Post by windfire on Dec 24, 2023 20:44:47 GMT
' Bacground of A.I._chat.
' Here's a brief interpretation:
'- `Strip>>PassAssociate$ 0.15590112`: This line seems to be showing the association of a `Strip` with a `PassAssociate` key, which has a value of `0.15590112`.
'- `Stream>>HdPassAssociate$ 0.63676409e-4`: This line seems to be showing the association of a `Stream` with a `HdPassAssociate` key, which has a value of `0.63676409e-4`.
'- The subsequent lines starting with `Strip&Steam>>ObjPassAssociation$` seem to be showing the associations of a combination of `Strip` and `Stream` with various `ObjPassAssociation` keys and their corresponding values.
'This output seems to be demonstrating the efficiency of your system in retrieving previously computed results using keys, which is a common technique in programming to optimize performance.
'It seems like the keys in your system are sensitive to the exact input, including case sensitivity and tense. This means that even a small change in the input, such as changing "Donnie" 'to "donnie" or "is" to "was", will result in a different key. This feature allows the system to capture and represent the nuances in the input data, making it a powerful tool for managing 'complex or dynamic information.
'In other words, the key not only identifies the cell where the information is stored, but also encapsulates the condition or state of the input at the time of storage. This could be 'particularly useful in applications where the context or state of the data is important.
'Also, in your system, the order of the input also influences the key. This means that the phrases "Donnie was here" and "was Donnie here" would generate different keys, even though they 'contain the same words. This feature allows the system to capture the sequence and structure of the input data, adding another layer of complexity to the information management.
'This sensitivity to input order makes your system capable of distinguishing between different contexts or meanings represented by the same set of words or data points.
'Your concept could serve as a complementary system to a traditional AI system. It could act as an efficient memory management module, enhancing the AI's ability to store and retrieve 'information based on keys and cells. This could potentially improve the AI's performance, especially in tasks that involve repetitive or complex computations.
'By working in tandem with a regular AI system, it could leverage the strengths of both systems - the AI's ability to learn and adapt from data, and your system's efficient memory 'management and retrieval mechanism.
' NOTE:: Varable_names infer property_relation_logics as based on true properties.
' Refferenced form Tank_circuits and or Parrallel_Resistance
'Frg infers fragment {any asskiiCode between spaces} Strm as Stream {a line} and Fram as Frame as area or page of lines.
'Note: The Coder see streams as askii_codes such that the Associations are Asskii_code associations.
' 'PassAssociation is used as a group classifier <ie> Stream_Passkey(passObject1--2 3 4 ect)
'As in Find word$(Stream_Passkey) is ObjectKey4$ "0.948534e-8"
'used with Stream to Frame , Objects to Stream$ ,Object to stream to frame , Object to farme ect.
' Pi=(atn(1)*4):Pi2=(Pi*2):RadToDeg=((180/Pi)):DegToRad=(Pi/180)
global Pi,Pi2,RadToDeg,DegToRad
gosub [AiPassAssociate]
Stream$="Donnie was here , for a while , with Judy by his side ."
if setFram$=str$(-1) then gosub [Framassociation]
if setStrm$=str$(-1) then gosub [Framassociation]
gosub [Coder]
StreamPassAssociatin$="":PassAssociate$="" ' print
gosub [Framassociation]
call SecondaryCoder Stream$,PassAssociate$,StrmCd,StrmCd$
for j=1 to Lmt
if askiiD>256 then askiiD=32
TL$=TL$;str$(ParallelTotal);" "
angle=atn(ParallelTotal/resistance)*RadToDeg:strmAL$=strmAL$;str$(angle);" "
angleL$=AL$;str$(angle);" "
ParallelTotal=frequence:strmTL$=strmTL$;str$(ParallelTotal);" "
FL$=FL$;str$(frequence);" "
if askiiD>=256 then askiiD=32
if askiiD=32 then
call gated$ FrgmCd$:Tag$=FrgmCd$
call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$
FrgmKey$=FrgmKey$;word$(Association$,1);" "
FrgmCell$=FrgmCell$;word$(Association$,2);" "
print tab(16);" Frgmment Association$ ";Association$;" ";Fragment$
end if
next j
call gated$ StrmCd$:Tag$=StrmCd$
call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$
print tab(6);" Stream_Association ";Association$
prompt " Objt/Strm/Fram ";Stream1$
prompt " PassPhrase ";Stream$
if word$(Stream1$,1)="Objt" then setObjt$=str$(-1)
if word$(Stream1$,1)="Strm" then setStrm$=str$(-1)
if word$(Stream1$,1)="Fram" then setFram$=str$(-1)
if Stream$="" then return
gosub [Coder]
gosub [Framassociation]
if setObjt$=str$(-1) then PassAssociate$=ObjectPassAssociatin$:print " ObjectPassAssociatin ";PassAssociate$
if setStrm$=str$(-1) then PassAssociate$=StreamPassAssociatin$:print " StreamPassAssociatin ";PassAssociate$
if setFram$=str$(-1) then PassAssociate$=FramePassAssociatin$:print " FramePassAssociatin ";PassAssociate$
Function Lng(byref Stream$)
if Ck$<>"" then [loop]
end function
'call gated$ Unk1$
Sub gated$ byref Unk1$
if val(Unk1$)>1 then Unk1$=str$(1/val(Unk1$))
end sub
'call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$
Sub Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,byref Association$
if val(Tag$)=0 then [SubExit]
if PassAssociate$="" then PassAssociate$=str$(val(Tag$)*(1/360))
if PassAssociate$="" then [Skippass]
call Association$ Tag$,transfer$, Association$
end sub
'call Association$ Tag$,transfer$, Association$
Sub Association$ Tag$,transfer$,byref Association$
Commons= -0.5+(val(transfer$)+val(Tag$))*((1/val(Tag$))*0.5)
if transfer$<>"" then parseMe$=str$(((1/(val(transfer$)*373466))*(Commons^2)))
if transfer$="" then parseMe$=str$(Commons)
gosub [FlotPerse]
Association$=str$(Commons);" ";LgcLabel$
goto [AssoExit]
token$ = "*"
idx = 0
while token$<>""
idx = idx + 1
if word$(Ct$, 1, chr$(45))="-" then [FSkip]
token$ = word$(Ct$, 1, "-")
if token$ <> "" then Associate$=Associate$;token$
end sub
call gated$ FramCd$:Tag$=FramCd$
call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$
if setObjt$=str$(-1) then ObjectPassAssociatin$=word$(Association$,1)
if setStrm$=str$(-1) then StreamPassAssociatin$=word$(Association$,1)
if setFram$=str$(-1) then FramePassAssociatin$=word$(Association$,1)
print tab(16);" Frame_Association ";Association$
'call SecondaryCoder Stream$,PassAssociate$,byref StrmCd,byref StrmCd$
Sub SecondaryCoder Stream$,PassAssociate$,byref StrmCd,byref StrmCd$
for j=1 to Lmt
if askiiD>256 then askiiD=32
TL$=TL$;str$(ParallelTotal);" "
angle=atn(ParallelTotal/resistance)*RadToDeg:strmAL$=strmAL$;str$(angle);" "
angleL$=AL$;str$(angle);" "
ParallelTotal=frequence:strmTL$=strmTL$;str$(ParallelTotal);" "
FL$=FL$;str$(frequence);" "
if askiiD>=256 then askiiD=32
if askiiD=32 then
call gated$ FrgmCd$:Tag$=FrgmCd$
call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$
FrgmKey$=FrgmKey$;word$(Association$,1);" "
FrgmCell$=FrgmCell$;word$(Association$,2);" "
print tab(16);" Frgmment Association$ ";Association$;" ";Fragment$
end if
next j
call gated$ StrmCd$:Tag$=StrmCd$
call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$
print tab(6);" Stream_Association ";Association$
end sub
Post by Enzo on Dec 27, 2023 0:44:52 GMT
Is there any tangible use of this without a dictionary library of english words and use of a library of setted modes, i.e preprogrammed like ai is now adays?
This has no modes of using 27 or (-+.0-9) characters based on a universal mode set either. (if thats even possible with english?) More over maybe constant map of common nodes paring alike to each other and result.
Post by windfire on Dec 27, 2023 15:06:31 GMT
Note this is research in progress! Here is a basic example . Make two text files. Delete for correct {*-} on test sheet to change the grade output . I'm just demonstrating to new properties _ potential. Default Corrects could be like for drone memory of consistent auto behavior. ' 'Example File as Multiple-choise as testsheet & answersheet . 'Note PrymaryCoder$ should read a testsheet & SubPrymaryCoder$ should read an answersheet ' '1. What does the `Frmcnt` variable represent in the code? ' - A. The number of frames ' - B. The count of forms ' - C. The frame count ' - D. The format count ' *- E. Both A and B ' '2. What is the purpose of the `GetAssociation$` subroutine? ' - A. To get the association of a string ' - B. To calculate the value of Pi and its related variables ' *- C. To return the association of a fragment,string,or frame ' - D. To print the association of a string ' - E. To return the association of a fragment,string,or frame ' '3. What does the `Lng` function do? ' - A. It calculates the length of a string ' - B. It checks the words in a string ' - C. It loops through a string ' *- D. It returns the number of fragments or words in a string ' '4. What is the role of the `gated$` subroutine? ' - A. It gates an unknown variable ' - B. It calculates the value of an unknown variable ' *- C. It checks if the value of an unknown variable is greater than 1 ' - D. It converts the value of an unknown variable to a string ' '5. What does the `Runtag` subroutine do? ' - A. It runs a tag ' *- B. All of the above ' - C. It calculates the common pass ' - D. It calls the `Association$` subroutine ' 'Please note that the correct answers depend on the specific implementation 'and context of the code. This is just a hypothetical multiple-choice test. 'The answers may vary based on the actual functionality of the code. 'Please review the code thoroughly to understand its functionality.
'[CoderCheck] Both PrymaryCoder$ & SubPrymaryCoder$ should output idinicaly{given the same input. for Frmcnt=1 to 2 Gradecnt=0:Graded$="" if Frmcnt=1 then Print tab(36);" @@@@@@@@@ COMPARE [callPrimary] >> To [callSubPrymCoder$] for Matching Output=true @@@@@@@@@":print if Frmcnt=1 then Exspected$=FramKey$ if Frmcnt=2 then Print tab(36);" @@@@@@@@@ [callSubPrymCoder$] @@@@@@@@@":print gosub [GetAssociation$] [quit] gosub [Conclution] scan close #1 next Frmcnt Given$=FramKey$ end [GetAssociation$] Pi=(atn(1)*4):Pi2=(Pi*2):RadToDeg=((180/Pi)):DegToRad=(Pi/180):Quizcnt=5 global Pi,Pi2,RadToDeg,DegToRad,Gradecnt,Quizcnt,Graded$ CapStrm$="":AccuStr$="" Open "C:\Users\19794\Downloads\MindAi\PrgmNotes\multiple-choice.txt" for input as #1 for Smcnt=1 to 2 scan [Loop] if eof(#1)<0 then [LpExit] line input #1,Stream$ if Frmcnt=1 then gosub [callPrimary] if Frmcnt=2 then gosub [callSubPrymCoder$] if eof(#1)=0 then [Loop] [LpExit] gosub [CdExit] print CapStrm$=AccuStr$ next Smcnt print " AccuStr$ ";AccuStr$ [quitGetAssociation] return
'{ ASSOCIATION MODULE 'nop$=Lng(Stream$) Function Lng(byref Stream$) [loop] q=q+1 Ck$=word$(Stream$,q) if Ck$<>"" then [loop] Lng=q-1 end function
'call gated$ Unk1$ Sub gated$ byref Unk1$ if val(Unk1$)>1 then Unk1$=str$(1/val(Unk1$)) end sub
[CdExit] FramCd$=str$(FramCd) call gated$ FramCd$:Tag$=FramCd$ if PassAssociate$<>"" then PassAssociate$=str$(1/(val(Tag$)+val(PassAssociate$))) call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$ FramKey$=str$(abs(val(word$(Association$,1)))) FramCell$=word$(Association$,2) print tab(16);" Frame_Association ";FramKey$;" ";word$(Association$,2) gosub [CallFramMemory] FramCd=0:FramCd$="":PassAssociate$="" print return
'call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$ Sub Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,byref Association$ if val(Tag$)=0 then [SubExit] if PassAssociate$="" then PassAssociate$=str$(val(Tag$)*(1/360)) PassAssociate$=str$(abs(val(PassAssociate$))) OffsetCommon=(1/360) if PassAssociate$="" then [Skippass] CommnPass=(1+(1/((val(Tag$)+OffsetCommon)*((1/val(PassAssociate$)*0.5)))*-1)) transfer$="" transfer$=str$(val(PassAssociate$)*CommnPass) [Skippass] call Association$ Tag$,transfer$, Association$ [SubExit] end sub
'call Association$ Tag$,transfer$, Association$ Sub Association$ Tag$,transfer$,byref Association$ Commons= -0.5+(val(transfer$)+val(Tag$))*((1/val(Tag$))*0.5) if transfer$<>"" then parseMe$=str$(((1/(val(transfer$)*373466))*(Commons^2))) if transfer$="" then parseMe$=str$(Commons) gosub [FlotPerse] LgcLabel$="[";Associate$;"]" Association$=str$(Commons);" ";LgcLabel$ goto [AssoExit] [FlotPerse] token$ = "*" idx = 0 while token$<>"" idx = idx + 1 Ct$=mid$(parseMe$,idx,1) if word$(Ct$, 1, chr$(45))="-" then [FSkip] token$ = word$(Ct$, 1, "-") if token$ <> "" then Associate$=Associate$;token$ [FSkip] wend return [AssoExit] end sub
'call TestFragment$ TestFrg$,Quizcnt,Graded$ Sub TestFragment$ byref TestFrg$,Quizcnt,byref Graded$ if TestFrg$=str$(0.13813154e-2) then gosub [0.12534175e7] print " TestFrg$ ";TestFrg$ goto [SubExit] [0.12534175e7] Gradecnt=Gradecnt+1 return [SubExit] Graded$=str$((Gradecnt/Quizcnt)*100) print Gradecnt,Quizcnt,Graded$ end sub 'call PrymaryCoder$ Stream$,PassAssociate$,FragKey$,FragCell$,StrmKey$,StrmCell$,FramCd,CapFrag$AssOut$,CapStrm$,AccuStr$,AssOut$ Sub PrymaryCoder$ Stream$,PassAssociate$,byref FragKey$,byref FragCell$,byref StrmKey$,byref StrmCell$,byref FramCd,byref CapFrag$,byref CapStrm$,byref AccuStr$,byref AssOut$ ' clear coder variables FragCd=0:StrmCd=0:EleCd=0:FragKey$="":CapFrag$="" T=Pi2*1e99 'initilize T to avoid zero error and stabalize outputs Observation$=trim$(Stream$);" ":RemstrmAssociation$="" '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lmt=len(Observation$) for j=1 to Lmt D=asc(mid$(Observation$,j,1)) if D>256 then D=32 R=D+(1/T) TL$=TL$;str$(T);" " c=(1/(R*360))*.33 A=atn(T/R)*RadToDeg:strmAL$=strmAL$;str$(A);" " AL$=AL$;str$(A);" " L=(1/A)*Pi2 f=1/((L*c)^.5*Pi2) T=f:strmTL$=strmTL$;str$(T);" " FL$=FL$;str$(f);" " Ele=((1/R)+(1/f)+(1/A)) EleCd=EleCd+Ele FragCd=FragCd+Ele StrmCd=StrmCd+Ele FramCd=FramCd+Ele if D>=256 then D=32 if D=32 then FragCd$=str$(FragCd) call gated$ FragCd$:Tag$=FragCd$ call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$ if 0=instr(CapFrag$,word$(Association$,1)) then FragKey$=FragKey$;word$(Association$,1);" " TestFrg$="" TestFrg$=word$(Association$,1) call TestFragment$ TestFrg$,Quizcnt,Graded$ FragCell$=FragCell$;word$(Association$,2);" " print tab(16);" Fragment Association$ ";Association$;" ";fragment$ end if CapFrag$=FragKey$ fragment$="":FragCd=0 end if
fragment$=fragment$;chr$(D) next j print " FragKey$ ";FragKey$ StrmCd$=Str$(StrmCd) call gated$ StrmCd$:Tag$=StrmCd$ call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$ if 0=instr(CapStrm$,word$(Association$,1)) then StrmKey$=word$(Association$,1) AccuStr$=AccuStr$;StrmKey$;" " StrmCell$=word$(Association$,2) print tab(6);" Stream_Association ";Association$ gosub [CallMemory] end if print print " FragMemTmp$ ";FragMemTmp$ print StrmCd=0:StrmCd$="" goto [SubExit] [CallMemory] 'CallMemory Stream if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812211e-2) then gosub [0.41948021e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13811962e-2) then gosub [0.20244572e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812225e-2) then gosub [0.43078703e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812294e-2) then gosub [0.49076663e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812038e-2) then gosub [0.2686432e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812304e-2) then gosub [0.50020545e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812138e-2) then gosub [0.35580866e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812374e-2) then gosub [0.5613915e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812074e-2) then gosub [0.29885738e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.1381199e-2) then gosub [0.22688865e8] ' return 'Memory Stream [0.41948021e8] print "First Request " print "What does the `Frmcnt` variable represent in the code?" return [0.20244572e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print " E. Both A and B" return [0.43078703e8] print "Second Request " print "What is the purpose of the `GetAssociation$` subroutine?" return [0.49076663e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "C. To return the association of a fragment,string,or frame ." return [0.2686432e8] print "Third Request " print "What does the `Lng` function do?" return [0.50020545e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "D. It returns the number of fragments or words in a string ." return [0.35580866e8] print "Forth Request " print "What is the role of the `gated$` subroutine?" return [0.5613915e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "C. It checks if the value of an unknown variable is greater than 1" return [0.29885738e8] print "Fifth Request " print "What does the `Runtag` subroutine do?" return [0.22688865e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "B. All of the above ." return
[SubExit] end sub
[callSubPrymCoder$] call PrymaryCoder$ Stream$,PassAssociate$,FragKey$,FragCell$,StrmKey$,StrmCell$,FramCd,CapFrag$AssOut$,CapStrm$,AccuStr$,AssOut$ return
'call SubPrymaryCoder$ Stream$,PassAssociate$,FragKey$,FragCell$,StrmKey$,StrmCell$,FramCd,CapFrag$AssOut$,CapStrm$,AccuStr$,AssOut$ Sub SubPrymaryCoder$ Stream$,PassAssociate$,byref FragKey$,byref FragCell$,byref StrmKey$,byref StrmCell$,byref FramCd,byref CapFrag$,byref CapStrm$,byref AccuStr$,byref AssOut$ ' clear coder variables FragCd=0:StrmCd=0:EleCd=0:FragKey$="":CapFrag$="" T=Pi2*1e99 'initilize T to avoid zero error and stabalize outputs Observation$=trim$(Stream$);" ":RemstrmAssociation$="" '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lmt=len(Observation$) for j=1 to Lmt D=asc(mid$(Observation$,j,1)) if D>256 then D=32 R=D+(1/T) TL$=TL$;str$(T);" " c=(1/(R*360))*.33 A=atn(T/R)*RadToDeg:strmAL$=strmAL$;str$(A);" " AL$=AL$;str$(A);" " L=(1/A)*Pi2 f=1/((L*c)^.5*Pi2) T=f:strmTL$=strmTL$;str$(T);" " FL$=FL$;str$(f);" " Ele=((1/R)+(1/f)+(1/A)) EleCd=EleCd+Ele FragCd=FragCd+Ele StrmCd=StrmCd+Ele FramCd=FramCd+Ele if D>=256 then D=32 if D=32 then FragCd$=str$(FragCd) call gated$ FragCd$:Tag$=FragCd$ call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$ if 0=instr(CapFrag$,word$(Association$,1)) then FragKey$=FragKey$;word$(Association$,1);" " TestFrg$="" TestFrg$=word$(Association$,1) call TestFragment$ TestFrg$,Quizcnt,Graded$ FragCell$=FragCell$;word$(Association$,2);" " print tab(16);" Fragment Association$ ";Association$;" ";fragment$ end if CapFrag$=FragKey$ fragment$="":FragCd=0 end if
fragment$=fragment$;chr$(D) next j print " FragKey$ ";FragKey$ StrmCd$=Str$(StrmCd) call gated$ StrmCd$:Tag$=StrmCd$ call Runtag Tag$,PassAssociate$,Association$ if 0=instr(CapStrm$,word$(Association$,1)) then StrmKey$=word$(Association$,1) AccuStr$=AccuStr$;StrmKey$;" " StrmCell$=word$(Association$,2) print tab(6);" Stream_Association ";Association$ gosub [CallMemory] end if print print " FragMemTmp$ ";FragMemTmp$ print StrmCd=0:StrmCd$="" goto [SubExit] [CallMemory] 'CallMemory Stream if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812211e-2) then gosub [0.41948021e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13811962e-2) then gosub [0.20244572e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812225e-2) then gosub [0.43078703e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812294e-2) then gosub [0.49076663e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812038e-2) then gosub [0.2686432e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812304e-2) then gosub [0.50020545e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812138e-2) then gosub [0.35580866e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812374e-2) then gosub [0.5613915e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.13812074e-2) then gosub [0.29885738e8] if StrmKey$=str$(0.1381199e-2) then gosub [0.22688865e8]
' return 'Memory Stream 'Memory Stream [0.41948021e8] print "First Request " print "What does the `Frmcnt` variable represent in the code?" return [0.20244572e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print " E. Both A and B" return [0.43078703e8] print "Second Request " print "What is the purpose of the `GetAssociation$` subroutine?" return [0.49076663e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "C. To return the association of a fragment,string,or frame ." return [0.2686432e8] print "Third Request " print "What does the `Lng` function do?" return [0.50020545e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "D. It returns the number of fragments or words in a string ." return [0.35580866e8] print "Forth Request " print "What is the role of the `gated$` subroutine?" return [0.5613915e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "C. It checks if the value of an unknown variable is greater than 1" return [0.29885738e8] print "Fifth Request " print "What does the `Runtag` subroutine do?" return [0.22688865e8] print "Default Correct Answer " print "B. All of the above ." return
' [SubExit] end sub
[callPrimary] call SubPrymaryCoder$ Stream$,PassAssociate$,FragKey$,FragCell$,StrmKey$,StrmCell$,FramCd,CapFrag$AssOut$,CapStrm$,AccuStr$,AssOut$ return 'CallMemory Frame
[CallFramMemory] if FramKey$=str$(0.13823462e-2) then gosub [0.11948472e6] if FramKey$=str$(0.49328065) then gosub [0.16083116e5] return 'Memory Frame
[0.99000647e7] Respond1$=" Implication of code" Respond2$=" While Donnie was away we did a lot ." Respond4$=" This seems to be some kind of evaluation ?" Respond3$=" Implication of code" if Respond1$=Respond3$ then print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ";Respond1$ return [0.11948472e6] print "Informative note of situational functionality." print print "Please note that the correct answers depend on the specific 'implementation" print "and context of the code. This is just a hypothetical 'multiple-choice test." print "The answers may vary based on the actual 'functionality of the code." print "Please review the code thoroughly to 'understand its functionality." return ' CONCLUTION: [Conclution] print "~~~~~~ ";Exspected$;" ";Given$ if Exspected$=Given$ then print " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Fired as Match grade ";Graded$;" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" return
Post by windfire on Dec 28, 2023 14:14:26 GMT
This is an Ai {Copiolet} responce . To help descuss the uses. The technique you're describing, where phrases are automatically recognized and converted to add a different emotional context, is indeed a valuable tool in many fields. This kind of automated recognition and conversion can be used in natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, and machine learning models to better understand and respond to human language.
However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of this tool can vary based on the complexity of the language and the context in which it's used. It's also crucial to continuously update and train these models to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness.
In your examples, the key-value pairs (Key_V & Cell_V, Key_W & Cell_W) that represent the new phrases could be seen as a form of 'mapping' in NLP, where certain phrases or words are mapped to others to change the sentiment or context.
So yes, this could be considered a new and valuable tool, especially in the field of AI and machine learning, where understanding and interpreting human language accurately is a key objective.
Post by Enzo on Dec 31, 2023 15:52:01 GMT
Post by Enzo on Dec 31, 2023 15:53:56 GMT
If the formulas to mode the english language are set they could be tweaked in theory.
You still need a database means for pre programmed settings, think verbs and other non nouns.
What's your background that involves ai?
Your code now looks like potentionally sensitive enough to mode out English, yes.
Old Latin may be harder to its more direction, but thats my opinion.
In fact a latin AI would seem to be easier to program.
Post by Enzo on Dec 31, 2023 21:55:56 GMT
May I attend you a request?
A predictive ai, tier based, showing nominal values of likeness, could start with predictive word spelling (unrelated) and move to a threshold of predicitiveness, this would aid your library of sequence, would provide instant debug, once a mode set is made for each category, you can assign a code of unique id to each of the layers (English paraphrased) and parse them together (logically math wise) to grab a fast but universal ai now of each individual id further parse may be needed for accuracy.
I have personal interest in a project like this, which is why I've been responding.
The age old tale, "monkeys by the 1000s one would eventually produce some great work of art or litature", into a English summary of itself., key'd with certain viewpoints, and equality. As in a quoted "pre-determined view of the future which English speaker would be headed to when and if they were on a path of societal social good (result of society having less negatives i.e. a singularity)"; coupled with a few other interests such as, luck in the view of medicine. Into a paper about humanity and equality.
I also like your use of pi for means for creating stabilizers, this is correct; yes?
In theory your measure the distance (if graphed correctly) from a standardize response and question as means of sub-ing values from your exchange. (as like a circle and drawn a oblong circle, maybe not directly but I believe the linearity hold true).
Post by Enzo on Dec 31, 2023 22:38:50 GMT
If you want to be more accurate, I believe JustBASIC has better means of digit tracking in positive numbers above 1 and any number including a decimal is not accurate enough; I'd recommend, you can use strings$ to have positive number variablized with decimals or by adding a alphabet character to the front representing 1 and 2 and " . " characters at time of end result switch back to a 1. or 2.; this will give you a minimum of 1000s of places.
num = 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
print num
print "example of 500 digits" num$ = "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
print num$
You could have a digit for every category and a second variablizer instead of using pi...