Post by xxgeek on Nov 21, 2023 13:40:51 GMT
The following list works in Windows 10 Pro here. Your mileage may vary depending on the version of Windows you are running. All were tested here on Win 10 pro
'Some Built-In Tools, Consoles and Programs in Windows 10, possibly 11+ 'by xxgeek Nov 2023
'Uncomment the tool you wish to run or use the line of code in YOUR programs.
'file$ = "charmap" 'works - Opens Character Map - select a character from many characters 'file$ = "eudcedit" 'works - Opens Private Character Editor - make your own characters 'file$ = "eventvwr" 'works - Opens Event Viewer - view the logs of all events 'file$ = "msinfo32" 'works - Opens System Information - Get information about your PC 'file$ = "perfmon" 'works - Opens Performance Monitor - monitor the performance of your PC 'file$ = "psr.exe" 'works - Opens Problem Step Recorder - records your actions as you mouse and type 'file$ = "explorer shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" - The Windows Sound Recorder 'file$ = "taskmgr" 'works - Opens The Windows taskmanager (manage all running tasks) 'file$ = "mspaint" 'works - Opens The Windows MSPAINT Program 'file$ = "calc" 'works - Opens The Windows Calculator 'file$ = "resmon" 'works - Opens The Windows Resource Monitor 'file$ = "notepad" 'works - Opens Notepad 'file$ = "write" 'works - Opens Wordpad 'file$ = "rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables" 'works - Opens Windows Enviroment Variable Editor
'run "powershell.exe" 'run "cmd.exe /c powercfg.cpl", HIDE 'works - Opens Power Option 'run "cmd.exe /c msinfo32", HIDE 'works - opens System Information 'run "cmd.exe /c resmon", HIDE ' works - opens Resource Monitor 'run "cmd.exe /c main.cpl", HIDE 'works - opens Mouse Properties 'run "cmd.exe /c regedit", HIDE 'works- opens UAC(User AccountControl for permission from user to open regedit) 'run "cmd.exe /c sysdm.cpl", HIDE 'works - Opens System Properties 'run "cmd.exe /c magnify", HIDE 'works - opens Magnifyer 'run "cmd.exe /c charmap", HIDE 'works - opens Character Map (All the Special Character) 'run "cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl", HIDE ' works - opens Network Connections Control Panel 'run "cmd.exe /c devmgmt.msc", HIDE 'works opens Device Manager 'run "cmd.exe /c netplwiz", HIDE 'works - opens User Accounts 'run "cmd.exe /c services.msc", HIDE 'works - opens Services (All the Windows, and other Service) 'run "cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl", HIDE 'works - opens Applications and Features - to uninstall Apps(shorter list - 3rd party apps mostly ) 'run "cmd.exe /c control,4", HIDE 'works - Opens the Control Panel 'run "cmd.exe /c control", HIDE 'works - Opens the Control Panel 'run "cmd.exe /c desk.cpl", HIDE 'works - Opens Display Settings 'run "cmd.exe /c joy.cpl", HIDE 'works - Opens JoyStck Control Panel 'run "cmd.exe /c wscui.cpl", HIDE 'works - Opens Security and Maintanence Control Panel 'run "control schedtasks"', HIDE 'works - Opens Windows Task Scheduler 'run "cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl", HIDE 'works - Opens Network Connection Manager 'run "cmd.exe /c diskmgmt.msc", HIDE 'works - Opens Disk Managment 'run "cmd.exe /c cleanmgr", HIDE 'works - Opens Disk CleanUp 'run "cmd.exe /c compmgmt.msc", HIDE 'works - Opens the Computer Managment Console 'run "cmd.exe /c control admintools", HIDE 'works - Opens the Admin Tools folder 'run "cmd.exe /c wf.msc", HIDE 'works - Opens the Firewall Advanced Security Console 'run "cmd.exe /c services.msc", HIDE 'works - Opens Windows Services Console 'run "cmd.exe /c sndvol", HIDE 'works - Opens Volume Mixer 'run "cmd.exe /c magnify"', HIDE 'works - Opens the Magnifier(careful it can be hard to get your bearings) 'run "cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl", HIDE 'works - Opens Add Remove Programs Console 'run "cmd.exe /c psr", HIDE 'works - Opens 'works - Opens Problem Step Recorder - records your actions as you mouse and type
nomainwin if file$ <> "" then run file$ end if end
Post by cundo on Nov 21, 2023 19:36:31 GMT
This deserves a GUI
Post by tsh73 on Nov 21, 2023 20:10:23 GMT
psr Problem Step Recorder is the tool I was not aware of.
Worth trying, really.
It creates ZIP file with MHT web page (IE variant of "web page, everything including pictures, in one file") which looks kind of like slideshow with text explaining which button you pressed, whith retangles highlighting areas.
The only problem that to see these pictures I should open this page in IE mode (dragging page in Edge did not show pictures for me)
Post by xxgeek on Nov 22, 2023 5:15:09 GMT
@tsh - Problem Step Recorder is new to me as well. It was meant as an aid to create reports to send to helpdesks etc.
I'm sure I'll recall more, and run into more, and add them as time goes by. It can come in handy having these in one list, not having to run around all over the place.
@ cundo - not much of a gui, more like a menu.
EXIT is in the menu at the top
A GUI - Edit to Suit your needs - I may have gone overboard on the footprint. Look to the top of your screen if you don't see it open. 'Some Built-In Tools, Consoles and Programs in Windows 10, possibly 11+ 'by xxgeek Nov 2023 'GUI for Built-In 'Alt+F4 closes the window when in focus, as well as the top item in the list 'EXIT' dim tool$(40) dim app$(40) nomainwin WindowWidth = 160:WindowHeight = 55 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-DisplayHeight)+10) BackgroundColor$ = "lightgray" ForegroundColor$ = "black" combobox #builtIn.tools, tool$(), toolSelected , 0, 0, 150, 10 open "Built-In" for dialog_popup as #builtIn #builtIn "trapclose [quit.bi]" gosub [getTools] #builtIn.tools "reload" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait
[quit.bi] close #builtIn end
[getTools] tool$(0) = " EXIT |exit" tool$(1) = "Private Character Editor |cmd.exe /c eudcedit" tool$(2) = "Event Viewer |cmd.exe /c eventvwr" tool$(3) = "Performance Monitor |cmd.exe /c perfmon" tool$(4) = "Problem Step Recorder |cmd.exe /c psr.exe" tool$(5) = "Sound Recorder |explorer shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" tool$(6) = "Task Manager |cmd.exe /c taskmgr" tool$(7) = "MSPaint |cmd.exe /c mspaint" tool$(8) = "Calculator |cmd.exe /c calc" tool$(9) = "Notepad |cmd.exe /c notepad" tool$(10) = "Wordpad |cmd.exe /c write" tool$(11) = "Environment Variables |rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables" tool$(12) = "PowerShell |powershell.exe" tool$(13) = "Manage Power Options |cmd.exe /c powercfg.cpl" tool$(14) = "System Information |cmd.exe /c msinfo32" tool$(15) = "Resource Monitor |cmd.exe /c resmon" tool$(16) = "Mouse Properties |cmd.exe /c main.cpl" tool$(17) = "RegEdit Registry Editor |cmd.exe /c regedit" tool$(18) = "System Properties |cmd.exe /c sysdm.cpl" tool$(19) = "Magnifyer |cmd.exe /c magnify" tool$(20) = "Character Map |cmd.exe /c charmap" tool$(21) = "Network Connections |cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl" tool$(22) = "Device Manager |cmd.exe /c devmgmt.msc" tool$(23) = "User Accounts |cmd.exe /c netplwiz" tool$(24) = "Services |cmd.exe /c services.msc" tool$(25) = "Applications and Features |cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl" tool$(26) = "Control Panel |cmd.exe /c control,4" tool$(27) = "Display Settings |cmd.exe /c desk.cpl" tool$(28) = "JoyStck Control Panel |cmd.exe /c joy.cpl" tool$(29) = "Security and Maintanence |cmd.exe /c wscui.cpl" tool$(30) = "Task Scheduler |control schedtasks" tool$(31) = "Disk Managment |cmd.exe /c diskmgmt.msc" tool$(32) = "Disk CleanUp |cmd.exe /c cleanmgr" tool$(33) = "Computer Managment |cmd.exe /c compmgmt.msc" tool$(34) = "Administrator Tools |cmd.exe /c control admintools" tool$(35) = "Firewall Advanced Security |cmd.exe /c wf.msc" tool$(36) = "Volume Mixer |cmd.exe /c sndvol" tool$(37) = "Add Remove Programs |cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl" sort tool$(), 1 ,40 return
sub toolSelected tool$ #builtIn.tools "selection? selectedKey$" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "exit" then close #builtIn end end if #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|"),hide end sub
Post by cundo on Nov 23, 2023 20:19:26 GMT
nice!! ESC also seems to close the dialog just fine
Post by xxgeek on Nov 24, 2023 15:04:07 GMT
I found 13 more to add to the list.- 49 in total now.
Also, there is ONE title in the list I am curious about.
If someone could check Sound Recorder and let me know I would appreciate it. Just curious if that long "8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" is unique to my PC, or will it work for all users? It works for me, but since I have no mic I can't go any further with it.
'Some Built-In Tools, Consoles and Programs in Windows 10, possibly 11+ 'by xxgeek Nov 2023 'GUI for Built-In 'Alt+F4 closes the window when in focus, as well as the top item in the list 'EXIT' dim tool$(50) dim app$(50) nomainwin WindowWidth = 160:WindowHeight = 53 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-DisplayHeight))+5 combobox #builtIn.tools, tool$(), toolSelected , 0, 1, 150, 30 open "Built-In" for dialog_popup as #builtIn #builtIn "trapclose [quit.bi]" gosub [getTools] #builtIn.tools "reload" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait
[quit.bi] close #builtIn end
[getTools] tool$(0) = " EXIT |exit" tool$(1) = "Private Character Editor |cmd.exe /c eudcedit" tool$(2) = "Event Viewer |cmd.exe /c eventvwr" tool$(3) = "Performance Monitor |cmd.exe /c perfmon" tool$(4) = "Problem Step Recorder |cmd.exe /c psr.exe" tool$(5) = "Sound Recorder |explorer shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" tool$(6) = "Task Manager |cmd.exe /c taskmgr" tool$(7) = "MSPaint |cmd.exe /c mspaint" tool$(8) = "Calculator |cmd.exe /c calc" tool$(9) = "Notepad |cmd.exe /c notepad" tool$(10) = "Wordpad |cmd.exe /c write" tool$(11) = "Environment Variables |rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables" tool$(12) = "PowerShell |powershell.exe" tool$(13) = "Manage Power Options |cmd.exe /c powercfg.cpl" tool$(14) = "System Information |cmd.exe /c msinfo32" tool$(15) = "Resource Monitor |cmd.exe /c resmon" tool$(16) = "Mouse Properties |cmd.exe /c main.cpl" tool$(17) = "RegEdit Registry Editor |cmd.exe /c regedit" tool$(18) = "System Properties |cmd.exe /c sysdm.cpl" tool$(19) = "Magnifyer |cmd.exe /c magnify" tool$(20) = "Character Map |cmd.exe /c charmap" tool$(21) = "Network Connections |cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl" tool$(22) = "Device Manager |cmd.exe /c devmgmt.msc" tool$(23) = "User Accounts |cmd.exe /c netplwiz" tool$(24) = "Services |cmd.exe /c services.msc" tool$(25) = "Control Panel |cmd.exe /c control,4" tool$(26) = "Display Settings |cmd.exe /c desk.cpl" tool$(27) = "JoyStick Control Panel |cmd.exe /c joy.cpl" tool$(28) = "Security and Maintanence |cmd.exe /c wscui.cpl" tool$(29) = "Task Scheduler |control schedtasks" tool$(30) = "Disk Managment |cmd.exe /c diskmgmt.msc" tool$(31) = "Disk CleanUp |cmd.exe /c cleanmgr" tool$(32) = "Computer Management |cmd.exe /c compmgmt.msc" tool$(33) = "Administrator Tools |cmd.exe /c control admintools" tool$(34) = "Firewall Advanced Security |cmd.exe /c wf.msc" tool$(35) = "Volume Mixer |cmd.exe /c sndvol" tool$(36) = "Add Remove Programs |cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl" tool$(37) = "Command Prompt |cmd.exe" tool$(38) = "IExpress Self Extract EXE |cmd.exe /c iexpress" tool$(39) = "Group Policy Editor |cmd.exe /c gpedit.msc" tool$(40) = "RemoteDesktopConnection |cmd.exe /c mstsc" tool$(41) = "Time and Date |cmd.exe /c timedate.cpl" tool$(42) = "Sound Settings |cmd.exe /c mmsys.cpl" tool$(43) = "Regional Settings |cmd.exe /c intl.cpl" tool$(44) = "Local Users and Groups |cmd.exe /c lusrmgr.msc" tool$(45) = "Shared Folders |cmd.exe /c fsmgmt.msc" tool$(46) = "Component Services |cmd.exe /c comexp.msc" tool$(47) = "Trusted Platform Management |cmd.exe /c tpm.msc" tool$(48) = "Trusted Root Certificates |cmd.exe /c certlm.msc" tool$(49) = "Certificate Manager |cmd.exe /c certmgr.msc" sort tool$(), 1 ,49 return
sub toolSelected tool$ #builtIn.tools "selection? selectedKey$" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "exit" then close #builtIn end end if #builtIn.tools "select 0" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "cmd.exe" then run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") exit sub end if run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|"),hide end sub
Post by tsh73 on Nov 24, 2023 15:51:49 GMT
I think I tried it as you put it first time. It run on my win10 32 bit netbook I tried recording and playing - all worked - and I found previous recordins, single one, from several years ago! (Looks like I tested it and never needed after. Though I might just forget about it, I have Audacity installed for this).
(Will check again and report)
Post by xxgeek on Nov 24, 2023 16:14:58 GMT
Thanks Anatoly. I assume it is your Win 10 PC.
I believe if you wanted it for XP it would be tool$(5) = "Sound Recorder |sndrec"
(maybe sndrec32) Instead of the current line.
[edit] There are some more, but they don't want to play ball. They are in C:\Windows\System32 as are the others, but Windows security won't allow them to run unless called by another process. Probably for good reason. Even so, there are some the user must be cautious of, and know what they are doing or could cause havoc in their system if used improperly.
Post by tsh73 on Nov 24, 2023 19:10:24 GMT
Yes sound recorder works for me.
And I tried running Power shell - it looks like process is started but has no visible window
and |cmd.exe /c powershell.exe" no good, too
|cmd.exe /c start powershell.exe" opens some interesting terminal window (not default black DOS prompt, colored blue and with bigger font).
Post by xxgeek on Nov 24, 2023 21:18:48 GMT
Here on Win 10 Pro |cmd.exe /c start powershell.exe"
Opens PowerShell, with a message "Try the new cross-platform PowerShell aka.ms/pscore6", but it's working. The file is location - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe it is the 32 bit version. Here running on a 64 bit machine my path(according to Environment Variable) is to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe In Start Menu there is Windows PowerShell, and Windows PowerShell (x86) also Windows PowerShell ISE, and Windows PowerShell ISE(x86) ISE = Integrated Scripting Environment It's running the 32 bit version even though it's not on my path and I'm on a 64bit machine, now that is odd. Investigated..... Here's what happened, I knew PowerShell worked yesterday as I was testing, and it was using the file at C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
so why now with your new line does |cmd.exe /c start powershell.exe" works, and the old line does not. haha, finally found it in the code, because of "hide" when I was testing not being utilized when RUN'ing. Once it was utilized after testing it was hiding PowerShell.exe and not the command window like the others. Your line using 'start' was hiding 'start' and not PowerShell. I should have known too, because I had to make the same exception for cmd.exe(Command Prompt) Gotta be more careful what is being hidden, it took a while to figure it out. [edit] The real kicker is it doesn't matter, they are both 32 bit according to taskmanager. [/edit] Updated code - added PowerShell ISE as well - Total of 50 Titles 'Some Built-In Tools, Consoles and Programs in Windows 10, possibly 11+ 'by xxgeek Nov 2023 'GUI for Built-In 'Alt+F4 closes the window when in focus, as well as the top item in the list 'EXIT' dim tool$(50) dim app$(50) nomainwin WindowWidth = 160:WindowHeight = 53 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-DisplayHeight))+5 combobox #builtIn.tools, tool$(), toolSelected , 0, 1, 150, 30 open "Built-In" for dialog_popup as #builtIn #builtIn "trapclose [quit.bi]" gosub [getTools] #builtIn.tools "reload" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait
[quit.bi] close #builtIn end
[getTools] tool$(0) = " EXIT |exit" tool$(1) = "Private Character Editor |cmd.exe /c eudcedit" tool$(2) = "Event Viewer |cmd.exe /c eventvwr" tool$(3) = "Performance Monitor |cmd.exe /c perfmon" tool$(4) = "Problem Step Recorder |cmd.exe /c psr.exe" tool$(5) = "Sound Recorder |explorer shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" tool$(6) = "Task Manager |cmd.exe /c taskmgr" tool$(7) = "MSPaint |cmd.exe /c mspaint" tool$(8) = "Calculator |cmd.exe /c calc" tool$(9) = "Notepad |cmd.exe /c notepad" tool$(10) = "Wordpad |cmd.exe /c write" tool$(11) = "Environment Variables |rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables" tool$(12) = "PowerShell |powershell" tool$(13) = "Manage Power Options |cmd.exe /c powercfg.cpl" tool$(14) = "System Information |cmd.exe /c msinfo32" tool$(15) = "Resource Monitor |cmd.exe /c resmon" tool$(16) = "Mouse Properties |cmd.exe /c main.cpl" tool$(17) = "RegEdit Registry Editor |cmd.exe /c regedit" tool$(18) = "System Properties |cmd.exe /c sysdm.cpl" tool$(19) = "Magnifyer |cmd.exe /c magnify" tool$(20) = "Character Map |cmd.exe /c charmap" tool$(21) = "Network Connections |cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl" tool$(22) = "Device Manager |cmd.exe /c devmgmt.msc" tool$(23) = "User Accounts |cmd.exe /c netplwiz" tool$(24) = "Services |cmd.exe /c services.msc" tool$(25) = "Control Panel |cmd.exe /c control,4" tool$(26) = "Display Settings |cmd.exe /c desk.cpl" tool$(27) = "JoyStick Control Panel |cmd.exe /c joy.cpl" tool$(28) = "Security and Maintanence |cmd.exe /c wscui.cpl" tool$(29) = "Task Scheduler |control schedtasks" tool$(30) = "Disk Managment |cmd.exe /c diskmgmt.msc" tool$(31) = "Disk CleanUp |cmd.exe /c cleanmgr" tool$(32) = "Computer Management |cmd.exe /c compmgmt.msc" tool$(33) = "Administrator Tools |cmd.exe /c control admintools" tool$(34) = "Firewall Advanced Security |cmd.exe /c wf.msc" tool$(35) = "Volume Mixer |cmd.exe /c sndvol" tool$(36) = "Add Remove Programs |cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl" tool$(37) = "Command Prompt |cmd.exe" tool$(38) = "IExpress Self Extract EXE |cmd.exe /c iexpress" tool$(39) = "Group Policy Editor |cmd.exe /c gpedit.msc" tool$(40) = "RemoteDesktopConnection |cmd.exe /c mstsc" tool$(41) = "Time and Date |cmd.exe /c timedate.cpl" tool$(42) = "Sound Settings |cmd.exe /c mmsys.cpl" tool$(43) = "Regional Settings |cmd.exe /c intl.cpl" tool$(44) = "Local Users and Groups |cmd.exe /c lusrmgr.msc" tool$(45) = "Shared Folders |cmd.exe /c fsmgmt.msc" tool$(46) = "Component Services |cmd.exe /c comexp.msc" tool$(47) = "Trusted Platform Management |cmd.exe /c tpm.msc" tool$(48) = "Trusted Root Certificates |cmd.exe /c certlm.msc" tool$(49) = "PowerShell ISE |cmd.exe /c PowerShell_ISE" tool$(50) = "Certificate Manager |cmd.exe /c certmgr.msc" sort tool$(), 1 ,50 return
sub toolSelected tool$ #builtIn.tools "selection? selectedKey$" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "exit" then close #builtIn end end if #builtIn.tools "select 0" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "cmd.exe" or word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "powershell" then run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") exit sub end if run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|"),hide end sub
Post by tsh73 on Nov 30, 2023 9:48:46 GMT
Post by xxgeek on Nov 30, 2023 13:36:23 GMT
suddenly emerged JB-friendly way to run onscreen-keyboard in 64 bit Windows 10 (if someone have Windows 11, please check if it works) run "C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start osk.exe" Thanks TSH73.(and Chris) That piece of information will enable a few more titles to the list. I'll be back!
Post by xxgeek on Nov 30, 2023 17:08:29 GMT
Added Onscreen Keyboard Restore System (to earlier time) Create a Restore Point Snipping Tool Windows Explorer MS Configuration Tool (MSconfig)
'Some Built-In Tools, Consoles and Programs in Windows 10, possibly 11+ 'by xxgeek Nov 2023 'GUI for Built-In 'Esc or Alt+F4 closes the window when in focus, as well as the top item in the list 'EXIT' dim tool$(60) global upath$, filepath$, nameOffile$ nomainwin WindowWidth = 160:WindowHeight = 53 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-DisplayHeight))+5 combobox #builtIn.tools, tool$(), toolSelected , 0, 1, 150, 30 open "Built-In" for dialog_popup as #builtIn #builtIn "trapclose [quit.bi]" gosub [getTools] #builtIn.tools "reload" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait
[quit.bi] close #builtIn end
[getTools] tool$(0) = " EXIT |exit" tool$(1) = "Private Character Editor |cmd.exe /c eudcedit" tool$(2) = "Event Viewer |cmd.exe /c eventvwr" tool$(3) = "Performance Monitor |cmd.exe /c perfmon" tool$(4) = "Problem Step Recorder |cmd.exe /c psr.exe" tool$(5) = "Sound Recorder |explorer shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" tool$(6) = "Task Manager |cmd.exe /c taskmgr" tool$(7) = "MSPaint |cmd.exe /c mspaint" tool$(8) = "Calculator |cmd.exe /c calc" tool$(9) = "Notepad |cmd.exe /c notepad" tool$(10) = "Wordpad |cmd.exe /c write" tool$(11) = "Environment Variables |rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables" tool$(12) = "PowerShell |powershell" tool$(13) = "Manage Power Options |cmd.exe /c powercfg.cpl" tool$(14) = "System Information |cmd.exe /c msinfo32" tool$(15) = "Resource Monitor |cmd.exe /c resmon" tool$(16) = "Mouse Properties |cmd.exe /c main.cpl" tool$(17) = "RegEdit Registry Editor |cmd.exe /c regedit" tool$(18) = "System Properties |cmd.exe /c sysdm.cpl" tool$(19) = "Magnifyer |cmd.exe /c magnify" tool$(20) = "Character Map |cmd.exe /c charmap" tool$(21) = "Network Connections |cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl" tool$(22) = "Device Manager |cmd.exe /c devmgmt.msc" tool$(23) = "User Accounts |cmd.exe /c netplwiz" tool$(24) = "Services |cmd.exe /c services.msc" tool$(25) = "Control Panel |cmd.exe /c control,4" tool$(26) = "Display Settings |cmd.exe /c desk.cpl" tool$(27) = "JoyStick Control Panel |cmd.exe /c joy.cpl" tool$(28) = "Security and Maintanence |cmd.exe /c wscui.cpl" tool$(29) = "Task Scheduler |control schedtasks" tool$(30) = "Disk Managment |cmd.exe /c diskmgmt.msc" tool$(31) = "Disk CleanUp |cmd.exe /c cleanmgr" tool$(32) = "Computer Management |cmd.exe /c compmgmt.msc" tool$(33) = "Administrator Tools |cmd.exe /c control admintools" tool$(34) = "Firewall Advanced Security |cmd.exe /c wf.msc" tool$(35) = "Volume Mixer |cmd.exe /c sndvol" tool$(36) = "Add Remove Programs |cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl" tool$(37) = "Command Prompt |cmd.exe" tool$(38) = "IExpress Self Extract EXE |cmd.exe /c iexpress" tool$(39) = "Group Policy Editor |cmd.exe /c gpedit.msc" tool$(40) = "RemoteDesktopConnection |cmd.exe /c mstsc" tool$(41) = "Time and Date |cmd.exe /c timedate.cpl" tool$(42) = "Sound Settings |cmd.exe /c mmsys.cpl" tool$(43) = "Regional Settings |cmd.exe /c intl.cpl" tool$(44) = "Local Users and Groups |cmd.exe /c lusrmgr.msc" tool$(45) = "Shared Folders |cmd.exe /c fsmgmt.msc" tool$(46) = "Component Services |cmd.exe /c comexp.msc" tool$(47) = "Trusted Platform Management |cmd.exe /c tpm.msc" tool$(48) = "Trusted Root Certificates |cmd.exe /c certlm.msc" tool$(49) = "PowerShell ISE |cmd.exe /c PowerShell_ISE" tool$(50) = "Certificate Manager |cmd.exe /c certmgr.msc" tool$(51) = "Windows Explorer |cmd.exe /c explorer ";DefaultDir$ tool$(52) = "OnScreen KeyBoard |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start osk.exe" tool$(53) = "Snipping Tool |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start snippingtool.exe" tool$(54) = "Restore System |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start rstrui.exe" tool$(55) = "MS Configuration Tool |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start msconfig.exe" tool$(56) = "Create Restore Point |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesProtection.exe" sort tool$(), 1 ,56 return 'cmd.exe /k "wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "My Shortcut Restore Point", 100, 7" sub toolSelected tool$ q$=chr$(34) #builtIn.tools "selection? selectedKey$" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "exit" then close #builtIn end end if #builtIn.tools "select 0" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "cmd.exe" or word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "powershell" then run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait end if call pause 500 run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|"),hide end sub
'sub to create pauses in program sub pause mil t=time$("ms")+mil while time$("ms")<t scan wend end sub
'function for checking file existence function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim info$(0, 0) files path$, filename$, info$() fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
If there is something not in the list you wish to see in the list, let me know and I'll see if I can add it.
There may be some more to find. I'll keep looking and trying to add them.
Post by xxgeek on Nov 30, 2023 20:06:10 GMT
Added Remote Desktop Advanced System Proprties Windows Sandbox Optional Features - To the page where you can turn on/off features like - Subsystem for Linux - Windows Sandbox - .net Framework versions -HyperV - etc etc
61 in Total now. Sure beats searching for them every time I need them. Anymore come to mind that are not in the list?
'Some Built-In Tools, Consoles and Programs in Windows 10, possibly 11+ 'by xxgeek Nov 2023 'GUI for Built-In 'Esc or Alt+F4 closes the window when in focus, as well as the top item in the list 'EXIT' dim tool$(65) global upath$, filepath$, nameOffile$ nomainwin WindowWidth = 160:WindowHeight = 53 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-DisplayHeight))+5 combobox #builtIn.tools, tool$(), toolSelected , 0, 1, 150, 30 open "Built-In" for dialog_popup as #builtIn #builtIn "trapclose [quit.bi]" gosub [getTools] #builtIn.tools "reload" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait
[quit.bi] close #builtIn end
[getTools] tool$(0) = " EXIT |exit" tool$(2) = "Private Character Editor |cmd.exe /c eudcedit" tool$(3) = "Event Viewer |cmd.exe /c eventvwr" tool$(4) = "Performance Monitor |cmd.exe /c perfmon" tool$(5) = "Problem Step Recorder |cmd.exe /c psr.exe" tool$(6) = "Sound Recorder |explorer shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" tool$(7) = "Task Manager |cmd.exe /c taskmgr" tool$(8) = "MSPaint |cmd.exe /c mspaint" tool$(9) = "Calculator |cmd.exe /c calc" tool$(10) = "Notepad |cmd.exe /c notepad" tool$(11) = "Wordpad |cmd.exe /c write" tool$(12) = "Environment Variables |rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables" tool$(13) = "PowerShell |powershell" tool$(14) = "Manage Power Options |cmd.exe /c powercfg.cpl" tool$(15) = "System Information |cmd.exe /c msinfo32" tool$(56) = "Create Restore Point |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesProtection.exe" tool$(16) = "Resource Monitor |cmd.exe /c resmon" tool$(17) = "Mouse Properties |cmd.exe /c main.cpl" tool$(18) = "RegEdit Registry Editor |cmd.exe /c regedit" tool$(19) = "System Properties /32bit |cmd.exe /c sysdm.cpl" tool$(20) = "Magnifyer |cmd.exe /c magnify" tool$(21) = "Character Map |cmd.exe /c charmap" tool$(22) = "Network Connections |cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl" tool$(23) = "Device Manager |cmd.exe /c devmgmt.msc" tool$(24) = "User Accounts |cmd.exe /c netplwiz" tool$(25) = "Services |cmd.exe /c services.msc" tool$(26) = "Control Panel |cmd.exe /c control,4" tool$(27) = "Display Settings |cmd.exe /c desk.cpl" tool$(28) = "JoyStick Control Panel |cmd.exe /c joy.cpl" tool$(29) = "Security and Maintanence |cmd.exe /c wscui.cpl" tool$(30) = "Task Scheduler |control schedtasks" tool$(31) = "Disk Managment |cmd.exe /c diskmgmt.msc" tool$(32) = "Disk CleanUp |cmd.exe /c cleanmgr" tool$(33) = "Computer Management |cmd.exe /c compmgmt.msc" tool$(34) = "Administrator Tools |cmd.exe /c control admintools" tool$(35) = "Firewall Advanced Security |cmd.exe /c wf.msc" tool$(36) = "Volume Mixer |cmd.exe /c sndvol" tool$(37) = "Add Remove Programs |cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl" tool$(38) = "Command Prompt |cmd.exe" tool$(39) = "Group Policy Editor |cmd.exe /c gpedit.msc" tool$(40) = "RemoteDesktopConnection |cmd.exe /c mstsc" tool$(41) = "Time and Date |cmd.exe /c timedate.cpl" tool$(42) = "Sound Settings |cmd.exe /c mmsys.cpl" tool$(43) = "Regional Settings |cmd.exe /c intl.cpl" tool$(44) = "Local Users and Groups |cmd.exe /c lusrmgr.msc" tool$(45) = "Shared Folders |cmd.exe /c fsmgmt.msc" tool$(46) = "Component Services |cmd.exe /c comexp.msc" tool$(47) = "Trusted Platform Management |cmd.exe /c tpm.msc" tool$(48) = "Trusted Root Certificates |cmd.exe /c certlm.msc" tool$(49) = "PowerShell ISE |cmd.exe /c PowerShell_ISE" tool$(50) = "Certificate Manager |cmd.exe /c certmgr.msc" tool$(51) = "Windows Explorer |cmd.exe /c explorer " tool$(52) = "OnScreen KeyBoard |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start osk.exe" tool$(53) = "Snipping Tool |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start snippingtool.exe" tool$(54) = "Restore System |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start rstrui.exe" tool$(55) = "MS Configuration Tool |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start msconfig.exe" tool$(56) = "Create Restore Point - /64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesProtection.exe" tool$(57) = "System Properties - /64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesComputerName" tool$(58) = "Remote Desktop - /64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesRemote" tool$(59) = "Advanced System Properties |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesAdvanced" tool$(60) = "Optional Features On/Off - 64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start OptionalFeatures" tool$(61) = "Windows Sandbox - 64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start WindowsSandbox" sort tool$(), 1 ,61 return
sub toolSelected tool$ q$=chr$(34) #builtIn.tools "selection? selectedKey$" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "exit" then close #builtIn end end if #builtIn.tools "select 0" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "cmd.exe" or word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "powershell" then run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait end if call pause 500 run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|"),hide #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" end sub
'sub to create pauses in program sub pause mil t=time$("ms")+mil while time$("ms")<t scan wend end sub
'function for checking file existence function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim info$(0, 0) files path$, filename$, info$() fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function
Post by xxgeek on Dec 1, 2023 14:32:58 GMT
A version for the visually impaired.
'Some Built-In Tools, Consoles and Programs in Windows 10, possibly 11+ 'by xxgeek Nov 2023 'GUI for Built-In 'Esc or Alt+F4 closes the window when in focus, as well as the top item in the list 'EXIT' 'F4 alone drops the combobox list '+ = increase font size - = decrease font size X = close program dim tool$(65) global upath$, filepath$, nameOffile$ nomainwin WindowWidth = 350:WindowHeight = 58 UpperLeftX= int((DisplayWidth-WindowWidth)/2) UpperLeftY= int((DisplayHeight-DisplayHeight))+10 button #builtIn.incFont, "&+", [incFont], UL, 250, 1, 30, 25 button #builtIn.decFont, "&-", [decFont], UL, 280, 1, 30, 25 button #builtIn.close, "&X", [quit.bi], UL, 310, 1, 30, 25 combobox #builtIn.tools, tool$(), toolSelected , 0, 0, 250, 30 open "Built-In" for dialog_popup as #builtIn #builtIn "trapclose [quit.bi]" gosub [getTools] #builtIn.tools "reload" #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" #builtIn "font 12 bold" mainFontsize = 12 wait
[quit.bi] close #builtIn end
[getTools] tool$(0) = " EXIT |exit" tool$(2) = "Private Character Editor |cmd.exe /c eudcedit" tool$(3) = "Event Viewer |cmd.exe /c eventvwr" tool$(4) = "Performance Monitor |cmd.exe /c perfmon" tool$(5) = "Problem Step Recorder |cmd.exe /c psr.exe" tool$(6) = "Sound Recorder |explorer shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" tool$(7) = "Task Manager |cmd.exe /c taskmgr" tool$(8) = "MSPaint |cmd.exe /c mspaint" tool$(9) = "Calculator |cmd.exe /c calc" tool$(10) = "Notepad |cmd.exe /c notepad" tool$(11) = "Wordpad |cmd.exe /c write" tool$(12) = "Environment Variables |rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables" tool$(13) = "PowerShell |powershell" tool$(14) = "Manage Power Options |cmd.exe /c powercfg.cpl" tool$(15) = "System Information |cmd.exe /c msinfo32" tool$(56) = "Create Restore Point |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesProtection.exe" tool$(16) = "Resource Monitor |cmd.exe /c resmon" tool$(17) = "Mouse Properties |cmd.exe /c main.cpl" tool$(18) = "RegEdit Registry Editor |cmd.exe /c regedit" tool$(19) = "System Properties /32bit |cmd.exe /c sysdm.cpl" tool$(20) = "Magnifyer |cmd.exe /c magnify" tool$(21) = "Character Map |cmd.exe /c charmap" tool$(22) = "Network Connections |cmd.exe /c ncpa.cpl" tool$(23) = "Device Manager |cmd.exe /c devmgmt.msc" tool$(24) = "User Accounts |cmd.exe /c netplwiz" tool$(25) = "Services |cmd.exe /c services.msc" tool$(26) = "Control Panel |cmd.exe /c control,4" tool$(27) = "Display Settings |cmd.exe /c desk.cpl" tool$(28) = "JoyStick Control Panel |cmd.exe /c joy.cpl" tool$(29) = "Security and Maintanence |cmd.exe /c wscui.cpl" tool$(30) = "Task Scheduler |control schedtasks" tool$(31) = "Disk Managment |cmd.exe /c diskmgmt.msc" tool$(32) = "Disk CleanUp |cmd.exe /c cleanmgr" tool$(33) = "Computer Management |cmd.exe /c compmgmt.msc" tool$(34) = "Administrator Tools |cmd.exe /c control admintools" tool$(35) = "Firewall Advanced Security |cmd.exe /c wf.msc" tool$(36) = "Volume Mixer |cmd.exe /c sndvol" tool$(37) = "Add Remove Programs |cmd.exe /c appwiz.cpl" tool$(38) = "Command Prompt |cmd.exe" tool$(39) = "Group Policy Editor |cmd.exe /c gpedit.msc" tool$(40) = "RemoteDesktopConnection |cmd.exe /c mstsc" tool$(41) = "Time and Date |cmd.exe /c timedate.cpl" tool$(42) = "Sound Settings |cmd.exe /c mmsys.cpl" tool$(43) = "Regional Settings |cmd.exe /c intl.cpl" tool$(44) = "Local Users and Groups |cmd.exe /c lusrmgr.msc" tool$(45) = "Shared Folders |cmd.exe /c fsmgmt.msc" tool$(46) = "Component Services |cmd.exe /c comexp.msc" tool$(47) = "Trusted Platform Management |cmd.exe /c tpm.msc" tool$(48) = "Trusted Root Certificates |cmd.exe /c certlm.msc" tool$(49) = "PowerShell ISE |cmd.exe /c PowerShell_ISE" tool$(50) = "Certificate Manager |cmd.exe /c certmgr.msc" tool$(51) = "Windows Explorer |cmd.exe /c explorer " tool$(52) = "OnScreen KeyBoard |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start osk.exe" tool$(53) = "Snipping Tool |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start snippingtool.exe" tool$(54) = "Restore System |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start rstrui.exe" tool$(55) = "MS Configuration Tool |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start msconfig.exe" tool$(56) = "Create Restore Point - /64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesProtection.exe" tool$(57) = "System Properties - /64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesComputerName" tool$(58) = "Remote Desktop - /64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesRemote" tool$(59) = "Advanced System Properties |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start SystemPropertiesAdvanced" tool$(60) = "Optional Features On/Off - 64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start OptionalFeatures" tool$(61) = "Windows Sandbox - 64bit |C:\Windows\SysNative\cmd.exe /c start WindowsSandbox" sort tool$(), 1 ,61 return
'resize window font - sets all fonts equal [incFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize + 1 #builtIn.tools "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
[decFont] mainFontsize = mainFontsize - 1 #builtIn.tools "font Arial ";mainFontsize wait
sub toolSelected tool$ q$=chr$(34) #builtIn.tools "selection? selectedKey$" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "exit" then close #builtIn end end if #builtIn.tools "select 0" if word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "cmd.exe" or word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") = "powershell" then run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|") #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" wait end if call pause 500 run word$(selectedKey$, 2, "|"),hide #builtIn.tools "! B U I L T - I N" end sub
'sub to create pauses in program sub pause mil t=time$("ms")+mil while time$("ms")<t scan wend end sub
'function for checking file existence function fileExists(path$, filename$) dim info$(0, 0) files path$, filename$, info$() fileExists = val(info$(0, 0)) 'non zero is true end function