Post by xxgeek on Aug 12, 2021 19:10:06 GMT
Edit - Rewrote the program, now it works without restrictions
This program allows for multifile selection in Just Basic v2.0
It will copy the files to a folder YOU select.
Make sure you select the files, before you select the destination folder
Don't copy shortcuts, if they point to files outside the selected source folder
If you select a folder by mistake, it will be ignored, don't worry, be happy
You just have to wait for the message stating files were copied for now.
When I get back at it I'll make a progress bar linked to the total file size(s)
This program runs a script that calls Powershell to do some work.
If you get a "isnot empty" error it usually means powershell didn't close on the last run, and something went wrong.
The powershell window is minimized (out of view) check your taskbar, and shut it down manually before running this program again.
-- MultiFie Select Dialog For Just Basic v2.0
This program allows for multifile selection in Just Basic v2.0
It will copy the files to a folder YOU select.
Make sure you select the files, before you select the destination folder
Don't copy shortcuts, if they point to files outside the selected source folder
If you select a folder by mistake, it will be ignored, don't worry, be happy
You just have to wait for the message stating files were copied for now.
When I get back at it I'll make a progress bar linked to the total file size(s)
This program runs a script that calls Powershell to do some work.
If you get a "isnot empty" error it usually means powershell didn't close on the last run, and something went wrong.
The powershell window is minimized (out of view) check your taskbar, and shut it down manually before running this program again.
-- MultiFie Select Dialog For Just Basic v2.0
'Title = MultiFileSelector Dialog
'Author = xxgeek, a member of the Just Basic Forums @
'Purpose = to create a multifile selector dialog for Just Basic v2.0
' Cannot copy shortcuts since they point to files outside the selected files folder(Try again feature if you forget)
'Make sure you select files before selecting a destination folder
'Please report any other problems to xxgeek at
'don't show the mainwin text window
'for access to variables that are used in functions 'and' in the code outside functions
global selectedpath$, q$
'double quotes used when writing text to a file with enclosed quotes in the text
q$ = chr$(34)
'delete any pre-existing temp files from past use of this program
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$, "copylist.txt")
if res then kill "copylist.txt"
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$, "MultiFile.vbs")
if res then kill "MultiFile.vbs"
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$, "FolderPath.txt")
if res then kill "FolderPath.txt"
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$, "FolderDialog.vbs")
if res then kill "FolderDialog.vbs"
'get destination folder from user
Multi$ = getMultiFiles$(Multi$)
'get the path for Destination folder from user
a$ = getDest$(a$)
'get the list of user selected files to be copied from copylist.txt
dim multilines$(3000)
open "copylist.txt" for input as #1
while eof(#1) = 0
x = x + 1
line input #1, multilines$(x)
line$ = multilines$(x)
close #1
'copy the files in the list to the user selected destination folder
for z = 1 to x - 1
linex$ = multilines$(z)
'open linex$ for input as #3
fileName$ = GetFilename$(linex$)
'print "fileName$ = ";fileName$ 'LEFT IN FOR TESTING
'print "selectedpath$ = ";selectedpath$ 'LEFT IN FOR TESTING
dest$ = selectedpath$;"\";fileName$
'print "dest$ = ";dest$ 'LEFT IN FOR TESTING
'sub to create vbs script for file copying
gosub [filecopier]
'verify each file before continuing
res = fileExists(selectedpath$,fileName$)
if res then exit do
loop until res
next z
'Notify user - program finished
message$ = chr$(13)+" Selected Files Should now be in "+chr$(13)+" ";selectedpath$
message$ = GetMessage$(message$)
'end this program
'write file copier script
filecopier$ = "filecopier.vbs"
open filecopier$ for output as #copy
#copy, "Dim objFso, strSourcePath, strDestPath"
#copy, "strSourcePath = ";q$;linex$;q$
#copy, "strDestPath = ";q$;dest$;q$
#copy, "Set objFso = CreateObject(";q$;"Scripting.FileSystemObject";q$;")"
#copy, "If objFso.FileExists(strSourcePath) then"
#copy, "objFso.CopyFile strSourcePath, strDestPath, True"
#copy, "End If"
#copy, "Set objFso = Nothing"
close #copy
'verify script was written
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$, filecopier$)
if res then exit do
loop until res
'run the file copier script
run "wscript ";filecopier$
'verify the file was copied to the selected destination folder
res = fileExists(selectedpath$, linex$)
if res then exit do
loop until res
'function to get filename from path
function GetFilename$(fileName$)
i = len(fileName$)
while mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> "\" and mid$(fileName$, i, 1) <> ""
i = i-1
GetFilename$ = mid$(fileName$, i+1)
end function
'function for checking file existence
function fileExists(path$, fileName$)
dim info$(0, 0)
files path$, fileName$, info$()
fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true
end function
'function to make message windows
function GetMessage$(message$)
WindowWidth = 300 : WindowHeight = 120
BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" : ForegroundColor$ = "black"
statictext #textmessage.text, "", 0, 0, 350, 350
button #textmessage.default, "OK", [quit], UL, 140, 110, 55, 35
open "Information Message" for dialog as #textmessage
print #textmessage, "trapclose [quit]"
#textmessage, "font Arial Bold 12"
#textmessage.text, message$
#textmessage.default, "!font Arial Bold 12"
close #textmessage : exit function
end function
'write script to select multiple files
function getMultiFiles$(Multi$)
open "MultiFile.vbs" for output as #1
#1, "Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject(";q$;"Scripting.FileSystemObject";q$;")"
#1, "Dim sp : sp = fso.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName)"
#1, "Dim fp: fp = fso.GetParentFolderName(sp) & ";q$;"\copylist.txt";q$
#1, "Dim f : Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(fp)"
#1, "Private Function SelectFiles(InitialDir, Filter)"
#1, "Dim result : result = ";q$;q$
#1, "With WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;").Exec( _"
#1, q$;"powershell.exe -NonInteractive -NoProfile -windowstyle hidden -NoLogo -Command ";q$;q$;"& {";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms');";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog;";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.Filter = '";q$;" & Filter & ";q$;"';";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.InitialDirectory = '";q$;" & InitialDir & ";q$;"';";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.Multiselect = $True;";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.RestoreDirectory = $True;";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.ShowHelp = $True;";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $True;";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.Title = ' Select Files to Copy (";q$;" & InitialDir & ";q$;")';";q$;" &_"
#1, q$;"[void]$objOFDialog.ShowDialog();";q$;" & _"
#1, q$;"$objOFDialog.FileNames -join '|'";q$;" &_"
#1, q$;"}";q$;q$;q$;")"
#1, ".StdIn.Close"
#1, "While .Status = 0"
#1, "WScript.Sleep 100"
#1, "Wend"
#1, "if .ExitCode = 0 Then"
#1, "While Not .stdOut.AtEndOfStream"
#1, "result = result & .stdOut.ReadAll"
#1, "Wend"
#1, "SelectFiles = Split(Replace(result, vbCrLf, ";q$;q$;"), ";q$;"|";q$;")"
#1, "Else"
#1, "While Not .stdErr.AtEndOfStream"
#1, "result = result & .stdErr.ReadAll"
#1, "Wend ' Not .stdErr.AtEndOfStream"
'#1, "WScript.Echo result" ' - LEFT IN FOR TESTING
#1, "SelectFiles = False"
#1, "End If ' .ExitCode = 0"
#1, "End With ' WScript.CreateObject(";q$;"WScript.Shell";q$;").Exec(...)"
#1, "End Function ' SelectFiles"
#1, "Dim SelectedFiles"
#1, "SelectedFiles = SelectFiles(";q$;"C:\";q$;", ";q$;"All Files (*.*)|*.*|ScriptFiles (*.ps1;*.vbs;.*bas)|*.ps1;*.*vbs;*.bas|All Files (*.*)|*.*";q$;")"
#1, "If IsArray(SelectedFiles) Then"
#1, "If UBound(SelectedFiles) >= 0 Then"
#1, "f.WriteLine bf & Join(SelectedFiles, vbCrLf)"
#1, "WScript.Sleep 400"
'#1, "Else" ' - LEFT IN FOR TESTING
'#1, "WScript.Echo ";q$;"NO Files Selected";q$ ' - LEFT IN FOR TESTING
#1, "End If"
#1, "Else WScript.Quit 1"
#1, "End If"
#1, "f.WriteLine bf"
#1, "f.Close"
close #1
'verify existence of the MultiFile.vbs script before continuing
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$,"MultiFile.vbs")
if res then exit do
loop until res
'run the script for user to select multiple files
run "wscript ";"MultiFile.vbs"
'verify existence of copylist.txt before continuing
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$, "copylist.txt")
if res then exit do
loop until res
end function
'functions for making the folder dialog window
'Must add selectedpath$ and q$ to "global" at top of your bas file eg: global, selectedpath$
function getDest$(a$)
'write the following vbs script to temp file named FolderDialog.vbs
folderDialog$ = "FolderDialog.vbs"
open folderDialog$ for output as #1
'print each line to file (FolderDialog.vbs)
#1,"Function BrowseFolder( myStartLocation, blnSimpleDialog )"
#1,"Const MY_COMPUTER = &H11&"
#1,"Const WINDOW_HANDLE = 0"
#1,"Dim numOptions, objFolder, objFolderItem"
#1,"Dim objPath, objShell, strPath, strPrompt"
#1,"strPrompt = ";q$;"Select Destination Folder After Selecting Files";q$ 'destination dialog
#1,"If blnSimpleDialog = True Then"
#1,"numOptions = 0"
#1,"numOptions = &H10&"
#1,"End If"
#1,"Set objShell = CreateObject( ";q$;"Shell.Application";q$;" )"
#1,"If UCase( myStartLocation ) = ";q$;"MY COMPUTER";q$;" Then"
#1,"Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace( MY_COMPUTER )"
#1,"Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self"
#1,"strPath = objFolderItem.Path"
#1,"strPath = myStartLocation"
#1,"End If"
#1,"Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder( WINDOW_HANDLE, strPrompt, _"
#1,"numOptions, strPath )"
#1,"If objFolder Is Nothing Then"
#1,"BrowseFolder = ";q$;q$
#1,"Exit Function"
#1,"End If"
#1,"Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self"
#1,"objPath = objFolderItem.Path"
#1,"BrowseFolder = objPath"
#1,"End Function"
#1,"Dim bf"
#1,"bf = BrowseFolder( ";q$;"My Computer";q$;", False )"
#1,"Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject(";q$;"Scripting.FileSystemObject";q$;")"
#1,"Dim sp : sp = fso.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName)"
#1,"Dim fp: fp = fso.GetParentFolderName(sp) & ";q$;"\FolderPath.txt";q$
#1,"Dim f : Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(fp)"
#1,"f.WriteLine bf"
close #1
'loop until FolderDialog.vbs existence is verified
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$,folderDialog$)
if res then exit do
loop until res
'run the script for user to select destination folder(creates temp file FolderPath.txt)
run "wscript ";"FolderDialog.vbs"
'loop until the selected folder path is verified written to temp file (FolderPath.txt)
folderpath$ = "FolderPath.txt"
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$,folderpath$)
if res then exit do
loop until res
'get the text in FolderPath.txt (user selected path of folder)
open folderpath$ for input as #1
line input #1, line$(x)
selectedpath$ = line$(x)
close #1
'delete both temp files (FolderPath.txt, and FileDialog.vbs)
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$,folderpath$)
if res then kill folderpath$
res = fileExists(DefaultDir$,folderDialog$)
if res then kill folderDialog$
if selectedpath$ = "" or left$(selectedpath$,1) = ":" then notice "No Folder selected" : end
end function