Member in Training
Posts: 56
Post by xcoder on Jul 3, 2023 17:27:45 GMT
print "###################################"
text$ = "12345678ABCDEFGHabcd"
alpha$ = txMain$(text$)
' print alpha$
print "End of Script"
function txMain$(text$) ''''pads final block of text to ensure 8 characters
for i = 1 to len(text$) step 8
chunk$ = mid$(text$,i,8)
if len(chunk$) < 8 then
pad$ = chr$(94)+ chr$(94)+ chr$(94)+ chr$(94)+ chr$(94)+ chr$(94)+ chr$(94)+ chr$(94)
chunk$ = chunk$ + left$(pad$, 8 - len(chunk$))
end if
outStr$ = outStr$ + txRound1$(chunk$)
next i
txMain$ = outStr$
end function
function txRound1$(chunk$)
print chunk$
txRound1$ = chunk$
end function