Post by tsh73 on Jul 30, 2018 21:23:14 GMT
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap's_algorithm (tweaked until worked [or seems to.]) Said to be fastest Recursive version
EDIT I just checked it against my older code - likely along en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permutation#Generation_in_lexicographic_order and this one 70% faster.
EDIT from 35 to 21 - how's that? (35-21)/21 66(%) (35-21)/35 40(%) So is it 66% faster or 40%?
INDEED. Who might think. 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap's_algorithm
global N N=3 N=4 N=6 '63 N=7 '313 N=8 '2469 N=9 '22109
dim A(N) for i = 1 to N: A(i)=i: next t0=time$("ms") call generate N t1=time$("ms") print "Time taken ";t1-t0
sub generate n if n = 1 then 'call outputA else for i = 1 to n - 1 call generate n - 1 if n mod 2 = 0 then tmp=A(i):A(i)=A(n):A(n)=tmp else tmp=A(1):A(1)=A(n):A(n)=tmp end if next call generate n - 1 end if end sub
sub outputA for i = 1 to N print A(i); next print end sub
Post by tsh73 on Jul 31, 2018 12:37:48 GMT
Non-recursive version. along Wikipedia article Somehow works slower for me ( ) sub generateNoRec n dim c(n) for i = 1 to n: c(i)=1: next 'call outputA
i=1 while i <=n if c(i)<i then if i mod 2 = 1 then tmp=A(1):A(1)=A(i):A(i)=tmp else tmp=A(c(i)):A(c(i))=A(i):A(i)=tmp end if 'call outputA c(i)=c(i)+1 i=1 else c(i)=1 i=i+1 end if wend end sub
Post by B+ on Jul 31, 2018 15:00:26 GMT
Hi tsh73,
Oh man we did this back in 2016!
Here is a reminder and mod for timed test:
'ordered permutations forJB v1.01 [B+=MGA] 2016-07-21 first posted 'recursive ordered permutations 'if 1st element < 2nd element < 3rd element... then list acsends
' 2018-07-31 modified for timed test = 'mod ' mod or vice versa! ' mod if 1st element > 2nd element > 3rd element... then list descends
s$="123456789" s$="abcdefghi" 'Time taken 19861 s$="tsh73"
global ls, index ls = len(s$) : index = 0 dim c$(ls) t0 = time$("ms") 'mod call orderperm s$ t1=time$("ms") 'mod print "Time taken ";t1-t0 'mod
sub orderperm r$ scan if len(r$) = 0 then 'mod comment out for timed test, 'mod comment in to see results index = index + 1 print index;": "; for i = 1 to ls print c$(i); next print else lr = len(r$) for i = 1 to lr c$(ls - lr + 1) = mid$(r$, i, 1) r1$ = mid$(r$, 1, i - 1) + mid$(r$, i + 1) call orderperm r1$ next end if end sub
Append: Oh, my time for OP (Original Post) was ALLOT less than you report for N = 9! But can you use the OP code for word permutations just as fast?
Post by tsh73 on Jul 31, 2018 20:38:35 GMT
is 19861 vs 22109 "ALLOT less"?
It really heavily depends on computer. On this one, first code works 2.75 times faster then your string code. On some other it might even be other way round.
Post by B+ on Jul 31, 2018 20:55:51 GMT
My time for the original post was ALLOT less, like 1/3 of what you had reported. I thought the time doing it with strings was comparable but it wasn't but I didn't realize it until after I ran the code in original post. But I can do permutations of strings.