Post by tenochtitlanuk on Mar 11, 2022 16:47:39 GMT
Positively hypnotic. I keep coming back to LB graphics..
Post by tsh73 on Mar 13, 2022 16:10:32 GMT
I dig up my old palette code and made real-time rotating spiral If you feel it rotates too slow try up/down buttons ;) 'palette-rotated Triskelion 'based on 'JB plasma demo 'by tsh73, March 2022 'nomainwin
dim PAL$(512) 'colors as text, like "255 100 23"
global MaxX, MaxY, rough, MaxColor global PAL2BMPstr$
UpperLeftX = 1 UpperLeftY = 1 ' WindowWidth = 512 ' WindowHeight = 512 WindowWidth = 256 WindowHeight = 256
'increase window size so we get our requested size print "Adjusting window for borders..." call adjustWindowSize WindowWidth, WindowHeight ' print WindowWidth, WindowHeight
open "Triskelion" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr, "trapclose quit" #gr, "home ; down ; posxy cx cy" width = 2*cx : height = 2*cy 'for bitmap width be better dividable by 4 if width mod 4<>0 then width = width + (4 - width mod 4) print "Bitmap ";width;"x";height
MaxX = width MaxY = height 'array size - from screen size MaxColor = 255 'number of colors to use dim screenBuf(MaxX, MaxY)
startTime = time$("ms") print "Making smooth palette..." call Makepalette
print "Drawing..." pi = ACS(-1) for x = 0 to MaxX-1 scan 'for being breakable for y = 0 to MaxY-1 r = sqr((x-cx)^2+(y-cy)^2) phi = atan2(y-cy,x-cx)+2*pi Colr=int(1+MaxColor*((phi/2/pi*3-2*r/cx+2) mod 1)) '0..MaxColor, 1+ 'print x, y , r, phi, Colr screenBuf(x, y)=Colr #gr, "color ";Colr;" " ;Colr;" " ;Colr #gr, "set ";x;" ";y next #gr, "discard" next
'#gr, "flush" print "Time taken 2 : ";time$("ms") - startTime
startTime = time$("ms") call tryToKill "just4header.bmp" ' easiest way to get right BMP header is to actually save BMP and look header (just change BPP and some other things after) #gr, "getbmp drawing 0 0 ";width;" "; height bmpsave "drawing", "just4header.bmp" unloadbmp("drawing") ' get header open "just4header.bmp" for binary as #1 size = lof(#1) header$ = input$(#1, 53) close #1 ' modify header 'numbers stored hi lo '2 4 fileSize = imagebytes + offset '10 4 offset 1078 '28 2 BitsPerPixel (bpp) 8 '30 4 CompressMethod 0 '34 4 imagebytes width*height '46 4 ColorsUsed 256 '50 4 ImportantColors 256 'all goes +1 because bytes numbered from zero by loc() call putNumber header$, 2+1, 4, width*height + 1078 call putNumber header$, 10+1, 4, 1078 call putNumber header$, 28+1, 2, 8 call putNumber header$, 30+1, 4, 0 call putNumber header$, 34+1, 4, width*height call putNumber header$, 46+1, 4, 256 call putNumber header$, 50+1, 4, 256
' write image data call tryToKill "frame.bmp" 'because JB does not overwrite if BMP is smaller. ', and it siglifically slows things down open "frame.bmp" for binary as #1 ' write modif. header print #1, header$; 'Here LBB needs (;) ' write palette print #1, mid$(PAL2BMPstr$, 1, 256*4); 'Here LBB needs (;) ' write image data FOR y = MaxY-1 TO 0 step -1 aLine$ = "" FOR x = 0 TO MaxX-1 aLine$ = aLine$ + chr$(screenBuf(x,y)) next aLine$ = aLine$ + space$(width-len(aLine$)) 'filler by x print #1, aLine$; 'Here LBB needs (;) next
close #1 print "Time taken 3 : ";time$("ms") - startTime #gr, "cls"
'MAIN LOOP tOld = time$("seconds") iterOld = 0 dk=1 print "Press Up to increase speed, Down to decrease" #gr, "when characterInput [key]" #gr, "setfocus" 'for characterInput to work do while 1 iter=iter+1 open "frame.bmp" for binary as #1 seek #1, 54 'palette data print #1, mid$(PAL2BMPstr$, 1+k*4, 256*4); close #1 loadbmp "copyimage", "frame.bmp" #gr, "drawbmp copyimage 0 0" unloadbmp("copyimage") #gr, "discard" scan [loop] k = (k+dk+MaxColor) mod MaxColor
'fps code t = time$("seconds") if t<>tOld then fps = (iter - iterOld) locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 print n,d,"Time taken: ";tt ;" fps: "; fps locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 + 1 print space$(80) aLine=aLine+1 tOld = t iterOld = iter end if loop wait
[key] keyValue = asc(right$(Inkey$, 1)) if keyValue=_VK_UP then dk=dk+1 if keyValue=_VK_Down then dk=dk-1 if keyValue=_VK_UP or keyValue=_VK_Down then locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 print "speed now : ";dk locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 + 1 print space$(80) aLine=aLine+1 end if goto [loop] 'no wait - no, it stops here
'=========================================== sub quit handle$ timer 0 close #handle$ 'clean-up call tryClose1 call tryToKill "frame.bmp" call tryToKill "just4header.bmp" end END SUB
'------------------------------------------------------ SUB Makepalette PAL2BMPstr$ = "" PAL$(0) = "0 0 0" FOR c = 1 TO 512 PAL$(c) = rainbow$(c/MaxColor) NEXT for i = 0 to 512 PAL2BMP$ = chr$(val(word$(PAL$(i),3))) _ + chr$(val(word$(PAL$(i),2))) _ + chr$(val(word$(PAL$(i),1))) _ + chr$(0) 'print i, PAL2BMP$(i) PAL2BMPstr$ = PAL2BMPstr$ + PAL2BMP$ next END SUB
'---------------------------------------------------------------- sub adjustWindowSize byref desiredWidth, byref desiredHeight ' adjust graphics size UpperLeftX = 1 UpperLeftY = 1 WindowWidth = 200 '100 seems to be too small - works different WindowHeight = 100 open "Ajusting..." for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr, "home ; down ; posxy x y" 'x, y give us width, height width = 2*x : height = 2*y close #gr
slackX = 200-width slackY = 100-height
desiredWidth = desiredWidth + slackX desiredHeight = desiredHeight + slackY end sub '------------------------------------------ sub putNumber byref aStr$, aPos, aLen, value tmp$="" for i = 1 to aLen 'tmp$=chr$(value mod 256)+tmp$ 'numbers stored hi lo tmp$=tmp$+chr$(value mod 256) 'numbers stored lo hi value = int(value/256) next aStr$ = left$(aStr$, aPos-1)+tmp$+mid$(aStr$, aPos+aLen) end sub '------------------------------------------ sub tryToKill bmp$ on error goto [skip] kill bmp$ [skip] end sub
sub tryClose1 on error goto [skip] close #1 [skip] end sub '--------------------------- function atan2(y,x) pi = acs(-1) 'could be made global to save some ticks if x <> 0 then arctan = atn(y/x)
select case case x > 0 atan2 = arctan
case y>=0 and x<0 atan2 = pi + arctan
case y<0 and x<0 atan2 = arctan - pi
case y>0 and x=0 atan2 = pi / 2
case y<0 and x=0 atan2 = pi / -2 end select end function '--------------------------------------------- ' 0..1 into red-green-blue-red continuous colors function rainbow$(x) hi = int((x*6) mod 6)+ 5*(x<0) 'fixed to 0..5 f = (x*6) mod 1 + (x<0) 'frac, 0..1 q = (1-f) select case hi case 0 r = 1: g = f: b = 0 case 1 r = q: g = 1: b = 0 case 2 r = 0: g = 1: b = f case 3 r = 0: g = q: b = 1 case 4 r = f: g = 0: b = 1 case 5 r = 1: g = 0: b = q end select R = int(r*255) G = int(g*255) B = int(b*255) rainbow$= R;" ";G;" ";B end function
Post by plus on Mar 13, 2022 19:15:38 GMT
Wow, smooth! and I can see the code with no dll's, ;-))
Post by marshawn on Mar 13, 2022 19:39:21 GMT
By JustBasic language philosophy, does a program lower itself an order of magnitude in superiority the second it invokes the atan2 function?
Post by tsh73 on Mar 13, 2022 19:55:11 GMT
JustBasic language philosophy You just make it up, do you?
I don't feel bad after using a function I can understand (and sometimes even if I cannot ;) )
I tried drawing color spiral with polar coords (r,phi), and it was 2x slower and still has a few missing points. Or I loop exactly at x, y and use atan2. (of cource it would be even better if atan2 was build-in and work as fast as sin() )
Post by tsh73 on Mar 13, 2022 20:52:37 GMT
Just tried to apply same palette thing to "rotated plasma color stick". It kind of worked. You can press space to change palette (with graphic window in focus) Or it will change after circling up and down 3 times.
'palette-rotated Triskelion 'based on 'JB plasma demo 'by tsh73, March 2022 'nomainwin
dim PAL$(512) 'colors as text, like "255 100 23" global CN, PR, PG, PB 'for BPlus colors
global MaxX, MaxY, rough, MaxColor global PAL2BMPstr$
UpperLeftX = 1 UpperLeftY = 1 ' WindowWidth = 512 ' WindowHeight = 512 ' WindowWidth = 256 ' WindowHeight = 256 WindowWidth = 400 WindowHeight = 400
'increase window size so we get our requested size print "Adjusting window for borders..." call adjustWindowSize WindowWidth, WindowHeight ' print WindowWidth, WindowHeight
open "Triskelion" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr, "trapclose quit" #gr, "home ; down ; posxy cx cy" width = 2*cx : height = 2*cy 'for bitmap width be better dividable by 4 if width mod 4<>0 then width = width + (4 - width mod 4) print "Bitmap ";width;"x";height
MaxX = width MaxY = height 'array size - from screen size MaxColor = 255 'number of colors to use dim screenBuf(MaxX, MaxY)
startTime = time$("ms") print "Making smooth palette..." call resetPlasma call Makepalette
print "Drawing..." pi = ACS(-1) for x = 0 to MaxX-1 scan 'for being breakable for y = 0 to MaxY-1 r = sqr((x-cx)^2+(y-cy)^2) phi = atan2(y-cy,x-cx)+2*pi 'Colr=int(1+MaxColor*((phi/2/pi*3-2*r/cx+2) mod 1)) '0..MaxColor, 1+ Colr=int(1+MaxColor*((0.5+r/cx+0.5*sin(phi*32)) mod 1)/2) '0..MaxColor, 1+ 'print x, y , r, phi, Colr screenBuf(x, y)=Colr #gr, "color ";Colr;" " ;Colr;" " ;Colr #gr, "set ";x;" ";y next #gr, "discard" next
'#gr, "flush" print "Time taken 2 : ";time$("ms") - startTime 'wait
startTime = time$("ms") call tryToKill "just4header.bmp" ' easiest way to get right BMP header is to actually save BMP and look header (just change BPP and some other things after) #gr, "getbmp drawing 0 0 ";width;" "; height bmpsave "drawing", "just4header.bmp" unloadbmp("drawing") ' get header open "just4header.bmp" for binary as #1 size = lof(#1) header$ = input$(#1, 53) close #1 ' modify header 'numbers stored hi lo '2 4 fileSize = imagebytes + offset '10 4 offset 1078 '28 2 BitsPerPixel (bpp) 8 '30 4 CompressMethod 0 '34 4 imagebytes width*height '46 4 ColorsUsed 256 '50 4 ImportantColors 256 'all goes +1 because bytes numbered from zero by loc() call putNumber header$, 2+1, 4, width*height + 1078 call putNumber header$, 10+1, 4, 1078 call putNumber header$, 28+1, 2, 8 call putNumber header$, 30+1, 4, 0 call putNumber header$, 34+1, 4, width*height call putNumber header$, 46+1, 4, 256 call putNumber header$, 50+1, 4, 256
' write image data call tryToKill "frame.bmp" 'because JB does not overwrite if BMP is smaller. ', and it siglifically slows things down open "frame.bmp" for binary as #1 ' write modif. header print #1, header$; 'Here LBB needs (;) ' write palette print #1, mid$(PAL2BMPstr$, 1, 256*4); 'Here LBB needs (;) ' write image data FOR y = MaxY-1 TO 0 step -1 aLine$ = "" FOR x = 0 TO MaxX-1 aLine$ = aLine$ + chr$(screenBuf(x,y)) next aLine$ = aLine$ + space$(width-len(aLine$)) 'filler by x print #1, aLine$; 'Here LBB needs (;) next
close #1 print "Time taken 3 : ";time$("ms") - startTime #gr, "cls"
'MAIN LOOP tOld = time$("seconds") iterOld = 0 dk=1 print "Press Up to increase speed, Down to decrease" print " SPACE to change palette" #gr, "when characterInput [key]" #gr, "setfocus" 'for characterInput to work do while 1 iter=iter+1 open "frame.bmp" for binary as #1 seek #1, 54 'palette data print #1, mid$(PAL2BMPstr$, 1+k*4, 256*4); close #1 loadbmp "copyimage", "frame.bmp" #gr, "drawbmp copyimage 0 0" unloadbmp("copyimage") #gr, "discard" scan [loop] 'k = (k+dk+MaxColor) mod MaxColor k = k+dk if k+dk >=MaxColor or k+dk <1 then n=n+1: dk=0-dk if n=6 then n=0 call resetPlasma call Makepalette end if
'fps code t = time$("seconds") if t<>tOld then fps = (iter - iterOld) locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 print n,d,"Time taken: ";tt ;" fps: "; fps locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 + 1 print space$(80) aLine=aLine+1 tOld = t iterOld = iter end if loop wait
[key] keyValue = asc(right$(Inkey$, 1)) if keyValue=_VK_UP then dk=dk+(dk>=0) if keyValue=_VK_Down then dk=dk-(dk>=0) if keyValue=_VK_UP or keyValue=_VK_Down then locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 print "speed now : ";dk locate 1, 11 + aLine mod 10 + 1 print space$(80) aLine=aLine+1 end if if keyValue=32 then 'space n=0 dk=1 'reset speed call resetPlasma call Makepalette end if goto [loop] 'no wait - no, it stops here
'=========================================== sub quit handle$ timer 0 close #handle$ 'clean-up call tryClose1 call tryToKill "frame.bmp" call tryToKill "just4header.bmp" end END SUB
'------------------------------------------------------ function Plasma$() ' just to put something in as parameter CN = CN + .2 Plasma$ = str$(127 + 127 * Sin(PR * CN)) + " " + str$(127 + 127 * Sin(PG * CN)) + " " + str$(127 + 127 * Sin(PB * CN)) End Function
Sub resetPlasma PR = Rnd(0) ^ 2: PG = Rnd(0) ^ 2: PB = Rnd(0) ^ 2 End Sub '------------------------------------------------------ SUB Makepalette PAL2BMPstr$ = "" PAL$(0) = "0 0 0" FOR c = 1 TO 512 'PAL$(c) = rainbow$(c/MaxColor) PAL$(c) = Plasma$() NEXT for i = 0 to 512 PAL2BMP$ = chr$(val(word$(PAL$(i),3))) _ + chr$(val(word$(PAL$(i),2))) _ + chr$(val(word$(PAL$(i),1))) _ + chr$(0) 'print i, PAL2BMP$(i) PAL2BMPstr$ = PAL2BMPstr$ + PAL2BMP$ next END SUB
'---------------------------------------------------------------- sub adjustWindowSize byref desiredWidth, byref desiredHeight ' adjust graphics size UpperLeftX = 1 UpperLeftY = 1 WindowWidth = 200 '100 seems to be too small - works different WindowHeight = 100 open "Ajusting..." for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr #gr, "home ; down ; posxy x y" 'x, y give us width, height width = 2*x : height = 2*y close #gr
slackX = 200-width slackY = 100-height
desiredWidth = desiredWidth + slackX desiredHeight = desiredHeight + slackY end sub '------------------------------------------ sub putNumber byref aStr$, aPos, aLen, value tmp$="" for i = 1 to aLen 'tmp$=chr$(value mod 256)+tmp$ 'numbers stored hi lo tmp$=tmp$+chr$(value mod 256) 'numbers stored lo hi value = int(value/256) next aStr$ = left$(aStr$, aPos-1)+tmp$+mid$(aStr$, aPos+aLen) end sub '------------------------------------------ sub tryToKill bmp$ on error goto [skip] kill bmp$ [skip] end sub
sub tryClose1 on error goto [skip] close #1 [skip] end sub '--------------------------- function atan2(y,x) pi = acs(-1) 'could be made global to save some ticks if x <> 0 then arctan = atn(y/x)
select case case x > 0 atan2 = arctan
case y>=0 and x<0 atan2 = pi + arctan
case y<0 and x<0 atan2 = arctan - pi
case y>0 and x=0 atan2 = pi / 2
case y<0 and x=0 atan2 = pi / -2 end select end function '--------------------------------------------- ' 0..1 into red-green-blue-red continuous colors function rainbow$(x) hi = int((x*6) mod 6)+ 5*(x<0) 'fixed to 0..5 f = (x*6) mod 1 + (x<0) 'frac, 0..1 q = (1-f) select case hi case 0 r = 1: g = f: b = 0 case 1 r = q: g = 1: b = 0 case 2 r = 0: g = 1: b = f case 3 r = 0: g = q: b = 1 case 4 r = f: g = 0: b = 1 case 5 r = 1: g = 0: b = q end select R = int(r*255) G = int(g*255) B = int(b*255) rainbow$= R;" ";G;" ";B end function
Post by tenochtitlanuk on Mar 13, 2022 21:40:20 GMT
Very neat way to cycle colours! I'd thought of something similar but not tried it... Cool...
Post by plus on Mar 14, 2022 0:11:28 GMT
Wow tsh73, nice work! Wow