Post by plus on Feb 28, 2022 2:51:44 GMT
Not optimized yet just getting tools together but I do have it working so a room with lots of obstacles is completely covered by robot with fairly small amount of redundant returns.
Fun to watch because I don't have to do the work
MapW = 17: MapH = 17 ' min @30 cell is 17, 17 is the smallest room to make where you are sure the vacuum doesn't start in/on furniture (blue colors), the robot vacuum is the yellow square. The occasional green path is the AI finding the next closest empty square to go. The numbers are a count of times the vacuum has passed over that spot.
You can change MapW up to 34 and MapH up to 24 and cover the full screen as shown below:
Fun to watch because I don't have to do the work
' AI for Vacuum 2022-02-27 b+ trans
' from "I Robot - Room Mapper 2 (IR-RM2)" ' b+ 22-02-26 QB64
Global H$, SW, SH, Cell, MapW, MapH
H$ = "gr": SW = 1021: SH = 721 ' cell @30 max 34x24
Cell = 30
MapW = 17: MapH = 17 ' min @30 cell is 17, 17
WindowWidth = SW + 8
WindowHeight = SH + 32
UpperLeftX = (1200 - SW) / 2
UpperLeftY = (700 - SH) / 2
open "AI for Vacuum" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr
#gr "setfocus"
#gr "trapclose quit"
#gr "down"
#gr "fill black"
Global BeeLine, Done, StepI, StepDist, rx, ry
' BeeLine is a mode where RI is following shortest path to next empty cell
' StepI, StepDist are info for Path following
' rx,ry is current robot position
Dim StepMap(MapW, MapH) ' for making paths that you step through
Dim StepX(MapW * MapH), StepY(MapW * MapH) ' actual steps to take on path
Dim Room(MapW, MapH) ' 0 = empty cell in grid -1 = wall see MakeRoom -2 area inaccessible to vaccum
Do 'resets
Done = 0: rx = Int(MapW / 2 + .5): ry = Int(MapH / 2 + .5) ' starts here in middle of room should be clear
call MakeRoom
call drawRoom
#gr "getbmp TheRoom 0 0 1020 720"
#gr "background TheRoom"
Do 'sweep the room just made
call RoomUpdate
call RI ' ok roby make your move
If Done Then ' need update of last move by robot
call RoomUpdate
Exit Do
end if
call pause 100
Loop until 0
sweeps = sweeps + 1
notice "Robot Vacuum has made " + Str$(sweeps) + " successful room sweeps."
Loop until 0
Sub RI ' the robot appraises it's current postition rx, ry in Room(x) and makes a move changing rx, ry and that ends the sub
' I was here! sweeps the spot (again?)
Room(rx, ry) = Room(rx, ry) + 1 ' put roby's presense on map by counting number of times in this cell
' after marking current spot see if we have swept all possible
If swept() Then Done = -1: Exit Sub
If BeeLine = 0 Then ' normal sweeping pattern, hey try up/down then right/left see if leaves less spots
If Room(rx, ry - 1) = 0 Then ' one must have ones priorities
ry = ry - 1: Exit Sub
If Room(rx + 1, ry) = 0 Then
rx = rx + 1: Exit Sub
If Room(rx, ry + 1) = 0 Then
ry = ry + 1: Exit Sub
If Room(rx - 1, ry) = 0 Then rx = rx - 1: Exit Sub
end if
end if
End If
' still here ? ========== Decide to make a BeeLine - find the closet empty and make a bee-line to it
BeeLine = -1 'put us into BeeLine Mode
call prepStepMap rx, ry
mini = 10000000
For y = 1 To MapH ' now run through step map and find the mini closest empty room
For x = 1 To MapW
If StepMap(x, y) > 1 Then ' has to be > 1 because 0 is robot and 1 the robot will detect!
If StepMap(x, y) < mini And Room(x, y) = 0 Then mini = StepMap(x, y): saveX = x: saveY = y
End If
'OK we have our target not find a clear short path to it from roby
call path rx, ry, saveX, saveY ' path sets stepI, stepX(i), stepY(I) that are shared
StepI = 1 ' roby is on it's way to closet empty cell
rx = StepX(StepI): ry = StepY(StepI)
' beeline mode
StepI = StepI + 1 ' roby is on it's way to closet empty cell
rx = StepX(StepI): ry = StepY(StepI)
'turn off beeLine mode when we have hit target
If StepI = StepDist - 1 Then BeeLine = 0 ' we have arrived at our target turn off beeLine mode
End If
End Sub
Sub drawRoom
#gr "fill black"
call drawGridSq
For y = 1 To MapH
For x = 1 To MapW
If Room(x, y) = -1 Then
#gr "color 0 150 200"
#gr "backcolor 0 150 200"
call fbox (x - 1) * 30, (y - 1) * 30, x * 30, y * 30
If Room(x, y) > 0 Then
#gr "color white"
#gr "backcolor black"
s$ = Str$(Room(x, y))
call stext (x - 1) * 30 + (30 - Len(s$) * 8) / 2, (y - 1) * 30 + 7 + 16, s$
end if
End If
End Sub
sub RoomUpdate
#gr "drawsprites" 'draw room background
For y = 1 To MapH
For x = 1 To MapW 'update numbers
If Room(x, y) > 0 Then
#gr "color white"
#gr "backcolor black"
s$ = Str$(Room(x, y))
call stext (x - 1) * 30 + (30 - Len(s$) * 8) / 2, (y - 1) * 30 + 7 + 16, s$
end if
' and robot
#gr "color yellow"
#gr "backcolor yellow"
call fbox (rx - 1) * 30, (ry - 1) * 30, rx * 30, ry * 30
end sub
Sub MakeRoom
Dim Room(MapW, MapH) ' 0 = empty, -1 = wall, -2 = area vac can't access because walled out
' Here are the walls
For x = 1 To MapW
Room(x, 1) = -1
Room(x, MapH) = -1
For y = 1 To MapH
Room(1, y) = -1
Room(MapW, y) = -1
' add random rectangles around the edges
For i = 1 To Int(Sqr(1.5 * MapW * MapH))
rw = Int(Rnd(0) * 4) + 1: rh = Int(Rnd(0) * 4) + 1
wall = Int(Rnd(0) * 4)
Select Case wall
Case 0 ' top
If Rnd(0) < .5 Then ys = 1 Else ys = 4
xs = Int(Rnd(0) * (MapW - rw)) + 1
For y = ys To ys + rh - 1
For x = xs To xs + rw - 1
Room(x, y) = -1
Case 1 'right
If Rnd(0) < .5 Then xs = MapW - rw + 1 Else xs = (MapW - 4) - rw + 1
ys = Int(Rnd(0) * (MapH - rh)) + 1
For y = ys To ys + rh - 1
For x = xs To xs + rw - 1
Room(x, y) = -1
Case 2 ' bottom
If Rnd(0) < .5 Then ys = MapH - rh + 1 Else ys = (MapH - 4) - rh + 1
xs = Int(Rnd(0) * (MapW - rw)) + 1
For y = ys To ys + rh - 1
For x = xs To xs + rw - 1
Room(x, y) = -1
Case 3 'left
If Rnd(0) < .5 Then xs = 1 Else xs = 4
ys = Int(Rnd(0) * (MapH - rh)) + 1
For y = ys To ys + rh - 1
For x = xs To xs + rw - 1
Room(x, y) = -1
End Select
' before make map make sure rx, ry is set or reset
call prepStepMap rx, ry ' see what cells not accessible to vac mark them -1
For y = 1 To MapH
For x = 1 To MapW
If Room(x, y) = 0 Then
If StepMap(x, y) = 0 Then Room(x, y) = -1
End If
Room(rx, ry) = 0 ' robot start not a -2 room!
End Sub
Sub drawGridSq
#gr "color white"
For x = 0 To Cell * MapW Step Cell
#gr "Line ";x;" ";0;" ";x;" ";Cell * MapH
For y = 0 To Cell * MapH Step Cell
#gr "Line ";0;" ";y;" ";Cell * MapW;" ";y
End Sub
Function swept()
For y = 1 To MapH
For x = 1 To MapW
If Room(x, y) = 0 Then Exit Function 'not swept
swept = -1 ' all clean!
End Function
Sub path sx, sy, tx, ty ' start x, y to target x, y
call prepStepMap tx, ty
dist = StepMap(sx, sy)
StepDist = dist 'for global
If dist = 0 Or Room(tx, ty) = -1 Then
StepI = 0
notice "Target: " + Str$(tx) + "," + Str$(ty) + " is bad, fatal error."
call quit H$
End If
Dim StepX(MapW * MapH), StepY(MapW * MapH)
StepI = 0
cx = sx: cy = sy
While dist >= 2
cf = 0
#gr "color darkgreen"
#gr "backcolor darkgreen"
For y = cy - 1 To cy + 1
For x = cx - 1 To cx + 1
If StepMap(x, y) = dist - 1 Then
StepI = StepI + 1
StepX(StepI) = x: StepY(StepI) = y
call fbox (StepX(StepI) - 1) * 30 + 6, (StepY(StepI) - 1) * 30 + 6, StepX(StepI) * 30 - 6, StepY(StepI) * 30 - 6
cf = 1: Exit For
End If
If cf = 1 Then Exit For
If cf = 0 Then 'lost path
Exit Sub
cx = StepX(StepI): cy = StepY(StepI)
dist = dist - 1
End If
call pause 500
End Sub
Sub prepStepMap tx, ty ' ========================================== no more diagonal steps
Dim StepMap(MapW, MapH)
If tx > 0 And tx <= MapW And ty > 0 And ty <= MapH Then
StepMap(tx, ty) = 1: tick = 1: changes = 1
While changes
tick = tick + 1: changes = 0
ystart = max(ty - tick, 1): ystop = min(ty + tick, MapH)
For y = ystart To ystop
xstart = max(tx - tick, 1): xstop = min(tx + tick, MapW)
For x = xstart To xstop
'check out the neighbors
If Room(x, y) >= 0 Then ' places OK to go
' ============================================================= new >>> path finder that won't take diagonal steps
'need to check 4 cells around x, y for parent
If StepMap(x - 1, y) = tick - 1 And StepMap(x, y) = 0 Then
StepMap(x, y) = tick
changes = 1: GoTo [skip]
End If
If StepMap(x + 1, y) = tick - 1 And StepMap(x, y) = 0 Then
StepMap(x, y) = tick
changes = 1: GoTo [skip]
End If
If StepMap(x, y - 1) = tick - 1 And StepMap(x, y) = 0 Then
StepMap(x, y) = tick
changes = 1: GoTo [skip]
End If
If StepMap(x, y + 1) = tick - 1 And StepMap(x, y) = 0 Then
StepMap(x, y) = tick
changes = 1
End If
End If
if swept() then exit sub
Notice "Target: " + Str$(tx) + ", " + Str$(ty) + " is bad, fatal error."
call quit H$
End If
End Sub
sub stext x, y, message$ 'note: have to reset fore or back color after ink
#gr "place ";x;" ";y;";|";message$
end sub
sub fbox x0, y0, x1, y1
#gr "place ";x0;" ";y0
#gr "boxfilled ";x1+1;" ";y1+1
end sub
sub quit H$
close #gr '<=== this needs Global H$ = "gr"
end 'Thanks Facundo, close graphic wo error
end sub
sub pause mil 'tsh version has scan built-in
t0 = time$("ms")
while time$("ms") < t0 + mil : scan : wend
end sub
MapW = 17: MapH = 17 ' min @30 cell is 17, 17 is the smallest room to make where you are sure the vacuum doesn't start in/on furniture (blue colors), the robot vacuum is the yellow square. The occasional green path is the AI finding the next closest empty square to go. The numbers are a count of times the vacuum has passed over that spot.
You can change MapW up to 34 and MapH up to 24 and cover the full screen as shown below: