Post by tsh73 on Dec 28, 2021 17:50:01 GMT
Or so I understood. ( Reinventing a wheel is a time-honored procrastination method. Probably I should sit down and understand Dijkstra's or A* algorithm instead. But hey, it works so far. ) Just run it a fiew times. Commented and wrapped to a function for possible reuse, just wait for next "move the balls" game...
'wavefront algorhithm for maze solving. '(?) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_algorithm 'tsh73 Dec 2021 'well, I understood it this way
global numC,numR 'rows and columns numC=9:numR=9 'All arrays are (row, column), from 0 dim c$(numR,numC) 'maze borders (#) dim a(numR,numC) 'for marks dim dirFrom(numR,numC) 'for getting path dim path(10,2) 'the path, to be redimmed as needed dim dx(4), dy(4) DATA 0,1, 1,0, 0,-1, -1,0 for i = 1 to 4 read dx, dy dx(i)=dx:dy(i)=dy next
'make smth for i = 0 to numR-1 for j = 0 to numC-1 if rnd(0)<.3 then c$(i,j)="#" else 'leave empty end if next next
'select start, fin while 1 x=int(rnd(0)*numC) y=int(rnd(0)*numC) if c$(y,x)="" then exit while wend c$(y,x)="S" startJ=x:startI=y
while 1 x=int(rnd(0)*numC) y=int(rnd(0)*numC) if c$(y,x)="" then exit while wend c$(y,x)="F" endJ=x:endI=y
print "The mase" gosub [show]
if pathLen then print "solved it, pathLen=";pathLen print "wavefront" gosub [showA] print "The path, length is ";pathLen redim a(numR,numC) 'clear a() for k = 0 to pathLen '0-th is Start, last is Fin print k, path(k, 1), path(k, 2) a(path(k, 1), path(k, 2))=k next print "Path in a maze " gosub [showA]
else print "No way" gosub [showA] end if
[quit] input "press Enter to quit";dummy$ end
[show] for i = 0 to numR-1 for j = 0 to numC-1 if c$(i,j)="" then print " "; else print " ";c$(i,j); end if next print "|" next print "------------------*" return
[showA] for i = 0 to numR-1 for j = 0 to numC-1 if c$(i,j)="" then print using("##",a(i,j)); else print " ";c$(i,j); end if next print "|" next print "------------------*" return
function waveFront(startI,startJ,endI,endJ) q$=startI;",";startJ;" " 'queue on a string - init 'print "Q_:";q$ redim a(numR,numC) 'should do before new run a(startI,startJ)=1 while 1 if q$="" then exit function 'print "No way": gosub [showA]: goto [quit] 'pop from a queue pos=instr(q$, " ") curr$=left$(q$, pos-1) q$=mid$(q$, pos+1) 'print "Q-:";q$ i=val(word$(curr$,1,",")) j=val(word$(curr$,2,",")) v=a(i,j) 'mark neighbours for d = 1 to 4 ni=i+dy(d):nj=j+dx(d) 'print d, ni, nj', a(ni,nj), c$(ni,nj) if ni>=0 and ni <numR and nj>=0 and nj <numC then 'if c$(ni,nj)="F" then if ni=endI and nj=endJ then a(ni,nj)=v+1 dirFrom(ni,nj)=d found = 1 exit for end if if c$(ni,nj)<>"#" and a(ni,nj)=0 then a(ni,nj)=v+1 dirFrom(ni,nj)=d 'add to queue q$=q$;ni;",";nj;" " 'print "Q+:";q$ end if end if next if found then exit while wend
'next we'll need to get path from S to F... 'construct a path pathLen=a(endI,endJ)-1 redim path(pathLen,2)
j=endJ:i=endI 'print i, j, a(i,j), dirFrom(i,j) path(pathLen, 1)=i 'last is Fin, 0-th is Start path(pathLen, 2)=j for k = 1 to pathLen d=dirFrom(i,j) ni=i-dy(d):nj=j-dx(d) 'going back, hence '-' path(pathLen-k, 1)=ni path(pathLen-k, 2)=nj 'print k, ni, nj, dirFrom(ni,nj), a(ni,nj) if a(ni, nj)=1 then exit for i=ni:j=nj next waveFront=pathLen end function
Post by tsh73 on Feb 27, 2022 19:11:58 GMT
I integrate my path finder into cassiope34 program (set up under button F3) And you know what? Then maze is empty, A* wins - because it knows where to go first BUT on maze that appears on double clicking, with very few paths to try - waveFront wins (as being simpler I guess)!
global STARTX, STARTY, ENDX, ENDY, c, nc, type, dia, show, lo$', lf$, Closed.List$
c = 20 'dimension d'un cotй de case en pixels nc = 31 'nombre de cases sur 1 cotй (c'est un carrй !) ' BackgroundColor$ = cl$ ' ForegroundColor$ = "darkblue"
Dim Path.Open.X(nc*nc) ' Open List Dim Path.Open.Y(nc*nc) Dim Path.Open.ParentX(nc*nc) Dim Path.Open.ParentY(nc*nc) Dim Path.Open.Cost(nc*nc) Dim Path.Open.PCost(nc*nc) Dim Path.Closed.X(nc*nc) ' Closed list Dim Path.Closed.Y(nc*nc) Dim Path.Closed.ParentX(nc*nc) Dim Path.Closed.ParentY(nc*nc) Global Path.Closed, Path.Open ' The number of items in
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' WindowWidth = nc*c + 14 if WindowWidth < 25*20+14 then WindowWidth = 25*20+14 WindowHeight = nc*c + 130 if WindowHeight < 25*20+130 then WindowHeight = 25*20+130
UpperLeftX=(DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/4 UpperLeftY=(DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/4
graphicbox #a.g, 2, 2, nc*c+6, nc*c+6 radiobutton #a.dep, "Start (green)", [start], [nothing], 30, WindowHeight-110, 90, 20 radiobutton #a.arr, "End (red)", [end], [nothing], 30, WindowHeight-80, 90, 20 radiobutton #a.mur, "Wall", [wall], [nothing], 125, WindowHeight-110, 40, 20 radiobutton #a.sol, "Del", [ground], [nothing], 125, WindowHeight-80, 40, 20 checkbox #a.dia, "Diagonal OK", [diagonal], [nodiag], 30, WindowHeight-52, 90, 20 checkbox #a.voir, "Show Work", [look], [noshow], 125, WindowHeight-52, 80, 20 button #a.bt, "F1", [search], UL, 180, WindowHeight-110, 40, 25 button #a.bt, "F2", [search2], UL, 220, WindowHeight-110, 40, 25 button #a.bt, "F3", [search3], UL, 260, WindowHeight-110, 40, 25 button #a.raz, "Reset", raz, UL, 215, WindowHeight-70 button #a.save, "Save", [save], UL, WindowWidth-60, WindowHeight-110 button #a.load, "Load", [load], UL, WindowWidth-60, WindowHeight-70 statictext #a.time, "Time :", 310, WindowHeight-110, 70, 15 statictext #a.ind, "Double-click on board to", 410, WindowHeight-110, 130, 15 statictext #a.case, "Dim...", 310, WindowHeight-90, 70, 15 statictext #a.ind2, "make a random MAZE !", 410, WindowHeight-90, 130, 15 statictext #a.iter, "Iteration :", 310, WindowHeight-70, 130, 15 statictext #a.len, "Path lenght :", 310, WindowHeight-50, 140, 15 'future
open "A* Shorter Path Finding" for dialog as #a ' graphics_nf_nsb as #a #a "trapclose [quit]"
#a.mur "set" 'construction de murs par dйfaut du radiobutton. type = 1 '1=eff 2=mur 3=pion vert 4=pion rouge
STARTX = int(nc/2)+1 'coord. pion vert = point de dйpart STARTY = nc-1 ENDX = int(nc/2)+1 'coord. pion rouge = point d'arrivйe ENDY = 2
dim cas(nc,nc)
#a.g "down" #a.mur "set" type = 2 call board
#a.g "when leftButtonMove LeftButtonClick" #a.g "when leftButtonDown pawns" ' #a.g "when leftButtonDouble random" #a.g "when leftButtonDouble MazeGenerate" #a.g "when characterInput keyb"
[loopHere] #a.g "setfocus" scan goto [loopHere]
[ground] type = 1 ' eff case = 0 wait
[wall] type = 2 ' mur case = 1 wait
[start] type = 3 ' pion Vert wait
[end] type = 4 ' pion Rouge wait
[diagonal] dia = 4 gosub [search] wait
[nodiag] dia = 0 gosub [search] wait
[look] show = 1 gosub [search] wait
[noshow] show = 0 gosub [search] wait
[search] call board call pathfindOK 'handle$ wait
[search2] call board call Path.Find 'handle$ wait
[search3] call board call Path.Wave 'handle$ wait
[save] f$ = date$("mm/dd/yyyy")+time$() filename$ = str$(nc)+"x"+str$(nc)+"_"+mid$(f$,4,2)+mid$(f$,1,2)+mid$(f$,7,4)+"_"+mid$(f$,11,2)+mid$(f$,14,2)+right$(f$,2)+".sav" open filename$ for output as #sv 'sauvegarde la partie #sv, nc #sv, STARTX #sv, STARTY #sv, ENDX #sv, ENDY tabl$ = "" for y = 1 to nc for x = 1 to nc 'car les colonnes seront lu en commenзant par le bas ! tabl$ = tabl$ + str$(cas(x,y)) next next #sv, tabl$ close #sv ' notice "plateau sauvй" wait
[load] filedialog "Charge...", "*.sav", filename$ on error goto [padfich]
open filename$ for input as #tbl line input #tbl, nca$ if val(nca$)<>nc then close #tbl notice nca$+"x"+nca$+" file incompatible..." goto [padfich] end if nc = val(nca$) line input #tbl, stx$ : STARTX = val(stx$) line input #tbl, sty$ : STARTY = val(sty$) line input #tbl, enx$ : ENDX = val(enx$) line input #tbl, eny$ : ENDY = val(eny$) line input #tbl, tabl$ for y = 1 to nc for x = 1 to nc 'car les colonnes seront lu en commenзant par le bas ! cas(x,y) = val(mid$(tabl$,nc*(y-1)+x,1)) next next close #tbl call board call pathfindOK 'handle$ [padfich] wait
sub keyb handle$, key$ notice key$ select case lower$(key$) case "s" notice "board saved" case "r" notice "board restored" end select end sub
sub random handle$, x, y 'gйnйrateur de labyrinthe ! call raz "#a.g" nb = int((nc*nc*30)/100) '30% du nombre total de cases seront des murs...! do x=int(rnd(0)*nc)+1 y=int(rnd(0)*nc)+1 if cas(x,y) = 0 and (x <> STARTX or y <> STARTY) and (x <> ENDX or y <> ENDY) then cas(x,y) = 1 call drawcell x, y, 1 i = i + 1 end if loop until i = nb call pathfindOK 'handle$ end sub
sub MazeGenerate handle$, x, y nRows = 0 nColumns = 0 Dim cell(1,1) Dim cell.state(1,1) Dim mazePath$(1,1) totalCells = 0 visitedCells = 0 currentCell = 0 nextCell = 0 lastCell$ = "" path$ = "" d.X(1) = 0 : d.Y(1) = -1 'up d.X(2) = 1 : d.Y(2) = 0 'right d.X(3) = 0 : d.Y(3) = 1 'down 'il est possible de prйvoir 4 directions suplйmentaires si les diagonales sont admises... d.X(4) = -1 : d.Y(4) = 0 'left
call raz handle$ for y = 1 to nc for x = 1 to nc cas(x,y) = 1 if x mod 2 = 0 and y mod 2 = 0 and x < nc and y < nc then cas(x,y) = 0 call drawcell x, y, cas(x,y) next next nRows = int(nc/2) nColumns = int(nc/2) Redim cell.state(nRows+1,nColumns+1) Redim cell(nRows+1, nColumns+1) For row = 1 to nRows For column = 1 to nColumns cell(row,column) = (100*row + column) * -1 Next Next cell(nRows,1) = Abs(cell(nRows,1)) currentCell = cell(nRows,1) totalCells = nRows*nColumns visitedCells = 1 nextCell = 1
While visitedCells < totalCells nextCell = nextCell(currentCell) select case case nextCell > 0 visitedCells = visitedCells + 1 currentCell = nextCell currentCell$ = currentCell$(currentCell) path$ = path$;"-";currentCell$ case nextCell = 0 path$ = Left$(path$,Len(path$)-7) lastCell$ = Right$(path$,6) currentCell = Val(Left$(lastCell$,3))*100 + Val(Right$(lastCell$,3)) End select Wend
cas(STARTX,STARTY) = 0 cas(ENDX,ENDY) = 0 call board call pathfindOK 'handle$ end sub
Function nextCell(currentCell) nC = 0 nC$ = "" rC = Abs(Int(currentCell/100)) cC = Abs(rC*100 - currentCell) If cell(rC-1,cC) < 0 Then nC = nC + 1 nC$ = nC$;Str$(Abs(cell(rC-1,cC)));" " End If If cell(rC,cC+1) < 0 Then nC = nC + 1 nC$ = nC$;Str$(Abs(cell(rC,cC+1)));" " End If If cell(rC+1,cC) < 0 Then nC = nC + 1 nC$ = nC$;Str$(Abs(cell(rC+1,cC)));" " End If If cell(rC,cC-1) < 0 Then nC = nC + 1 nC$ = nC$;Str$(Abs(cell(rC,cC-1)));" " End If If nC = 0 Then nextCell$ = "" Else rndPath = Int(Rnd(1)*nC)+1 nextCell$ = Word$(nC$, rndPath) End If nextCell = Val(nextCell$) If nextCell = 0 Then path = 0 Else rN = Int(nextCell/100) cN = nextCell - rN*100 If rC - rN = 1 Then path = 1 If cN - cC = 1 Then path = 2 If rN - rC = 1 Then path = 3 If cC - cN = 1 Then path = 4 End If cell(rN,cN) = Abs(cell(rN,cN)) ' call pause 1 Select Case path Case 1 'North cas(cC*2+d.X(path),rC*2+d.Y(path))=0 call drawcell cC*2+d.X(path), rC*2+d.Y(path), 0 ' cell.state(rC,cC) = path Case 2 'East cas(cC*2+d.X(path),rC*2+d.Y(path))=0 call drawcell cC*2+d.X(path), rC*2+d.Y(path), 0 ' cell.state(rC,cC) = path Case 3 'South cas(cC*2+d.X(path),rC*2+d.Y(path))=0 call drawcell cC*2+d.X(path), rC*2+d.Y(path), 0 ' cell.state(rC,cC) = path Case 4 'West cas(cC*2+d.X(path),rC*2+d.Y(path))=0 call drawcell cC*2+d.X(path), rC*2+d.Y(path), 0 ' cell.state(rC,cC) = path End Select End Function
Function currentCell$(currentCell) r = Int(currentCell/100) r$ = Str$(r) While Len(r$) < 3 r$ = "0";r$ Wend cc = currentCell - r*100 c$ = Str$(cc) While Len(c$) < 3 c$ = "0";c$ Wend currentCell$ = r$;c$ End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''FIN Labyrinthe
sub LeftButtonClick handle$, MouseX, MouseY if type = 1 or type = 2 then mx = int(MouseX / c)+1 my = int(MouseY / c)+1 'print mx;" / ";my #a.case, "...... ";mx;" / ";my;" type= ";type if mx>1 and mx<nc and my>1 and my<nc and (mx<>STARTX or my<>STARTY) and (mx<>ENDX or my<>ENDY) then cas(mx,my) = type-1 call drawcell mx, my, cas(mx,my) end if end if end sub
sub pawns handle$, MouseX, MouseY if type = 3 or type = 4 then 'pion Vert=dйpart, rouge=arrivйe nouvX = int((MouseX) / c)+1 nouvY = int((MouseY) / c)+1 call drawpawn type, nouvX, nouvY call board call pathfindOK 'handle$ end if end sub
sub board 'start board nc x nc with edges = 1 and update of cas(x,y) #a.case, "Dim. : ";nc;" x ";nc #a.g "color blue" for i = 0 to nc #a.g "place 1 ";i*c;"; goto ";nc*c;" ";i*c next for i = 0 to nc #a.g "place ";i*c;" 1; goto ";i*c;" ";nc*c next y=1 for i = 1 to nc*nc x=x+1 if x = 1 or x = nc then cas(x,y) = 1 'les bords = 1 if y = 1 or y = nc then cas(x,y) = 1 call drawcell x, y, cas(x,y) if x>nc-1 then x=0 y=y+1 end if next call drawpawn 3, STARTX, STARTY call drawpawn 4, ENDX, ENDY #a.g "Flush" #a.g "Discard" end sub
sub raz handle$ 'reset the board redim cas(nc,nc) y=1 for i = 1 to nc*nc x=x+1 ' cas(x,y) = 0 if x = 1 or x = nc then cas(x,y) = 1 'les bords = 1 if y = 1 or y = nc then cas(x,y) = 1 call drawcell x, y, cas(x,y) if x>nc-1 then x=0 y=y+1 end if next call drawpawn 3, STARTX, STARTY call drawpawn 4, ENDX, ENDY #a.g "Flush" #a.g "Discard" end sub
sub drawpawn p, nx, ny 'mise а jour et positionnement des pions if cas(nx,ny) = 1 then exit sub xx = STARTX 'pion vert yy = STARTY if p = 4 then 'pion rouge xx = ENDX yy = ENDY #a.g "color red; backcolor red" end if #a.g "color white" #a.g "backcolor white" #a.g "place ";(xx-1)*c+2;" ";(yy-1)*c+2 'efface la case sur laquelle il йtait. #a.g "boxfilled ";xx*c-1;" ";yy*c-1 select case p case 3 'pion rouge STARTX = nx 'pion vert STARTY = ny #a.g "color green; backcolor green" 'pion vert case 4 'pion rouge ENDX = nx ENDY = ny #a.g "color red; backcolor red" 'pion rouge end select #a.g "place ";(nx-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(ny-1)*c+(c/2) #a.g "circlefilled 8" end sub
sub drawcell xx, yy, v #a.g "color white" #a.g "backcolor white" if v then #a.g "backcolor blue" #a.g "place ";(xx-1)*c+2;" ";(yy-1)*c+2 #a.g "boxfilled ";xx*c-1;" ";yy*c-1 ' option d'affichage valeur des cases... ' #a.g "color lightgray" ' #a.g "place ";(xx-1)*c+c/3;" ";(yy-1)*c+2*(c/3)+2 ' #a.g "|";v end sub
'************************************ DEBUT de la RECHERCHE du PLUS COURT CHEMIN ***************************************
sub pathfindOK 'handle$
'dim dirX(8) 'dim dirY(8)
dirX(1) = 0 : dirY(1) = -1 'up dirX(2) = 1 : dirY(2) = 0 'right dirX(3) = -1 : dirY(3) = 0 'left dirX(4) = 0 : dirY(4) = 1 'down 'il est possible de prйvoir 4 directions suplйmentaires si les diagonales sont admises... dirX(5) = -1 : dirY(5) = -1 'up,left dirX(6) = 1 : dirY(6) = -1 'up,right dirX(7) = -1 : dirY(7) = 1 'down,left 'les diagonales... dirX(8) = 1 : dirY(8) = 1 'down,right xc = STARTX 'case courante yc = STARTY ppp = 0 'distance pour arriver lа du parent... en l'occurance 0 puisque c'est la case de dйpart !
'format des listes = "_XXYYxxyypppCCC_XXYYxxyypppCCC_XXYYxxyypppCCC_XXYYxxyypppCCC" etc... une case = 15 caractиres. ' XXYY = coord. de la case ' xxyy = coord. de son parent (la case d'oщ elle vient) ' ppp = coыt de ce parent pour venir jusqu'ici dans le chemin. (cpv) ' CCC = coыt de la case = ppp + 1 + distance de la case а l'arrivйe а vol d'oiseau...
' la case son parent ppp son coыt (sur 3 chiffres) lf$ = "_"+right$(str$(100+STARTX),2)+right$(str$(100+STARTY),2)+right$(str$(100+STARTX),2)+right$(str$(100+STARTY),2)'+"000"+right$(str$(1000+cost(cpv,STARTX,STARTY)),3) 'liste fermйe lo$ = "" 'liste ouverte td = time$("ms")
DO 'check all 4 (or 8) available directions for i = 1 to 4 + dia 'ou 8 si les diagonales sont admises... nextX = xc + dirX(i) 'coordonnйe de la case voisine dans la direction i nextY = yc + dirY(i)
if cas(nextX, nextY) = 0 then ' if not a wall ' ccc = cost(ppp,nextX,nextY) 'Calcul du Coыt de cette case voisine. ccc = ppp + abs(ENDY-nextY) + abs(ENDX-nextX) 'Calcul du Coыt de cette case voisine. ct$ = "_"+right$(str$(100+nextX),2)+right$(str$(100+nextY),2) 'case а rechercher...
if nextY = ENDY and nextX = ENDX then 'arrivйe... 'and nextX = ENDX si nйcessitй d'une arrivйe sur ENDX,ENDY prйcisйment. lf$ = lf$ + ct$ +right$(str$(100+xc),2)+right$(str$(100+yc),2)'+right$(str$(1000+ppp),3)+right$(str$(1000+ccc),3) 'liste fermйe success = 1 goto [getout]
else if instr(lf$,ct$) = 0 then 'si la case n'est PAS dans la liste fermйe ...
slo = instr(lo$, ct$) 'on la cherche dans la Liste Ouverte LO$
if slo = 0 then 'si la case n'est pas dans la liste ouverte : on l'y met et c'est tout...
lo$ = lo$ + ct$ +right$(str$(100+xc),2)+right$(str$(100+yc),2)+right$(str$(1000+ppp),3)+right$(str$(1000+ccc),3) 'liste ouverte
if show then #a.g "backcolor darkgray; color darkgray; place ";(nextX-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(nextY-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4"
else 'si elle y est : comparer les 2 coыts cclo = val(mid$(lo$, slo + 12, 3)) ' coыt de cette case dйjа prйsente dans lo$
if ccc < cclo then 'si le coыt actuel est infйrieur а celui de cette case trouvйe dans lo$ : 'mise а jour des donnйes de cette case dans la liste ouverte : " parent ppp et coыt" lt$ = left$(lo$,slo+4) 'partie gauche de lo$ y compris les XXYY de la case а mettre а jour lt$ = lt$ + right$(str$(100+xc),2) + right$(str$(100+yc),2) + right$(str$(1000+ppp),3) + right$(str$(1000+ccc),3) 'mise а jour du parent + cout lo$ = lt$ + right$(lo$,len(lo$)-len(lt$)) ' reconstruction de lo$ end if
end if end if end if end if next i
nclo = len(lo$)/15 'nbre total de cases dans lo$ (liste ouverte) (rappel: 1 case = 15 caractиres)
select case nclo case 0 'si liste ouverte vide = pas de solution... on arrкte. goto [getout]
case 1 's'il n'y a qu'une case dans lo$ alors c'est celle lа qui est sйlectionnйe bien sыr...! ncppc = 1
case else 'localise dans lo$ le n° de la case qui a le plus petit coыt... = ncppc
mc = val(right$(lo$,3)) 'coыt rйfйrence = celui de la DERNIERE case enregistrйe dans lo$ ncppc = nclo for n = nclo to 1 step -1 'puis on remonte case par case dans lo$ en partant de la fin... mc2 = val(mid$(lo$, n*15-2, 3)) 'coыt de la case prйcйdente dans lo$ if mc2 < mc then 'cout infйrieur trouvй... mc = mc2 ncppc = n 'ncppc = localisation (base 15) dans lo$ de la case qui a le plus petit cout. end if next
end select
' maintenant retirer de lo$ la case qui a le plus petit coыt (dйterminйe ci-dessus) ' la mettre dans la liste fermйe. ' en faire la case courante.
lt$ = mid$(lo$,(ncppc-1)*15+1,15) ' la case choisie dans lo$ est mise dans une chaine temporaire.
xc = val(mid$(lt$,2,2)) 'devient la nouvelle case courante, (et donc le nouveau parent...) yc = val(mid$(lt$,4,2)) ppp = val(mid$(lt$,10,3)) + 1 'nouveau coыt pour venir jusqu'ici (dans le chemin)
'print "Liste Ouverte = ";lo$ 'print " Choix =";lt$
lf$ = lf$ + left$(lt$,9) 'ajoutйe а la liste fermйe (constitution du chemin)
'print "Liste Fermйe = ";lf$
'retrait de cette case de lo$ (liste ouverte) : lt$ = left$(lo$,(ncppc-1)*15) 'partie gauche de lo$ avant la case choisie rst = nclo - (len(lt$)/15+1) lo$ = lt$ + right$(lo$,rst*15) 'reconstitution de la Liste Ouverte
'print 'print "Liste Ouverte = ";lo$ 'print 'print
iterations = iterations + 1
LOOP UNTIL success
t = time$("ms") - td #a.time, "Time : "; t; " ms." #a.iter, "len( lo$ ) : ";len(lo$) ' #a.len, "Path lenght : --"
'pathLenght = val(right$(lf$,3)) + 1 'dernier coыt de la derniиre case enregistrйe dans la liste fermйe lf$ pathLenght = (len(lf$)/9)-2 if success then ' call showpath
'print 'print "Shortest path found in "; iterations; " iterations." 'print "Longueur du chemin "; pathLenght; " cases - Trouvй en "; t; " ms." 'print
'variante plus propre de lecture de lf$ de Joseph... l = 0 #a.g "down; size 1; backcolor red; color red" i = instr(lf$,"_"+right$(str$(100+nextX),2)+right$(str$(100+nextY),2)) while i > 1 x = val(mid$(lf$,i+5,2)) y = val(mid$(lf$,i+7,2)) #a.g "place ";(x-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(y-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" l = l + 1 i = instr(lf$,"_"+right$(str$(100+x),2)+right$(str$(100+y),2)) Wend #a.len, "Path lenght : ";l #a.g "backcolor white" #a.g "Flush" #a.g "Discard" else #a.len, "Path lenght : impossible. (";pathLenght;")" end if
end sub
function cost(cp,vx,vy) 'cout du parent pour venir par le chemin + distance de vy а ENDY. cost = cp + abs(ENDY-vy) + abs(ENDX-vx) 'distance entre vy et ENDY (l'arrivйe) end function
sub showpath ' en partant de l'arrivйe ... c.а.d. la derniиre case de la liste fermйe.
#a.g "down; size 1; backcolor red; color red"
n = len(lf$)/9 x = val(mid$(lf$,(n-1)*9+2,2)) 'x,y de la derniиre case de la liste fermйe y = val(mid$(lf$,(n-1)*9+4,2)) #a.g "place ";(x-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(y-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" do x = val(mid$(lf$,(n-1)*9+6,2)) 'x,y du parent prйcйdent dans la liste fermйe y = val(mid$(lf$,(n-1)*9+8,2)) #a.g "place ";(x-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(y-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" 'possible de constituer la chaine du chemin en enregistrant ici les x,y ' n$ = "_"+right$(str$(100+x),2)+right$(str$(100+y),2) 'recherche la "case" = au "parent" en remontant dans la liste fermйe n$ = "_"+mid$(lf$,(n-1)*9+6,4) 'recherche la "case" = au "parent" en remontant dans la liste fermйe n = ((instr(lf$,n$)-1)/9)+1 l = l + 1 ' x = val(mid$(lf$,(n-1)*15+2,2)) ' y = val(mid$(lf$,(n-1)*15+4,2)) ' #a.g "place ";(x-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(y-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" loop until n < 3 #a.len, "Path lenght : ";l - 1 #a.g "backcolor white" #a.g "Flush" #a.g "Discard" end sub
'************************************************ FIN Recherche *********************************************
function rept$(c$,n) 'rйpйtition d'un caractиre dans un chaine. for i = 1 to n rept$ = rept$ + c$ next end function
sub pause temp t=time$("ms") t2=t while t2<t+temp t2=time$("ms") wend end sub
''''''''''''''''''''Version de Joseph''''''''''''''''''''''''''
sub Path.Find 'handle$ ' Returns 0 (false) if a path was not found.
' Otherwise the answer is the number of coordinates in answer$ ' To get to the location. ' The coordinates placed in answer$ are like this: ' XX_YY XX_YY ... and so on.
' So you could get them by: ' cord1$ = Word$(answer$,1) ' cord1x = Val(Word$(cord1$,1,"_")) ' cord1y = Val(Word$(cord1$,2,"_"))
'Dim Dir.X(4) 'Dim Dir.Y(4)
Dir.X(1) = 0 : Dir.Y(1) = -1 ' Up Dir.X(2) = 1 : Dir.Y(2) = 0 ' Right Dir.X(3) = -1 : Dir.Y(3) = 0 ' Left Dir.X(4) = 0 : Dir.Y(4) = 1 ' Down Dir.X(5) = -1 : Dir.Y(5) = -1 'up,left Dir.X(6) = 1 : Dir.Y(6) = -1 'up,right Dir.X(7) = -1 : Dir.Y(7) = 1 'down,left 'les diagonales... Dir.X(8) = 1 : Dir.Y(8) = 1 'down,right
' Start at the start location. x = STARTX : y = STARTY ' Closed.List$ = "" Path.Open = 0 Path.Closed = 0 ' success = 0 ' i = 0 td = time$("ms") ppp = 0
' Put the starting location on the closed list: ' Call Path.ClosedPush STARTX, STARTY,0,0 Closed.List$ = Closed.List$ + "_"+right$(str$(100+STARTX),2)+right$(str$(100+STARTY),2)+right$(str$(100+0),2)+right$(str$(100+0),2)
For i = 1 To 4 + dia ' Check all the directions:
nextX = x + Dir.X(i) nextY = y + Dir.Y(i)
If cas(nextX,nextY) = 0 Then ' Square is open...so...
' Calculate the cost of the neighboring square: cost = ppp + Abs(ENDX - nextX) + Abs(ENDY - nextY)
If nextX = ENDX And nextY = ENDY Then ' Arrived at destination Closed.List$ = Closed.List$+"_"+right$(str$(100+nextX),2)+right$(str$(100+nextY),2)+right$(str$(100+x),2)+right$(str$(100+y),2) success = 1 GoTo [GetOut] Else ' Haven't arrived at our destination: 'If Not(Path.IsClosed(nextX, nextY)) Then If instr(Closed.List$,"_"+right$(str$(100+nextX),2)+right$(str$(100+nextY),2))=0 Then ' Current square isn't on the closed list isOpen = Path.IsOpen(nextX,nextY) ' If the box is in the open list, this is the array index to the box's values. If Not(isOpen) Then ' Path isn't on the open list, so we push it in there Call Path.OpenPush nextX,nextY,x,y,cost,ppp ' (x,y) is the parent location for the new open list item: (nextX,nextY) if show then #a.g "backcolor darkgray; color darkgray; place ";(nextX-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(nextY-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" Else ' Path is on the open list, so we compare costs. If cost < Path.Open.Cost(isOpen) Then ' Current cost is below the cost of that box in the open list. ' So we update the parent and the cost? Path.Open.ParentX(isOpen) = x Path.Open.ParentY(isOpen) = y Path.Open.PCost(isOpen) = ppp Path.Open.Cost(isOpen) = cost End If End If End If End If End If Next i
Select Case Path.Open ' The number of cells in the open list... Case 0 ' Nothing left... GoTo [GetOut] Case 1 ' The only one left? Then of course we'll take it! selectedBox = 1 Case Else ' Locate the box that has the lowest value in the open list. ' Last box put on the list to reference against: lastCost = Path.Open.Cost(Path.Open) selectedBox = Path.Open ' ----------------------------------------------- ' For n = Path.Open To 1 Step -1 ' Look for it going backwards... referenceCost = Path.Open.Cost(n) If referenceCost < lastCost Then lastCost = referenceCost selectedBox = n ' Location of the box with the smallest cost. End If Next n End Select
' Now let's take the box with the smallest cost and put it in the closed list.
' Becomes the new cell...and the new parent of other cells. oldX = x : oldY = y x = Path.Open.X(selectedBox) y = Path.Open.Y(selectedBox)
ppp = Path.Open.PCost(selectedBox) + 1
Closed.List$ = Closed.List$ + "_"+right$(str$(100+x),2)+right$(str$(100+y),2)+right$(str$(100+Path.Open.ParentX(selectedBox)),2)+right$(str$(100+Path.Open.ParentY(selectedBox)),2) ' print len(Closed.List$) ' Call Path.ClosedPush x,y,Path.Open.ParentX(selectedBox),Path.Open.ParentY(selectedBox) ' Add it to the closed list Call Path.OpenRemove selectedBox ' Remove it from the open list
Loop Until success
[GetOut] t = time$("ms") - td #a.time, "Time : "; t; " ms." #a.iter, "len( CList$ ) : ";len(Closed.List$)
If success Then ' l = 0 #a.g "size 1; backcolor red; color red" i = instr(Closed.List$,"_"+right$(str$(100+nextX),2)+right$(str$(100+nextY),2)) while i > 1 x = val(mid$(Closed.List$,i+5,2)) y = val(mid$(Closed.List$,i+7,2)) #a.g "place ";(x-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(y-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" l = l + 1 i = instr(Closed.List$,"_"+right$(str$(100+x),2)+right$(str$(100+y),2)) Wend #a.len, "Path lenght : ";l #a.g "backcolor white" #a.g "Flush" #a.g "Discard" else #a.len, "Path lenght : impossible... " End If End Sub
Function Path.IsClosed(x,y) ' Returns a number greater than 0 if the box (x,y) is on the closed list. ' This number is the array index of the item on the closed list. For i = 1 To Path.Closed If Path.Closed.X(i) = x And Path.Closed.Y(i) = y Then Path.IsClosed = i Exit Function End If Next i End Function
Sub Path.ClosedPush x,y,parentX,parentY ' Push the square (x,y) onto the closed list. Path.Closed = Path.Closed + 1 Path.Closed.X(Path.Closed) = x Path.Closed.Y(Path.Closed) = y Path.Closed.ParentX(Path.Closed) = parentX Path.Closed.ParentY(Path.Closed) = parentY End Sub
Sub Path.OpenPush x,y,parentX,parentY,cost,ppp ' Pushes the square (x,y) with the (parentX,parentY) and (cost) ' onto the open list. Path.Open = Path.Open + 1 Path.Open.X(Path.Open) = x Path.Open.Y(Path.Open) = y Path.Open.Cost(Path.Open) = cost Path.Open.ParentX(Path.Open) = parentX Path.Open.ParentY(Path.Open) = parentY Path.Open.PCost(Path.Open) = ppp End Sub
Sub Path.OpenRemove index ' Removes the item with the index 'index' from the open list. If index = 0 Then Exit Sub For i = index+1 To Path.Open b = i - 1 Path.Open.X(b) = Path.Open.X(i) Path.Open.Y(b) = Path.Open.Y(i) Path.Open.ParentX(b) = Path.Open.ParentX(i) Path.Open.ParentY(b) = Path.Open.ParentY(i) Path.Open.Cost(b) = Path.Open.Cost(i) Path.Open.PCost(b) = Path.Open.PCost(i) Next i o = Path.Open Path.Open.X(o) = 0 : Path.Open.Y(o) = 0 : Path.Open.ParentX(o) = 0 Path.Open.ParentY(o) = 0 : Path.Open.Cost(o) = 0 : Path.Open.PCost(o) = 0 Path.Open = Path.Open - 1 End Sub
Function Path.IsOpen(x,y) ' Returns a number greater than 0 if the box (x,y) is on the open list. ' This number is the array index of the item on the open list. For i = 1 To Path.Open If Path.Open.X(i) = x And Path.Open.Y(i) = y Then Path.IsOpen = i Exit Function End If Next i End Function
[quit] close #a end
'====================================================== global numC,numR 'rows and columns sub Path.Wave numC=nc+1 numR=nc+1 'all arrays are roe, column that is y,x. 0-based. dim c$(numR,numC) 'maze borders (#) dim a(numR,numC) 'for marks dim dirFrom(numR,numC) 'for getting path dim path(10,2) 'the path, to be redimmed as needed dim dx(8), dy(8) dirs$= "0,1, 1,0, 0,-1, -1,0, -1,-1, 1,-1, -1,1, 1,1 " for i = 1 to 8 'read dx, dy dx=val(word$(dirs$,i*2-1, ",")) dy=val(word$(dirs$,i*2, ",")) dx(i)=dx:dy(i)=dy next for i = 0 to numR-1 'y for j = 0 to numC-1 'x if cas(j, i) <> 0 then c$(i,j)="#" next next td = time$("ms") pathLen=waveFront(STARTY,STARTX, ENDY,ENDX) t = time$("ms") - td #a.time, "Time : "; t; " ms." #a.iter, "len( CList$ ) : ";pathLen if pathLen then #a.g "size 1; backcolor red; color red" for k = 1 to pathLen-1 '0-th is Start, last is Fin 'print k, path(k, 1), path(k, 2) y = path(k, 1) x = path(k, 2) #a.g "place ";(x-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(y-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" next #a.len, "Path lenght : ";pathLen #a.g "backcolor white" #a.g "Flush" #a.g "Discard" else #a.len, "Path lenght : impossible... " End If
end sub
function waveFront(startI,startJ,endI,endJ) q$=startI;",";startJ;" " 'queue on a string - init 'print "Q_:";q$ redim a(numR,numC) 'should do before new run a(startI,startJ)=1 while 1 if q$="" then exit function 'print "No way": gosub [showA]: goto [quit] 'pop from a queue pos=instr(q$, " ") curr$=left$(q$, pos-1) q$=mid$(q$, pos+1) 'print "Q-:";q$ i=val(word$(curr$,1,",")) j=val(word$(curr$,2,",")) v=a(i,j) 'mark neighbours for d = 1 to 4+ dia ni=i+dy(d):nj=j+dx(d) 'print d, ni, nj', a(ni,nj), c$(ni,nj) if ni>=0 and ni <numR and nj>=0 and nj <numC then 'if c$(ni,nj)="F" then if ni=endI and nj=endJ then a(ni,nj)=v+1 dirFrom(ni,nj)=d found = 1 exit for end if if c$(ni,nj)<>"#" and a(ni,nj)=0 then a(ni,nj)=v+1 dirFrom(ni,nj)=d 'add to queue q$=q$;ni;",";nj;" " if show then #a.g "backcolor darkgray; color darkgray; place ";(nj-1)*c+(c/2);" ";(ni-1)*c+(c/2);"; circlefilled 4" 'print "Q+:";q$ end if end if next if found then exit while wend
'next we'll need to get path from S to F... 'construct a path pathLen=a(endI,endJ)-1 redim path(pathLen,2)
j=endJ:i=endI 'print i, j, a(i,j), dirFrom(i,j) path(pathLen, 1)=i 'last is Fin, 0-th is Start path(pathLen, 2)=j for k = 1 to pathLen d=dirFrom(i,j) ni=i-dy(d):nj=j-dx(d) 'going back, hence '-' path(pathLen-k, 1)=ni path(pathLen-k, 2)=nj 'print k, ni, nj, dirFrom(ni,nj), a(ni,nj) if a(ni, nj)=1 then exit for i=ni:j=nj next waveFront=pathLen end function