- but 'own' NO commercial ( paid for) softare or licences for operating system, Office and graphic software, etc. Well, except my valued LB licence..
That latest code, 'plus', is a pretty good approximation. As a long-retired pensioner I'm lucky enough that this kind of play is fun and not entirely a 'waste of time'! Always enjoy seeing others rising to a challenge.
Post by plus on Jul 31, 2022 22:33:48 GMT
Well not a complete waste of time, I can draw an arc on a line segment with or without a given radius. And there was this little gem in the middle!
Post by plus on Jul 31, 2022 23:38:49 GMT
Ah finally my Ying Yang Variation has finished about 1/2 hour to draw: I think I've discovered the formula for Curly Fries!
Post by plus on Aug 1, 2022 1:48:16 GMT
3 Improvements: 1. Cleaned up edges with simple line 2. Show more of the Gem in middle 3. Stole tsh73's color ;-)) ' Title "Graphic Challenge v3 LB 2022-07-30" 'b+2022-07-30 ' 2022-07-30 started from Shell of Another Color added ArcOfTheChord ' 2022-07-31 final touch ups and post 2 version color scheme ' 2022-07-31 3 fixes for this v 3 global Xmax, Ymax, Pi Xmax = 660 Ymax = 660 Pi = acs(-1)
WindowWidth = Xmax + 8 WindowHeight = Ymax + 32 UpperLeftX = (DisplayWidth - Xmax) / 2 'or delete if XMAX is 1200 or above UpperLeftY = (DisplayHeight - Ymax) / 2 'or delete if YMAX is 700 or above
toner$ = 100;" ";220;" ";50 ' Attempt to tone down big contrast between yellow and black shell$ = 196;" ";225;" ";72 ' Ok yeah, I took tsh73 color, so! LOL
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Switch for 2 Coloring Versions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ToneDown = 0 ' switch for 2 versions of coloring
open "Grpahic Challenge at LB v3 2022-07-30" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr "setfocus" #gr "trapclose quit" #gr "down" if ToneDown then #gr "fill ";toner$ ' loaded with allot of yellow to reduce contrast with background else #gr "fill black" end if
Dim x(2200), y(2200) ' oversized cx = 330: cy = 330: rLimit = 300: stepper = Pi/200 For a = 0 To Pi*11 Step stepper ' load x, y arrays scan x(i) = cx + ra * Cos(a): y(i) = cy + ra * Sin(a) If Sqr((x(i) - cx) ^ 2 + (y(i) - cy) ^ 2) > rLimit Then x(i) = cx + 300 * Cos(a): y(i) = cy + 300 * Sin(a) End If dr = dr + 1 / 1700: ra = ra + dr ^ 2: i = i + 1 Next top = i -1 #gr "color ";shell$ 'for shell color #gr "backcolor ";shell$ For i = 0 To 1500 Step 2 scan call ArcOfTheChord x(i), y(i), x(i + 400), y(i + 400) ' 400 call ArcOfTheChord x(i)+1, y(i), x(i + 400), y(i + 400) ' 400 if i > 1 then #gr "line ";x(i-2);" ";y(i-2);" ";x(i);" ";y(i) Next for i = 1500 to top #gr "line ";x(i-2);" ";y(i-2);" ";x(i);" ";y(i) next
#gr "size 1" if ToneDown then ' center "hole" #gr "color ";toner$ ' for shell background closer to yellow #gr "backcolor ";toner$ else #gr "color black" ' for shell background to match magazine cover #gr "backcolor black" end if #gr "place ";310;" ";310 #gr "boxfilled ";350;" ";350
#gr "color ";shell$ 'for shell color #gr "backcolor "; shell$ #gr "line ";330;" ";300;" ";330;" ";360 ' 2 center crosses crissed #gr "line ";300;" ";330;" ";360;" ";330 #gr "line ";300;" ";300;" ";360;" ";360 #gr "line ";300;" ";360;" ";360;" ";300
dx = 15: dx1 = 13 While accum < 36 ' more lines blending to solid yellow accum = accum + dx accum1 = accum1 + dx1 #gr "line ";330 - accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1 #gr "line ";330 + accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 + accum1 #gr "line ";330 - accum1;" ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 - accum1 #gr "line ";330 - accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 + accum1;" ";330 + accum1
#gr "line ";330;" ";330-accum;" ";330+accum;" ";330 #gr "line ";330;" ";330+accum;" ";330+accum;" ";330 #gr "line ";330;" ";330+accum;" ";330-accum;" ";330 #gr "line ";330;" ";330-accum;" ";330-accum;" ";330
dx = dx * .5 if dx < 1 then dx = 1 dx1 = dx1 * .5 if dx1 < 1 then dx1 = 1 Wend #gr "Flush" wait
sub quit H$ close #gr end end sub
sub pause mil 'tsh version has scan built-in t0 = time$("ms") while time$("ms") < t0 + mil : scan : wend end sub
' modified and simplified for flatter arcs attempting to match magazine cover Sub ArcOfTheChord Ax, Ay, Bx, By ' well one of them anyway ;-)) 2022-07-30 for LB Challenge pd2 = Pi/2 ' constant for 90 degrees dd2 = .5 * Sqr((Ax - Bx) ^ 2 + (Ay - By) ^ 2) ' dist between A and B want mid point mx = (Ax + Bx) / 2: my = (Ay + By) / 2 a = Atan2(By - Ay, Bx - Ax) ' angle of B to A r = 100 ' just make up a radius that gets close to flatness in magazine cover ox = mx + r * Cos(a + pd2): oy = my + r * Sin(a + pd2) r1 = Sqr((ox - Ax) ^ 2 + (oy - Ay) ^ 2) ' Now find distance of O to A !!! that radius oa = Atan2(Ay - oy, Ax - ox) ob = Atan2(By - oy, Bx - ox) call arc ox, oy, r1, oa, ob End Sub
'use radians Sub arc x, y, r, raBegin, raEnd ' updated 2021-09-09 ' raStart is first angle clockwise from due East = 0 degrees ' arc will start drawing there and clockwise until raStop angle reached 'x, y origin, r = radius, c = color p = Pi: p2 = p * 2
' Last time I tried to use this SUB it hung the program, possible causes: ' Make sure raStart and raStop are between 0 and 2pi. ' This sub does not have to be recursive, use GOSUB to do drawing to execute arc in one call.
'make copies before changing raStart = raBegin: raStop = raEnd While raStart < 0: raStart = raStart + p2: Wend While raStart >= p2: raStart = raStart - p2: Wend While raStop < 0: raStop = raStop + p2: Wend While raStop >= p2: raStop = raStop - p2: Wend
If raStop < raStart Then dStart = raStart: dStop = p2 - .00001 GoSub [drawArc] dStart = 0: dStop = raStop GoSub [drawArc] Else dStart = raStart: dStop = raStop GoSub [drawArc] End If Exit Sub [drawArc] al = p * r * r * (dStop - dStart) / p2 For a = dStart To dStop Step 10 / al ' orig 1/al #gr "set ";x + r * Cos(a);" ";y + r * Sin(a) Next Return End Sub
Function Atan2(y, x) 'Atan2 is a function which determines the angle between points 'x1, y1 and x2, y2. The angle returned is in radians 'The angle returned is always in the range of '-PI to PI radians (-180 to 180 degrees) '============================================================== 'NOTE the position of Y and X arguments 'This keeps Atan2 function same as other language versions '============================================================== If x = 0 Then If y < 0 Then Atan2 = -1.5707963267948967 Else Atan2 = 1.5707963267948967 End If Else chk = atn(y/x) If x < 0 Then If y < 0 Then chk = chk - 3.1415926535897932 Else chk = chk + 3.1415926535897932 End If End If Atan2 = chk End If 'thanks Andy Amaya End Function
Post by marshawn on Aug 2, 2022 2:45:12 GMT
Nice mods, B+. I think Bill did something similar with pendulii cycles or some such... nice improvements!