Post by B+ on May 3, 2018 17:49:28 GMT
I've always wanted to try messing with the parameters / argument list of a procedure with one string parameter that contains all the other info needed to set up a polymorphic procedure. You can call newObject with as many or as few arguments needed using: a Key=Value [,Key=Value] ... format string for Instructions$ parameter AND you don't have to worry about the order that you list them. You could even list them twice as the procedure will only use the last one, Key=Value, you give it.
Boid Watch 2 is an example of this approach with the newObject procedure.
I have now set up Boid Watching so that you can click in obstacles (blue dots) that cause moving objects to do a 180 in direction.
Setup to handle 5 click in obstacles but if you keep clicking they will move around.
Press space bar and click in Predators ( moving obstacles in function but look like red critters).
Setup to handle up to 3 Predators but again if you keep clicking the predators will move to your clicks (they use same index numbers).
Hit spacebar again you toggle back to clicking in obstacles. The click mode is indicated in top right corner.
The critters are the social ones that flock and move as group. They start out as yellow moving left to right and are recycled on left again as green and a radius 1 more than it was up to limit or 20, predators are same they recycle also at a bigger size up to 25.
Lot's to play around with here either on the object creation level or the Boid Watch application:
Boid Watch 2 is an example of this approach with the newObject procedure.
I have now set up Boid Watching so that you can click in obstacles (blue dots) that cause moving objects to do a 180 in direction.
Setup to handle 5 click in obstacles but if you keep clicking they will move around.
Press space bar and click in Predators ( moving obstacles in function but look like red critters).
Setup to handle up to 3 Predators but again if you keep clicking the predators will move to your clicks (they use same index numbers).
Hit spacebar again you toggle back to clicking in obstacles. The click mode is indicated in top right corner.
The critters are the social ones that flock and move as group. They start out as yellow moving left to right and are recycled on left again as green and a radius 1 more than it was up to limit or 20, predators are same they recycle also at a bigger size up to 25.
Lot's to play around with here either on the object creation level or the Boid Watch application:
'Boid Watch 2.txt for JB 2.0 B+ 2018-05-03 post
'mods on Boid Watching,txt for JB 2.0 B+ 2018-04-28
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! extend object paradigm of critters
' make some not moving predator ie obstacles to avoid
' make some moving predators
' make it so we count all the new critters we create (global creatureCnt) up to (global const = maxCreatures)
' make it so we can create new creatures/obstacles/predators from mouse clicks
' make it so we can custom design a new creature by adding a modString to the newCreature creation sub
' types of creatures critter greenish, predator redish, obstacle blueish
'''' Some kind of screwy thing is happening to cause all critters to bunch up top right corner
'''' or just the right side (I have since reversed the bunching).
'''' It shows up the worse it seems when spaceMode is ON = 1 ???
'''' OK I give up and will go with the flow!
'''' I will start objects on left, let them flow across screen and exit stage right...
'''' and be recycled back at stage left... works nice! They will be increased in radius (and thus speed)
'''' with each recycle up to a max radius. New critters start as yellow to see how long they remain.
global xmax, ymax, pi, mx, my, clickObject
xmax = 1200 : ymax = 700 : pi = acs(-1)
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You control the NeighborBoid Here '''''''''''''''''''''''''
'You can click in a Predator (up to 3 for now) or Obstacle (up to 5 for now) anywhere on screen
' Toggle modes between click in Predator or Obstacle with the Spacebar.
' The Mode you are in is reported in Top Left Corner.
' If you continue to Click in a mode beyond maxMouseObstacles (set at 5) or maxPredators (set at 3)
' you will just start relocating the Obstacles or Predators.
''''''''''''''''''''' Boid behavior based on several modes
centerMode = 1 ' on / off
cf = .01 'centering factor how strong a pull from 0 to 1 .01 is week .1 pretty strong!
headMode = 1 ' on / off
sway = pi/6 'just turn neighbor towards neighbor
hf = .2 'heading factor how strong an influence 0 to 1
spaceMode = 1 ' on / off
spacing = 2 + 24 '2 pixels + 2 max boid radius space amount approx
noise = 0 'general randomness added to movements individualism
WindowWidth = xmax + 8
WindowHeight = ymax + 32
UpperLeftX = 100
UpperLeftY = 40
Open "Boid Watching v 2018-05-03 by B+ for JB v2, space bar toggles click mode Obstacle/Predator" For Graphics_nsb_nf As #g
#g "trapclose quit"
#g "setfocus"
#g "when leftButtonUp lButtonUp"
#g "when characterInput charIn"
#g "when mouseMove move"
#g "down"
#g "fill black"
'============ some of these are used in Main code, some just used for reference or calculations in procedures
Global maxBorderObstacles, maxMouseObstacles, maxObstacles, maxCritters, maxPredators, maxMoving, maxObjects
Global borderObstacleCnt, mouseObstacleCnt, critterCnt, predatorCnt, objectCnt '?objectCnt
Global mouseObstacleOffset, critterOffset, predatorOffset 'index offsets, all objects are referred to by index number
'non moving
maxBorderObstacles = 100 'create up to 100 obstacles to pen moving critters into screen view area
maxMouseObstacles = 5 'create obstacles inside pen, these you click in when in Click Obstacle Mode
maxObstacles = maxBorderObstacles + maxMouseObstacles
maxCritters = 30 'move away from obstacles and predators
maxPredators = 3 'move away from obstacles, these you click in where ever when in Click Prey mode
maxMoving = maxCritters + maxPredators
maxObjects = maxObstacles + maxMoving
'count current objects loaded
borderObstacleCnt = 0
mouseObstacleCnt = 0
predatorCnt = 0
critterCnt = 0
objectCnt = 0
'starting indexs to control where certain types of objects are placed in arrays
mouseObstacleOffset = maxBorderObstacles
critterOffset = mouseObstacleOffset + maxMouseObstacles
predatorOffset = critterOffset + maxCritters
'for reference
typeBorderObstacle = 0
typeObstacle = 1
typeCritter = 2
typePredator = 3
'psuedo structure for all objects
dim type(maxObjects) 'see types above
dim x(maxObjects)
dim y(maxObjects)
dim r(maxObjects) 'radius
dim a(maxObjects) 'angle in radians
dim p(maxObjects) 'predator/obstacle mode = 1 when around a predator or obstacle else = 0
dim c$(maxObjects) 'color string predators are redish, critters are yellow to start then green up
'setup border objects
for x = 25 to xmax step 50
call newObject "type=0,c =0 0 255, y=25, r=10, x=";x
call newObject "type=0,c =0 0 255, y=";ymax -25;", r=10, x=";x
'for y = 75 to ymax step 50
' call newObject "type=0,c =0 0 255, x=25, r=10, y=";y
' call newObject "type=0,c =0 0 255, x=";xmax -25;", r=10, y=";y
for i = 1 to maxCritters
'test critter make green coming in from right side
call newObject "c=0 ";rand(250, 255);" 0"
'notice predatorOffset
clickObject = 0 '0 for clicking in a stationary obstacle, 1 for clicking in a moving predator
while 1
#g "discard"
#g "fill black"
#g "color white"
if clickObject then M$ = "Click: prey" else M$ = "Click: obstacle"
#g "place ";10;" ";10;";|";M$
for m = 1 to maxObstacles
if x(m)<>0 and y(m)<>0 then
call drawObject m
end if
'draw the predators
for p = predatorOffset + 1 to predatorOffset + maxPredators
if x(p) <> 0 and y(p) <> 0 then
p(p) = 0 'assume not near predator or obstacle
for o = 1 to 105
if x(o) <> 0 and y(o) <> 0 then
if distance(x(p), y(p), x(o), y(o)) < 2 * (r(i) + r(o)) then
'a(i) = a(i) + sway '* rdir()
a(p) = atan2(y(o) - y(p), x(o) - x(p)) - pi
p(i) = 1
end if
end if
for o = predatorOffset + 1 to predatorOffset + maxPredators
if x(o) <> 0 and y(o) <> 0 and o <> p then
if distance(x(p), y(p), x(o), y(o)) < 2 * (r(i) + r(o)) then
'a(i) = a(i) + sway '* rdir()
a(p) = atan2(y(o) - y(p), x(o) - x(p)) - pi
p(i) = 1
end if
end if
if p(p) then jump = 4 * r(p) else jump = r(p)
x(p) = x(p) + r(p) * cos(a(p))
y(p) = y(p) + r(p) * sin(a(p))
if x(p) < -1 * r(p) or x(p) > xmax + r(p) + 150 or y(p) < -1 * r(p) or y(p) > ymax + r(p) then 'start new
if r(p) < 25 then r(p) = r(p) + 1
call newObject "type=3,i=";p;",c=";c$(p);",r=";r(p)
end if
call drawObject p
end if
for i = critterOffset + 1 to critterOffset + maxCritters 'big show of points and triangle
if a(i) < 0 then a(i) = a(i) + 2 * pi
if a(i) >= 2 * pi then a(i) = a(i) - 2 * pi
for j = i + 1 to critterOffset + maxCritters
if distance(x(i), y(i), x(j), y(j)) < 3 * (r(i) + r(j)) then
'sway the neighbors towards each other
if headMode then
if a(i) > a(j) then
a(i) = a(i) - sway * hf
a(j) = a(j) + sway * hf
a(i) = a(i) + sway * hf
a(j) = a(j) - sway * hf
end if
end if
'stickiness stay close to neighbors, close distance between
if centerMode then
if x(i) > x(j) then
x(i) = x(i) - cf * (x(i) - x(j))
x(j) = x(j) + cf * (x(i) - x(j))
x(i) = x(i) + cf * (x(j) - x(i))
x(j) = x(j) - cf * (x(j) - x(i))
end if
if y(i) > y(j) then
y(i) = y(i) - cf * (y(i) - y(j))
y(j) = y(j) + cf * (y(i) - y(j))
y(i) = y(i) + cf * (y(j) - y(i))
y(j) = y(j) - cf * (y(j) - y(i))
end if
end if
'don't let them bunch up
if spaceMode then
' The following is STATIC's adjustment of ball positions if overlapping
' before calcultion of new positions from collision
' Displacement vector and its magnitude. Thanks STxAxTIC !
nx = x(j) - x(i)
ny = y(j) - y(i)
nm = SQR(nx ^ 2 + ny ^ 2)
IF nm < (r(i) + r(j)) THEN
nx = nx / nm
ny = ny / nm
' Regardless of momentum exchange, separate the balls along the lone connecting them.
WHILE nm < (r(i) + r(j))
x(j) = x(j) + .1 * spacing * nx
y(j) = y(j) + .1 * spacing * ny
x(i) = x(i) - .1 * spacing * nx
y(i) = y(i) - .1 * spacing * ny
nx = x(j) - x(i)
ny = y(j) - y(i)
nm = SQR(nx ^ 2 + ny ^ 2)
nx = nx / nm
ny = ny / nm
end if 'spacer
end if 'space Mode
end if 'distance
'all obstacles are predators as well as predators when close to one do a u-ee
p(i) = 0 'assume not near predator or obstacle
for o = 1 to 105
if x(o) <> 0 and y(o) <> 0 then
if distance(x(i), y(i), x(o), y(o)) < 3 * (r(i) + r(o)) then
'a(i) = a(i) + sway '* rdir()
a(i) = atan2(y(o) - y(i), x(o) - x(i)) - pi
p(i) = 1
end if
end if
for o = predatorOffset + 1 to predatorOffset + predatorCnt
if x(o) <> 0 and y(o) <> 0 then
if distance(x(i), y(i), x(o), y(o)) < 3 * (r(i) + r(o)) then
'a(i) = a(i) + sway '* rdir()
a(i) = atan2(y(o) - y(i), x(o) - x(i)) - pi
p(i) = 1
end if
end if
'IF x(i) < 30 OR x(i) > xmax - 30 OR y(i) > ymax - 30 THEN a(i) = a(i) + sway
'out of sight
if x(i) < -1 * r(i) or x(i) > xmax + r(i) + 150 or y(i) < -1 * r(i) or y(i) > ymax + r(i) then 'start new
'if critterCnt >= maxCritters then critterCnt = 0
if r(i) < 20 then r(i) = r(i) + 1
call newObject "i=";i;",r=";r(i)
end if
'update points
if p(i) then jump = 4 * r(i) else jump = r(i)
x(i) = x(i) + jump * cos(a(i)) + rnd(0) * noise - .5 * noise
y(i) = y(i) + jump * sin(a(i)) + rnd(0) * noise - .5 * noise
call drawObject i
#g "flush"
call pause 150
'---------------- windows setup calls
sub quit H$
close #H$
end sub
sub lButtonUp H$, mx, my 'must have handle and mouse x,y
'drop in an obstacle or a prey
if clickObject then 'prey
if predatorCnt >= maxPredators then predatorCnt = 0
call newObject "type=3, c=";rand(30, 160);" 0 0, r=15, x=";mx;", y=";my
else 'obstacle
if mouseObstacleCnt >= maxMouseObstacles then mouseObstacleCnt = 0
call newObject "type=1, c=0 0 255, r=10, x=";mx;", y=";my
end if
end sub
sub charIn H$, c$
'toggle clicking in an obstacle or a prey
if c$ = " " then
if clickObject then clickObject = 0 else clickObject = 1
end if
end sub
sub move H$, MouseX, MouseY
mx = MouseX
my = MouseY
end sub
'--------------- important subs for this program
sub newObject instructions$ '< psuedo OOP new Object, is Constructer the right term?
'according to it's type we set the objects index, if no type is instructed then try type 1 as default
'read in the parameter arguments instructions$ in form ? "type=1,x=3,r=10... "
wi = 1
while word$(instructions$, wi, ",") <> ""
p$ = trim$(word$(word$(instructions$, wi, ","), 1, "="))
v$ = trim$(word$(word$(instructions$, wi, ","), 2, "="))
select case p$
case "type" : t = val(v$) : tset = 1
case "r" : r = val(v$) : rset = 1
case "x" : x = val(v$) : xset = 1
case "y" : y = val(v$) : yset = 1
case "a" : a = val(v$) : aset = 1
case "c" : c$ = v$ : cset = 1
case "i" : i = val(v$) : iset = 1
end select
wi = wi + 1
'use defaults if no argument is given
if tset = 0 then t = 2 'default critter
if rset = 0 then r = rand(4, 6)
if xset = 0 then x = rand(xmax-r, xmax + 100 + r)
if yset = 0 then y = rand(50, ymax - 50)
if aset = 0 then a = pi/2 + pi * rnd(0)
if cset = 0 then c$ = "0 ";rand(64, 155);" 0"
'assign an index number according to type, if find one the up the index cnt for type
if iset = 0 then
select case t
case 0
if borderObstacleCnt + 1 < maxBorderObstacles then
borderObstacleCnt = borderObstacleCnt + 1
index = borderObstacleCnt
end if
case 1
if mouseObstacleCnt + 1 <= maxMouseObstacles then
mouseObstacleCnt = mouseObstacleCnt + 1
index = mouseObstacleOffset + mouseObstacleCnt
end if
case 2
if critterCnt + 1 <= maxCritters then
critterCnt = critterCnt + 1
index = critterOffset + critterCnt
end if
case 3
if predatorCnt + 1 <= maxPredators then
predatorCnt = predatorCnt + 1
index = predatorOffset + predatorCnt
end if
end select
index = i
end if
if index <> 0 then 'load object values into arrays
type(index) = t
r(index) = r
x(index) = x
y(index) = y
a(index) = a
c$(index) = c$
end if
end sub
sub drawObject i
#g "color ";c$(i)
#g "backcolor ";c$(i)
#g "place ";x(i);" ";y(i);"; circlefilled ";r(i)
if type(i) > 1 then
if p(i) then
x1 = x(i) + .75 * r(i) * cos(a(i) - pi/9 + pi)
y1 = y(i) + .75 * r(i) * sin(a(i) - pi/9 + pi)
x2 = x(i) + .75 * r(i) * cos(a(i) + pi/9 + pi)
y2 = y(i) + .75 * r(i) * sin(a(i) + pi/9 + pi)
x1 = x(i) + .75 * r(i) * cos(a(i) - pi/9)
y1 = y(i) + .75 * r(i) * sin(a(i) - pi/9)
x2 = x(i) + .75 * r(i) * cos(a(i) + pi/9)
y2 = y(i) + .75 * r(i) * sin(a(i) + pi/9)
end if
#g "color white"
#g "backcolor white"
#g "place ";x1;" ";y1;"; circlefilled ";.25 * r(i)
#g "place ";x2;" ";y2;"; circlefilled ";.25 * r(i)
if p(i) then
x3 = x1 + .125 * r(i) * cos(a(i) + pi)
y3 = y1 + .125 * r(i) * sin(a(i) + pi)
x4 = x2 + .125 * r(i) * cos(a(i) + pi)
y4 = y2 + .125 * r(i) * sin(a(i) + pi)
x3 = x1 + .125 * r(i) * cos(a(i))
y3 = y1 + .125 * r(i) * sin(a(i))
x4 = x2 + .125 * r(i) * cos(a(i))
y4 = y2 + .125 * r(i) * sin(a(i))
end if
#g "color black"
#g "backcolor black"
#g "place ";x3;" ";y3;"; circlefilled ";.125 * r(i)
#g "place ";x4;" ";y4;"; circlefilled ";.125 * r(i)
end if
end sub
'----------------- supplementary handy subs
Function atan2(y, x) 'thanks Andy Amaya
'atan2 is a function which determines the angle between points
'x1, y1 and x2, y2. The angle returned is in radians
'The angle returned is always in the range of
'-PI to PI radians (-180 to 180 degrees)
'NOTE the position of Y and X arguments
'This keeps atan2 function same as other language versions
If x = 0 Then
If y < 0 Then
atan2 = -1.5707963267948967
atan2 = 1.5707963267948967
End If
chk = atn(y/x)
If x < 0 Then
If y < 0 Then
chk = chk - 3.1415926535897932
chk = chk + 3.1415926535897932
End If
End If
atan2 = chk
End If
if atan2 < 0 then atan2 = atan2 + 2 * pi
End Function
sub pause mil 'tsh version has scan built-in
t0 = time$("ms")
while time$("ms") < t0 + mil : scan : wend
end sub
function rand(lo, hi)
rand = int((hi - lo + 1) * rnd(0)) + lo
end function
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
distance = ( (x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2) ^ .5
end function
function rdir()
if rnd(0) < .5 then rdir = -1 else rdir = 1
end function