Post by tsh73 on Nov 15, 2021 11:03:17 GMT
Inspired by this RC task rosettacode.org/wiki/Abelian_sandpile_modelThoght really I can't made sence out of it :( Apparently numbers there is NOT sand level, because it is set never be more then 4. So wht is it then? So I just drop a sandpiece at 0,0 and see if it towers over one of four neighbours over one unit height. If it does it falls that way (if several ways, it falls randomly) So pile is steadily grows. I visualise it as it go (only top level particles, not whole pile undeneath) in isometric or dimetric projection (two lines in inmost loop, uncomment any two of them). The problem is, it looks pretty rational, stright and pretty boring. (and I tried turn off that "it falls randomly" bit - no visible difference) Any suggestions? 'todo a sandpile 'isometric 'then sand makes 2-pile it falls to random empty side 'probably start with a top view '01 - setup colors '02 - make square field (btw, may be do not show level 0?) '03 - switch to isometry or dimetry ( dimetry is easier, start with it) '04 - add sand drops
'for i = -3 to 3 'print i, ifPos(i) 'next 'end
global w2, w w2=11 w=2*w2 maxCol=10 dim e(w,w) 'sand level dim dx(4):dx(1)=1:dx(2)=-1:dx(3)=0:dx(4)=0 dim dy(4):dy(1)=0:dy(2)= 0:dy(3)=1:dy(4)=-1
'nomainwin open "test" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr "trapclose [quit]" #gr "down" #gr "fill white; flush" #gr "home; posxy cx cy"
pi=acs(-1) sq32=sqr(3)/2 sz=7 #gr "size ";sz #gr "size ";sz-2
goto [skeepDrawSpeedTest] goto [skipColors] #gr "size 5" h=0.02 'for x = 0 to 1 step h 'red to red 'for x = 0 to 2/3 step h 'RED TO BLUE for x = 0 to 1 step h 'now blue to red '0->2/3, 1->0 c=(1-x)*2/3 #gr "color ";rainbow$(c) dy=0: if x mod (1/6) <h then dy = 5 #gr "set ";x*100*2+50;" ";cy+dy next
[skipColors] [fill] s=0 for i = 0-w2 to w2 for j= 0-w2 to w2 'e(i+w2,j+w2)=int(maxCol*rnd(0))+1 'e(i+w2,j+w2)=int((1-(abs(i)+abs(j))/w)*maxCol) 'e(i+w2,j+w2)=(abs(i)+abs(j)) 'e(i+w2,j+w2)=int(cos((abs(i)+abs(j))/w/2*pi)*maxCol) 'e(i+w2,j+w2)=int(sqr(abs(1-(i/w2)^2-(j/w2)^2))*maxCol) 'e(i+w2,j+w2)=int(sqr(ifPos(1-(i/w2)^2-(j/w2)^2))*maxCol) e(i+w2,j+w2)=int((ifPos(1-(i/w2)^2-(j/w2)^2))*maxCol) s=s+e(i+w2,j+w2) print using("##",e(i+w2,j+w2)); next print next print "Pt num: ";s
t0=time$("ms") N=10 for ii = 1 to N gosub [draw] next t1=time$("ms") print "frames per sec", N/(t1-t0)*1000 print "ms per frame", (t1-t0)/N
[skeepDrawSpeedTest] t0=time$("ms") N=1000 while 1 frame=frame+1 'i=int(rnd(0)*w) 'j=int(rnd(0)*w) 'e(i,j)=e(i,j)+1 call add w2,w2 gosub[draw] if frame>=N then exit while wend t1=time$("ms")
s=0 for i = 0-w2 to w2 for j= 0-w2 to w2 print using("##",e(i+w2,j+w2)); next print next
print "frames per sec", N/(t1-t0)*1000 print "ms per frame", (t1-t0)/N
#gr "flush" wait
sub add i,j 'recursive 'w w2 global for d = 1 to 4'direction 'valid? if i+dx(d)>=0 and i+dx(d)<=w and j+dy(d)>=0 and j+dy(d)<=w then 'diff>1? if e(i,j)-e(i+dx(d),j+dy(d))>0 then dirs$=dirs$;d end if next
if len(dirs$)=0 then e(i,j)=e(i,j)+1: exit sub 'no way to spill randN=int(rnd(0)*len(dirs$)+1) 'randN=1 'always first d=val(mid$(dirs$,randN,1)) call add i+dx(d),j+dy(d) 'recursive end sub
[draw] #gr "cls" #gr "place 10 30" #gr "\";frame for i = 0-w2 to w2 SCAN for j= 0-w2 to w2 c=(1-e(i+w2,j+w2)/maxCol)*2/3 if c<>lastC then 'extra frame per sec #gr "color ";rainbow$(c) lastC=c end if x=j y=i z=e(i+w2,j+w2) 'print using("##",e(i+w2,j+w2)); 'dimetry xx=cx+sz*(x+y/sqr(2)) yy=cy+sz*(0-z+y/sqr(2)) 'izometry 'xx=cx+sz*(x/sq32-y/sq32) 'yy=cy+sz*(0-z+y/sq32/2+x/sq32/2) #gr "set ";int(xx);" ";int(yy) next 'print next return
[quit] timer 0 close #gr end
function ifPos(x) ifPos=x*(x>0) end function '--------------------------------------------- ' 0..1 into red-green-blue-red continuous colors function rainbow$(x) hi = int((x*6) mod 6)+ 5*(x<0) 'fixed to 0..5 f = (x*6) mod 1 + (x<0) 'frac, 0..1 q = (1-f) select case hi case 0 r = 1: g = f: b = 0 case 1 r = q: g = 1: b = 0 case 2 r = 0: g = 1: b = f case 3 r = 0: g = q: b = 1 case 4 r = f: g = 0: b = 1 case 5 r = 1: g = 0: b = q end select R = int(r*255) G = int(g*255) B = int(b*255) rainbow$= R;" ";G;" ";B end function
Post by tsh73 on Nov 17, 2021 21:48:50 GMT
a bit unfinished (I really should calculate height of piramid from N and set maxCol, may be some over stuff)
You can pause things - reset controls - hit Redraw
Redraw button does better recizing (of 2d/3d), but you can switch 2d/3d/etc on the go. It really looks better with 2d :( and probably smaller half-size value. Sand trail is a path of last sand particle - or marks where Abelian sand avalanches Rundom jump refers to condition where particle could go several ways. It either goes at random one, or in order (does not used for Abelian sand) Top level only works in 3d view - shows only top of pile (vs. each particle from bottom. Significally slows down).
Things that do not work without starting anew are * field size (half-width) - because center on screen is 0,0 but in array it is (half_width, half_width) * N (it just does not get read after start, so as for now you cannot add another 300 sandparticles) * switching Abelian on/off (it does technically work, it just does not make any sence)
' Sandpile (Abelian too) ' tsh73 Nov 2021
nomainwin global w2, w global cx, cy, sz global isShowGrid, isTopLev, isRandJump global isShowTrail, trail$ global isDimetry, is2d, isAbelian
WindowWidth = 608 WindowHeight = 625
UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)
texteditor #main.log, 374, 361, 216, 185 graphicbox #main.gr, 5, 5, 350, 350 button #main.btnStart, "Start Anew", [StartClick], UL, 366, 11, 122, 25 button #main.btnPause, "Pause/Cont", [PauseClick], UL, 366, 46, 122, 25 statictext #main.statictext5, "N", 366, 86, 25, 20 textbox #main.txtN, 406, 76, 64, 25 statictext #main.statictext7, "curr", 366, 111, 40, 20 textbox #main.txtCurr, 406, 106, 64, 25 radiobutton #main.rb2d, "2d", [2dSet], [dummy], 366, 216, 40, 20 radiobutton #main.rb3d, "3d", [3dSet], [dummy], 366, 241, 40, 20 groupbox #main.groupbox12, "3d projection", 414, 241, 152, 100 radiobutton #main.rbDimetry, "Dimetric", [dimetrySet], [dummy], 430, 261, 80, 20 radiobutton #main.rbIsomery, "Isometric", [isometrySet], [dummy], 430, 281, 88, 20 checkbox #main.chkAbelian, "Abelian sand", [abelianSet], [abelianReset], 366, 136, 112, 20 checkbox #main.chkTopLev, "Top level only ", [topLevSet], [topLevReset], 430, 306, 136, 20 statictext #main.statictext18, "Log", 366, 336, 144, 20 checkbox #main.chkTrail, "Sand trail", [trailSet], [trailReset], 366, 161, 96, 20 checkbox #main.chkGrid, "Floor grid", [gridSet], [gridReset], 366, 186, 96, 20 statictext #main.statictext21, "half size", 510, 81, 64, 20 textbox #main.txtW2, 510, 106, 64, 25 button #main.btnRedraw, "Redraw", [RedrawClick], UL, 494, 46, 88, 25 checkbox #main.chkRand, "Random jump", [randSet], [randReset], 462, 161, 120, 20 menu #main, "Edit" '<--- Texteditor Menu can be moved but not removed.
open "Sandpile" for window as #main print #main.gr,"down; fill white; flush" #main.gr "home; posxy cx cy" print #main, "trapclose [quit.main]"
print #main, "font ms_sans_serif 10" #main.txtCurr "!disable" gosub [init]
[quit.main] Close #main END
'chkBoxes/radioButtons ==========
[2dSet] is2d=1 wait
[3dSet] is2d=0 wait
[dimetrySet] isDimetry=1 wait
[isometrySet] isDimetry=0 wait
[abelianSet] isAbelian=1 wait
[abelianReset] isAbelian=0 wait
[gridSet] isShowGrid=1 wait
[gridReset] isShowGrid=0 wait
[trailSet] isShowTrail=1 wait
[trailReset] isShowTrail=0 wait
[randSet] isRandJump=1 wait
[randReset] isRandJump=0 wait [topLevSet] isTopLev=1 wait
[topLevReset] isTopLev=0 wait [dummy] 'non-used radio reset handler wait
'buttons ===================== [RedrawClick] gosub [initCalc] gosub [doDraw] wait [StartClick] doWork=1 doPause=0 frame=0 #main.txtCurr frame #main.log "started ";time$() gosub [initCalc] redim e(w,w) 'clear goto [doFrame] 'will call itself with a timer wait
[PauseClick] if doPause then doPause=0 #main.log "continued ";time$() goto [doFrame] else if doWork=1 then doPause=1 #main.log "paused ";time$() end if end if wait 'returnable SUBs ====================== [init] w2=11 #main.txtW2 w2 w=2*w2 N=300 #main.txtN N is2d=1 #main.rb2d iif$(is2d,"set","reset") #main.rb3d iif$(not(is2d),"set","reset") isDimetry=1 #main.rbDimetry iif$(isDimetry,"set","reset") #main.rbIsomery iif$(not(isDimetry),"set","reset") isShowGrid=1 #main.chkGrid iif$(isShowGrid,"set","reset") isTopLev=1 #main.chkTopLev iif$(isTopLev,"set","reset")
isAbelian=0 #main.chkAbelian iif$(isAbelian,"set","reset") isShowTrail=1 #main.chkTrail iif$(isShowTrail,"set","reset") isRandJump=1 #main.chkRand iif$(isRandJump,"set","reset") if isAbelian then maxCol=3 else maxCol=10 'should be counted from N end if
dim e(w,w) 'sand level 'directions array dim dx(4):dx(1)=1:dx(2)= 0:dx(3)=-1:dx(4)=0 dim dy(4):dy(1)=0:dy(2)= 1:dy(3)= 0:dy(4)=-1 return
[initCalc] #main.txtN "!contents? N" #main.txtW2 "!contents? w2" w=2*w2
if is2d then 'fill the place sz=int(2*cx/(w+2)) ptSize=sz-2 else if isDimetry then 'trial and error factor sz=int(2*cx/(w+2)/1.5) ptSize=sz-4 else sz=int(2*cx/(w+2)/2) ptSize=sz end if end if return
[doDraw] #main.gr "cls" if isShowGrid then #main.gr "size 1; color black" z=0 for i = 0-w2 to w2 ' x=j y=i xx1=sx(0-w2,y,z) yy1=sy(0-w2,y,z) xx2=sx(w2,y,z) yy2=sy(w2,y,z) #main.gr "line ";xx1;" ";yy1;" ";xx2;" ";yy2 next
for j= 0-w2 to w2 x=j 'y=i xx1=sx(x,0-w2,z) yy1=sy(x,0-w2,z) xx2=sx(x,w2,z) yy2=sy(x,w2,z) #main.gr "line ";xx1;" ";yy1;" ";xx2;" ";yy2 next end if #main.gr "size ";ptSize for i = 0-w2 to w2 'SCAN for j= 0-w2 to w2 x=j y=i zz=e(i+w2,j+w2) if zz then 'and we skip 0 if isTopLev or is2d then minZZ=zz else minZZ=1 for z = minZZ to zz 'print using("##",e(i+w2,j+w2)); c=(1-(z-1)/maxCol)*2/3 #main.gr "color ";rainbow$(c) xx=sx(x,y,z) yy=sy(x,y,z) #main.gr "set ";xx;" ";yy next end if next 'print next return
' timer sub ========================== [doFrame] timer 0 'just for a case frame=frame+1 #main.txtCurr frame if frame>=N then doWork=0 #main.log "finished ";time$() wait end if trail$="color red" if isAbelian then call AbelianAdd w2,w2 else call Add w2,w2 end if gosub [doDraw] if isShowTrail then #main.gr trail$ if doWork and not(doPause) then timer 150, [doFrame] 'recursively calls itself wait ' Specific subs/functions ==================== '------------------------------------------------ sub Add i,j 'recursive 'w w2 global 'stores trail as graphic commands in global trail$ x=j-w2 y=i-w2 z=e(i,j)+1 xx=sx(x,y,z) yy=sy(x,y,z) trail$=trail$;";set ";int(xx);" ";int(yy)
'print i,j,x,y,cx,cy,sz,xx,yy
for d = 1 to 4'direction 'valid? if i+dx(d)>=0 and i+dx(d)<=w and j+dy(d)>=0 and j+dy(d)<=w then 'diff>1? if e(i,j)-e(i+dx(d),j+dy(d))>0 then dirs$=dirs$;d end if next
if len(dirs$)=0 then e(i,j)=e(i,j)+1: exit sub 'no way to spill 'actually it should fall off borders - not realised if isRandJump then randN=int(rnd(0)*len(dirs$)+1) else randN=1 'always first end if d=val(mid$(dirs$,randN,1)) call Add i+dx(d),j+dy(d) 'recursive end sub
sub AbelianAdd i,j 'recursive 'w w2 global e(i,j)=e(i,j)+1 if e(i,j)<4 then exit sub x=j-w2 y=i-w2 z=e(i,j)+1 xx=sx(x,y,z) yy=sy(x,y,z) trail$=trail$;";set ";int(xx);" ";int(yy)
'print i,j,x,y,cx,cy,sz,xx,yy
e(i,j)=e(i,j)-4 for d = 1 to 4'direction 'valid? if i+dx(d)>=0 and i+dx(d)<=w and j+dy(d)>=0 and j+dy(d)<=w then call AbelianAdd i+dx(d),j+dy(d) 'recursive end if next end sub
'3d to screen '--------------------------------- function sx(x,y,z) 'screen x if is2d then sx=int(cx+sz*x):exit function if isDimetry then sx=int(cx+sz*(x+y/sqr(2))) else sx=int(cx+sz*((x+y)/sqr(3)*2)) end if end function
function sy(x,y,z) 'screen y if is2d then sy=int(cx+sz*y):exit function if isDimetry then sy=int(cy+sz*(0-z+y/sqr(2))) else sy=int(cy+sz*(0-z+(y-x)/sqr(3))) end if end function
' General subs/functions ==================== '------------------------------------------------ function iif(test, valYes, valNo) iif = valNo if test then iif = valYes end function
function iif$(test, valYes$, valNo$) iif$ = valNo$ if test then iif$ = valYes$ end function
'--------------------------------------------- ' 0..1 into red-green-blue-red continuous colors function rainbow$(x) hi = int((x*6) mod 6)+ 5*(x<0) 'fixed to 0..5 f = (x*6) mod 1 + (x<0) 'frac, 0..1 q = (1-f) select case hi case 0 r = 1: g = f: b = 0 case 1 r = q: g = 1: b = 0 case 2 r = 0: g = 1: b = f case 3 r = 0: g = q: b = 1 case 4 r = f: g = 0: b = 1 case 5 r = 1: g = 0: b = q end select R = int(r*255) G = int(g*255) B = int(b*255) rainbow$= R;" ";G;" ";B end function
Post by tsh73 on Nov 20, 2021 19:06:55 GMT
Ok I get it to some finished point ("no bugs I am aware of", "no ideas as of how make better") It's a toy - go ahead and play with it If you set No Draw it will calculate fast but after finishing it will draw final picture. (if you push Redraw you will get instant snapshot) If you want add more, increase N and press Pause/Cont To change picture while in finished/paused mode, change parameters and hit Redraw. Checkboxes under groupbox radiobuttons relate only to one corresponding selection Abelian sand mode works recursively, then I set number of points N more then 2000, it died with out of memory. ' Sandpile (Abelian too) ' tsh73 Nov 2021 ' v.1.1
nomainwin global w2, w global cx, cy, sz global isAbelian global isShowGrid, nxtDraw global isShowTrail, trail$ global is2d, isDimetry global isTopLev 'only 3d global isRandJump, isSpill 'non-Abelian
WindowWidth = 608 WindowHeight = 650
UpperLeftX=int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY=int((DisplayHeight-WindowHeight)/2)
graphicbox #main.gr, 5, 5, 350, 350 statictext #main.statictext18, "Log", 5, 355, 144, 20 texteditor #main.log, 5, 380, 350, 190
button #main.btnStart, "Start Anew", [StartClick], UL, 366, 11, 122, 25 button #main.btnPause, "Pause/Cont", [PauseClick], UL, 366, 46, 122, 25 button #main.btnRedraw, "Single step", [SingleStepClick], UL, 494, 11, 88, 25 button #main.btnRedraw, "Redraw", [RedrawClick], UL, 494, 46, 88, 25
statictext #main.statictext5, "N", 366, 86, 25, 20 textbox #main.txtN, 406, 76, 64, 25 statictext #main.statictext7, "curr", 366, 111, 40, 20 textbox #main.txtCurr, 406, 106, 64, 25 statictext #main.statictext21, "half size", 510, 81, 64, 20 textbox #main.txtW2, 510, 106, 64, 25
checkbox #main.chkNoDraw, "No Draw", [noDrawSet], [noDrawReset], 366, 135, 112, 20 checkbox #main.chkGrid, "Floor grid", [gridSet], [gridReset], 366, 160, 96, 20 checkbox #main.chkTrail, "Sand trail", [trailSet], [trailReset], 366, 185, 96, 20
groupbox #main.groupbox13, "Sand style", 366, 215, 210, 50 radiobutton #main.rbSandNormal, "Normal", [sandNormalSet], [dummy], 375, 235, 85, 20 radiobutton #main.rbSandAbelian, "Abelian", [sandAbelianSet], [dummy], 460, 235, 85, 20 checkbox #main.chkSpill "Spill over", [spillSet], [spillReset], 375, 270, 120, 20 checkbox #main.chkRand, "Random jump", [randSet], [randReset], 375, 295, 120, 20
groupbox #main.groupbox12, "View", 366, 330, 210, 60 radiobutton #main.rb2d, "2d", [2dSet], [dummy], 375, 355, 40, 20 radiobutton #main.rb3d, "3d", [3dSet], [dummy], 460, 355, 40, 20 groupbox #main.groupbox12, "3d projection", 460, 400, 115, 80 radiobutton #main.rbDimetry, "Dimetric", [dimetrySet], [dummy], 470, 425, 80, 20 radiobutton #main.rbIsomery, "Isometric", [isometrySet], [dummy], 470, 450, 88, 20 checkbox #main.chkTopLev, "Top level only ", [topLevSet], [topLevReset], 460, 490, 136, 20 menu #main, "Edit" '<--- Texteditor Menu can be moved but not removed.
open "Sandpile" for window as #main print #main, "trapclose [quit.main]" print #main.gr,"down; fill white; flush" #main.gr "home; posxy cx cy"
print #main, "font ms_sans_serif 10" #main.txtCurr "!disable" gosub [init]
[quit.main] Close #main END
'chkBoxes/radioButtons ==========
[2dSet] is2d=1 gosub [initCalc] 'recalc coords wait
[3dSet] is2d=0 gosub [initCalc] wait
[dimetrySet] isDimetry=1 gosub [initCalc] wait
[isometrySet] isDimetry=0 gosub [initCalc] wait
[sandAbelianSet] isAbelian=1 wait
[sandNormalSet] isAbelian=0 wait
[gridSet] isShowGrid=1 wait
[gridReset] isShowGrid=0 wait
[trailSet] isShowTrail=1 wait
[trailReset] isShowTrail=0 wait
[randSet] isRandJump=1 wait
[randReset] isRandJump=0 wait [topLevSet] isTopLev=1 wait
[topLevReset] isTopLev=0 wait [spillSet] isSpill=1 wait
[spillReset] isSpill=0 wait [noDrawSet] nxtDraw=0 wait
[noDrawReset] nxtDraw=1000000 'big enough wait [dummy] 'non-used radio reset handler wait
'buttons ===================== [RedrawClick] gosub [initCalc] if nxtDraw<=0 then nxtDraw=1 gosub [doDraw] wait [StartClick] doWork=1 doPause=0 frame=0 #main.txtCurr frame #main.log "started ";time$() gosub [initCalc] redim e(maxW,maxW) 'clear goto [doFrame] 'will call itself with a timer wait
[PauseClick] gosub [initCalc] if doWork=0 and frame<=N then doWork=1 :doPause=1 if doPause then doPause=0 #main.log "continued ";time$() goto [doFrame] else if doWork=1 then doPause=1 #main.log "paused ";time$() end if end if wait [SingleStepClick] gosub [initCalc] goto [doFrame] 'in pause mode that does single frame wait 'returnable SUBs ====================== [init] w2=8 #main.txtW2 w2 w=2*w2 N=300 #main.txtN N is2d=0 #main.rb2d iif$(is2d,"set","reset") #main.rb3d iif$(not(is2d),"set","reset") isDimetry=1 #main.rbDimetry iif$(isDimetry,"set","reset") #main.rbIsomery iif$(not(isDimetry),"set","reset") isShowGrid=1 #main.chkGrid iif$(isShowGrid,"set","reset") isTopLev=1 #main.chkTopLev iif$(isTopLev,"set","reset")
isAbelian=0 #main.rbSandAbelian iif$(isAbelian,"set","reset") #main.rbSandNormal iif$(isAbelian,"reset","set") isShowTrail=1 #main.chkTrail iif$(isShowTrail,"set","reset") isRandJump=1 #main.chkRand iif$(isRandJump,"set","reset") nxtDraw=1000000 'big or 0 #main.chkNoDraw iif$(nxtDraw<=0,"set","reset") maxW=100 'so we can increase halfW and did not break dim e(maxW,maxW) 'sand level 'directions array dim dx(4):dx(1)=1:dx(2)= 0:dx(3)=-1:dx(4)=0 dim dy(4):dy(1)=0:dy(2)= 1:dy(3)= 0:dy(4)=-1 return
[initCalc] #main.txtN "!contents? N" if isAbelian then maxCol=3 else i = 1 ttl =1 while ttl <N s=(i-1)^2+i^2 ttl=ttl+s i=i+1 wend maxCol=i-3 'counted from N, but -3 is trial and error if maxCol< 1 then maxCol =1 'notice maxCol;" ";N;" ";ttl end if
#main.txtW2 "!contents? w2" w=2*w2
if is2d then 'fill the place sz=int(2*cx/(w+2)) ptSize=sz-2 else if isDimetry then 'trial and error factor sz=int(2*cx/(w+2)/1.5) ptSize=sz-4 else sz=int(2*cx/(w+2)/2) ptSize=sz end if end if r=int(ptSize/2): if r<1 then r=1 return
[doDraw] if nxtDraw<=0 then return nxtDraw=nxtDraw-1 #main.gr "cls" if isShowGrid then #main.gr "size 1; color black" z=0.5 for i = 0-w2 to w2 ' x=j y=i xx1=sx(0-w2,y,z) yy1=sy(0-w2,y,z) xx2=sx(w2,y,z) yy2=sy(w2,y,z) #main.gr "line ";xx1;" ";yy1;" ";xx2;" ";yy2 next
for j= 0-w2 to w2 x=j 'y=i xx1=sx(x,0-w2,z) yy1=sy(x,0-w2,z) xx2=sx(x,w2,z) yy2=sy(x,w2,z) #main.gr "line ";xx1;" ";yy1;" ";xx2;" ";yy2 next end if ' #main.gr "size ";ptSize #main.gr "size 1; color black" for i = 0-w2 to w2 'SCAN for j= 0-w2 to w2 x=j y=i zz=e(i+w2,j+w2) if zz then 'and we skip 0 if isTopLev or is2d then minZZ=zz else minZZ=1 for z = minZZ to zz 'print using("##",e(i+w2,j+w2)); if isAbelian then colr$=word$("blue cyan pink",z) else c=(1-(z-1)/maxCol)*2/3 colr$=rainbow$(c) end if #main.gr "backcolor ";colr$ xx=sx(x,y,z) yy=sy(x,y,z) #main.gr "place ";xx;" ";yy;";circlefilled ";r next end if next 'print next return
' timer sub ========================== [doFrame] timer 0 'just for a case #main.txtCurr frame if frame>N then doWork=0 #main.log "finished ";time$() GOTO [RedrawClick] wait end if trail$="color red" if isAbelian then call AbelianAdd w2,w2 else call Add w2,w2 end if gosub [doDraw] if isShowTrail and (nxtDraw>0) then #main.gr "size ";ptSize;";";trail$ if doWork and not(doPause) then if nxtDraw>0 then timer 100, [doFrame] 'recursively calls itself else timer 1, [doFrame] 'recursively calls itself end if end if frame=frame+1 wait ' Specific subs/functions ==================== '------------------------------------------------ sub Add i,j 'recursive 'w w2 global 'stores trail as graphic commands in global trail$ x=j-w2 y=i-w2 z=e(i,j)+1 xx=sx(x,y,z) yy=sy(x,y,z) trail$=trail$;";set ";int(xx);" ";int(yy)
'print i,j,x,y,cx,cy,sz,xx,yy
for d = 1 to 4'direction 'valid? if i+dx(d)>=0 and i+dx(d)<=w and j+dy(d)>=0 and j+dy(d)<=w then 'diff>1? if e(i,j)-e(i+dx(d),j+dy(d))>0 then dirs$=dirs$;d else if isSpill and e(i,j)>0 then dirs$=dirs$;d end if next
if len(dirs$)=0 then e(i,j)=e(i,j)+1: exit sub 'no way to spill 'actually it should fall off borders - not realised if isRandJump then randN=int(rnd(0)*len(dirs$)+1) else randN=1 'always first end if d=val(mid$(dirs$,randN,1)) 'valid? if i+dx(d)>=0 and i+dx(d)<=w and j+dy(d)>=0 and j+dy(d)<=w then call Add i+dx(d),j+dy(d) 'recursive 'else spill - just forget that particle end if end sub
sub AbelianAdd i,j 'recursive 'w w2 global e(i,j)=e(i,j)+1 if e(i,j)<4 then exit sub x=j-w2 y=i-w2 z=e(i,j)+1 xx=sx(x,y,z) yy=sy(x,y,z) trail$=trail$;";set ";int(xx);" ";int(yy)
'print i,j,x,y,cx,cy,sz,xx,yy
e(i,j)=e(i,j)-4 for d = 1 to 4'direction 'valid? if i+dx(d)>=0 and i+dx(d)<=w and j+dy(d)>=0 and j+dy(d)<=w then call AbelianAdd i+dx(d),j+dy(d) 'recursive end if next end sub
'3d to screen '--------------------------------- function sx(x,y,z) 'screen x if is2d then sx=int(cx+sz*x):exit function if isDimetry then sx=int(cx+sz*(x+y/sqr(2))) else sx=int(cx+sz*((x+y)/sqr(3)*2)) end if end function
function sy(x,y,z) 'screen y if is2d then sy=int(cx+sz*y):exit function if isDimetry then sy=int(cy+sz*(0-z+y/sqr(2))) else sy=int(cy+sz*(0-z+(y-x)/sqr(3))) end if end function
' General subs/functions ==================== '------------------------------------------------ function iif(test, valYes, valNo) iif = valNo if test then iif = valYes end function
function iif$(test, valYes$, valNo$) iif$ = valNo$ if test then iif$ = valYes$ end function
'--------------------------------------------- ' 0..1 into red-green-blue-red continuous colors function rainbow$(x) hi = int((x*6) mod 6)+ 5*(x<0) 'fixed to 0..5 f = (x*6) mod 1 + (x<0) 'frac, 0..1 q = (1-f) select case hi case 0 r = 1: g = f: b = 0 case 1 r = q: g = 1: b = 0 case 2 r = 0: g = 1: b = f case 3 r = 0: g = q: b = 1 case 4 r = f: g = 0: b = 1 case 5 r = 1: g = 0: b = q end select R = int(r*255) G = int(g*255) B = int(b*255) rainbow$= R;" ";G;" ";B end function