Post by tsh73 on Jan 25, 2022 20:56:05 GMT
So in the tread on Association Memory help Rod said I do recall a very early Sinclair Spektrum program that was a question and answer session that lead the program to either tell you what the object was or ask what it was and what differentiated it from similar objects. Thereafter it could always tell you what the object was. Key based segmentation. If it was yellow and a fruit it was always a banana until it wasn’t and it learned the difference between yellow fruit Round, crescent shaped, pear shaped. Long winded but utterly fascinating at the time because it really felt “intelligently. And I thought that I've seen that program. With some googling - I found it it's 4th program on this page dotneteer.github.io/spectnetide/spectrum/basic-appdOf course it is Spectrum Basic program and needs translating Anybody ? I could say a few things on Spectrum Basic (as I remember) BUT! this thing IS Spectrum BASIC reference in itself, just use left column menu. * string arrays include length, so DIM q$(nq,50) is "nq strings of 50 characters each" * strings are addressed as arrays, so r$(1) is 1st letter of r$, and p$(TO n) is first n letters * not spectrum basic but obviously IF r$\<\>"N" should be IF r$<>"N" - conditional operators are escaped (probably for HTML) * GO TO, GO SUB needs space removed to run in JB * there ought to be errors in listing. Line 30 definitely needs + (or - ?) before last 1 . And I think I changed Zero(0) to Oh(O) in one of GOTO's. * (now for JB quirks) As we know JB cannot READ into arrays, it should be circumvented. With this in mind I made it compile in JB. But it keeps asking same question whatever I answer, so I must broke something. So better start anew.
Post by Rod on Jan 26, 2022 13:36:00 GMT
I just started from scratch, not done a huge amount of debugging. Looking at Spektrum code now it is surprising my interest in computing survived, horrible code!
Decision tree with nodes, alternatively how to capture an experts thinking and create an expert system.
dim node$(100,3) 'question, yes node , no node node$(1,1)="Does it live in the sea" node$(1,2)="2" node$(1,3)="3" node$(2,1)="Is it a whale" node$(2,2)="0" 'correct node$(2,3)="?" 'unknown node$(3,1)="Is it scaly" node$(3,2)="4" node$(3,3)="?" node$(4,1)="Is it a pangolin" node$(4,2)="0" node$(4,3)="?" node=5 question=1
found=0 print "Think of an animal." print "I am going to guess the animal you are thinking about." while found=0 print node$(question,1); input ans$ if upper$(left$(ans$,1))="Y" then r$=node$(question,2) else r$=node$(question,3) if r$="0" then print "I thought as much." : found=1 if r$="?" then print "You beat me, what is the name of your animal" input ani$ ani$="Is it a ";ani$ print "What does your animal have that makes it different" input que$ que$="Does it have ";que$ 'first replace the ? with a new node pointer node$(question,3)=str$(node) 'now create the new node with the new question node$(node,1)=que$ node$(node,2)=str$(node+1) node$(node,3)=str$(node+2) 'now create the yes node that has 0 / ? as node pointers 'ie the answer and termination or a new question node$(node+1,1)=ani$ node$(node+1,2)="0" node$(node+1,3)="?" node=node+1 Print "Lets start again." question=1 else question=val(r$) end if wend
Post by tsh73 on Jan 26, 2022 14:06:00 GMT
Probably not quite right yet. After I added new animal it asked old one (Is it a pangolin?) Still surprised how small code is, comparing with Spectrum listing.
Post by Rod on Jan 26, 2022 14:19:18 GMT
Well I think that is how a decision tree is meant to work. Yes it asks the old question but if the answer is no it has a new question and a new answer.
Post by Rod on Jan 26, 2022 19:24:40 GMT
A tricky issue with this is that nodes need not exist. I use 0 and ? as node pointers that have no node. They are terminators, one terminates success 0 the other terminates in a question ? creating a new node. The code could get smaller yet! But bug hunting first.
Post by tsh73 on Jan 26, 2022 20:44:29 GMT
I managed to convert/debug Spectrum code. It could be prettified a lot but it does work now. Give it a spin. It suggets animals only on tree ends (where it has no more questions to ask).
REM Pangolins nq=100: REM number of questions and animals DIM q$(nq): DIM a(nq,2): DIM r$(1) qf=8 FOR n=1 TO qf/2 -1 READ q$:q$(n)=q$: READ a:a(n,1)=a: READ a:a(n,2)=a print n, q$(n),a(n,1),a(n,2) NEXT n FOR n=n TO qf-1 READ q$:q$(n)=q$ print n, q$(n) NEXT n 100 REM start playing PRINT "Think of an animal. Press any key to continue." dummy$=input$(1) c=1: REM start with 1st question 140 IF a(c,1)=0 THEN GOTO 300 150 p$=q$(c): GOSUB 900 PRINT "?": GOSUB 1000 in=1: IF r$="y" THEN GOTO 210 IF r$="Y" THEN GOTO 210 in=2: IF r$="n" THEN GOTO 210 IF r$<>"N" THEN GOTO 150 210 c=a(c,in): GOTO 140 300 REM animal PRINT "Are you thinking of" p$=q$(c): GOSUB 900: PRINT "?" GOSUB 1000 IF r$="y" THEN GOTO 400 IF r$="Y" THEN GOTO 400 IF r$="n" THEN GOTO 500 IF r$="N" THEN GOTO 500 PRINT "Answer me properly when I'm talking to you.": GOTO 300 400 REM guessed it PRINT "I thought as much.": GOTO 800 500 REM new animal IF qf>nq-1 THEN PRINT "I'm sure your animal is very interesting,but I don't have","room for it just now.": GOTO 800 q$(qf)=q$(c): REM move old animal PRINT "What is it, then?": INPUT q$(qf+1) PRINT "Tell me a question which distinguishes between " p$=q$(qf): GOSUB 900: PRINT " and" p$=q$(qf+1): GOSUB 900: PRINT " " INPUT s$: b=LEN(s$) IF right$(s$,1)="?" THEN b=b-1 q$(c)=left$(s$,b): REM insert question 600 PRINT "What is the answer for" p$=q$(qf+1): GOSUB 900: PRINT "?" GOSUB 1000 in=1: io=2: REM answers for new and old animals IF r$="y" THEN GOTO 700 IF r$="Y" THEN GOTO 700 in=2: io=1 IF r$="n" THEN GOTO 700 IF r$="N" THEN GOTO 700 PRINT "That's no good. ": GOTO 600 700 REM update answers a(c,in)=qf+1: a(c,io)=qf qf=qf+2: REM next free animal space PRINT "That fooled me." 800 REM again? PRINT "Do you want another go?": GOSUB 1000 IF r$="y" THEN GOTO 100 IF r$="Y" THEN GOTO 100 STOP 900 REM print without trailing spaces 940 PRINT p$;: RETURN 1000 REM get reply INPUT r$: IF r$="" THEN RETURN RETURN REM initial animals DATA "Does it live in the sea",4,2 DATA "Is it scaly",3,5 DATA "Does it eat ants",6,7 DATA "a whale", "a blancmange", "a pangolin", "an ant"
Post by Rod on Jan 27, 2022 6:09:39 GMT
Not had a chance to run tsh73’s code yet but sleeping on it I probably need to “replace” the previous node rather than redirect it. Then it might ask the divisional question before it guesses the animal and gets it wrong..
Post by Rod on Jan 28, 2022 14:23:15 GMT
Here is code that seems to run better. It replaces the original node with a new question. Off to run tsh73's version now
dim node$(100,3) 'question, yes node , no node node$(1,1)="Does it live in the sea" node$(1,2)="2" node$(1,3)="3" node$(2,1)="Is it a whale" node$(2,2)="0" 'correct node$(2,3)="?" 'unknown node$(3,1)="Is it scaly" node$(3,2)="4" node$(3,3)="?" node$(4,1)="Is it a pangolin" node$(4,2)="0" node$(4,3)="?" node=5 question=1
print "Think of an animal, I will guess what it is."
while 1 print node$(question,1); ans$="" while instr("QYN",ans$,1)=0 input ans$ ans$=upper$(left$(ans$,1)) wend if ans$="Q" then exit while if ans$="Y" then r$=node$(question,2) else r$=node$(question,3) if r$="?" then print "You beat me, what is the name of your animal" input ani$ ani$="Is it a ";ani$ print "What does your animal have that makes it different" input que$ newque$="Does it have ";que$ oldque$=node$(question,1) node$(question,1)=newque$ node$(question,2)=str$(node) node$(question,3)=str$(node+1) node$(node,1)=ani$ node$(node,2)="0" node$(node,3)="?" node$(node+1,1)=oldque$ node$(node+1,2)="0" node$(node+1,3)="?" node=node+2 print "Lets start again." r$="1" end if if r$="0" then print "I thought as much." print "Think of a new animal or (Q)uit." r$="1" end if question=val(r$) wend
Post by plus on Feb 17, 2022 16:07:14 GMT
I found a Morristown NJ version of Guess Animals:
10 Print Tab(32); "ANIMAL" 20 Print Tab(15); "CREATIVE COMPUTING MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY" 30 Print: Print: Print 40 Print "PLAY 'GUESS THE ANIMAL'" 45 Print 50 Print "THINK OF AN ANIMAL AND THE COMPUTER WILL TRY TO GUESS IT." 60 Print 70 Dim A$(200) 80 For I = 0 To 3 90 Read A$(I) 100 Next I 110 N = Val(A$(0)) 120 Rem MAIN CONTROL SECTION 130 Input "ARE YOU THINKING OF AN ANIMAL"; A$ 140 If A$ = "LIST" Then 600 150 If Left$(A$, 1) <> "Y" Then 120 160 K = 1 170 GoSub 390 180 If Len(A$(K)) = 0 Then 999 190 If Left$(A$(K), 2) = "\Q" Then 170 200 Print "IS IT A "; Right$(A$(K), Len(A$(K)) - 2); 210 Input A$ 220 A$ = Left$(A$, 1) 230 If Left$(A$, 1) = "Y" Then Print "WHY NOT TRY ANOTHER ANIMAL?": GoTo 120 240 Input "THE ANIMAL YOU WERE THINKING OF WAS A "; V$ 250 Print "PLEASE TYPE IN A QUESTION THAT WOULD DISTINGUISH A" 260 Print V$; " FROM A "; Right$(A$(K), Len(A$(K)) - 2) 270 Input X$ 280 Print "FOR A "; V$; " THE ANSWER WOULD BE "; 290 Input A$ 300 A$ = Left$(A$, 1): If A$ <> "Y" And A$ <> "N" Then 280 310 If A$ = "Y" Then B$ = "N" 320 If A$ = "N" Then B$ = "Y" 330 Z1 = Val(A$(0)) 340 A$(0) = Str$(Z1 + 2) 350 A$(Z1) = A$(K) 360 A$(Z1 + 1) = "\A" + V$ 370 A$(K) = "\Q" + X$ + "\" + A$ + Str$(Z1 + 1) + "\" + B$ + Str$(Z1) + "\" 380 GoTo 120 390 Rem SUBROUTINE TO PRINT QUESTIONS 400 Q$ = A$(K) 410 For Z = 3 To Len(Q$) 415 If Mid$(Q$, Z, 1) <> "\" Then Print Mid$(Q$, Z, 1); 417 Next Z 420 Input C$ 430 C$ = Left$(C$, 1) 440 If C$ <> "Y" And C$ <> "N" Then 410 450 T$ = "\" + C$ 455 For X = 3 To Len(Q$) - 1 460 If Mid$(Q$, X, 2) = T$ Then 480 470 Next X 475 Stop 480 For Y = X + 1 To Len(Q$) 490 If Mid$(Q$, Y, 1) = "\" Then 510 500 Next Y 505 Stop 510 K = Val(Mid$(Q$, X + 2, Y - X - 2)) 520 Return 530 Data "4","\QDOES IT SWIM\Y2\N3\","\AFISH","\ABIRD" 600 Print: Print "ANIMALS I ALREADY KNOW ARE:" 605 X = 0 610 For I = 1 To 200 620 If Left$(A$(I), 2) <> "\A" Then 650 624 Print Tab(15 * X); 630 For Z = 3 To Len(A$(I)) 640 If Mid$(A$(I), Z, 1) <> "\" Then Print Mid$(A$(I), Z, 1); 642 Next Z 645 X = X + 1: If X = 4 Then X = 0: Print 650 Next I 660 Print 670 Print 680 GoTo 120 999 End
Needs a little fixing for JB. I've a version converted to QB64 that saves animal descriptions and questions to file. I will see if it translates to JB.
Here is what the external Animal.DAT file looks like when it starts learning new Animals:
Post by plus on Feb 17, 2022 18:41:08 GMT
OK here is a translation to JB of my makeover of that Morristown Code:
'"Guess Animal - QB64 Conversion of Morristown Version" ' b+ Translated to Just Basic 2022-02-17
ReDim A$(200) L$ = Chr$(10) ' L is for line or next line Print L$ + Space$(35) + "Guess Animal" + L$ + L$ + Space$(11) + "Originally from: CREATIVE COMPUTING MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY" + L$ + L$ + L$ Print " Think of an animal and the computer will try and guess it." + L$
open "ANIMAL.DAT" for Append as #1 'this prevents error if file doesn't exit close #1
Open "ANIMAL.DAT" For Input As #3 if eof(#3) = 0 then Input #3, s$ If Val(s$) > 0 Then ' then this is probably a good file? A$(0) = s$ For I = 1 To 200 Input #3, A$(I) Next Close #3 end if Else Close #3 For I = 0 To 3 Read s$ ' this wont read right into the array??? ie, Read A$(I) A$(I) = s$ Next I End If N = Val(A$(0)) Do Scan Do Scan A$ = Lower$(npt$(L$ + " Are you thinking of an animal (yes/quit/list)")) If left$(A$,1) = "l" Then Print L$ + " Animals I already know are:" ' listing computers aimals For I = 1 To 200 If Left$(A$(I), 2) = "\A" Then Print " " + Mid$(A$(I), 3) Next I Print L$ + L$ End If Loop Until Left$(A$, 1) = "y" Or Left$(A$, 1) = "q" If Left$(A$, 1) = "q" Then print " Goodbye!" Exit Do 'bug out main DO doesn't want to play end if K = 1 While Left$(A$(K), 2) = "\Q" Scan Q$ = A$(K) Do 'parse question and use as prompt to get c$ C$ = Upper$(Left$(npt$(" " + Mid$(Q$, 3, InStr(Q$, "\", 3) - 3)), 1)) Loop Until C$ = "Y" Or C$ = "N" X = InStr(Left$(Q$, Len(Q$) - 1), "\" + C$, 3) Y = InStr(Q$, "\", X + 1) K = Val(Mid$(Q$, X + 2, Y - X - 2)) If Len(A$(K)) = 0 Then GoTo [done] ' bug out of main DO loop, out of questions Wend A$ = Upper$(npt$(" Is it a " + Right$(A$(K), Len(A$(K)) - 2))) If Left$(A$, 1) = "Y" Then Print " Why not try another animal?": GoTo [Continue] V$ = Lower$(npt$(" The animal you were thinking of is a ")) X$ = npt$(" Please type a question that would distinguish a " + V$ + " from a " + Right$(A$(K), Len(A$(K)) - 2)) Do Scan A$ = Upper$(Left$(npt$(" For a " + V$ + " the answer would be "), 1)) Loop Until A$ = "Y" Or A$ = "N" If A$ = "Y" Then B$ = "N" Else B$ = "Y" Z1 = Val(A$(0)) A$(0) = _Trim$(Str$(Z1 + 2)) A$(Z1) = A$(K) A$(Z1 + 1) = "\A" + V$ A$(K) = "\Q" + X$ + "\" + A$ + _Trim$(Str$(Z1 + 1)) + "\" + B$ + _Trim$(Str$(Z1)) + "\" [Continue] Loop Until always [done] ' save data Open "ANIMAL.DAT" For Output As #2 For I = 0 To 200 Print #2, A$(I) Next I Close #2 Data "4","\QDoes it live in water\Y2\N3\","\Afish","\Abird" Function npt$ (prompt$) ' nice way to get more variable data into the prompt! Print prompt$; Input "? ";npt$ End Function
Output sample:
ANIMAL.DAT (started while testing JB translation)
Post by Rod on Feb 18, 2022 8:26:13 GMT
Ha, Creative Computing 1978 - Sinclair Spectrum 1982 - Rod and B+ 2022, there is little new in computing, it has all been done before. But it is still fun.
Post by plus on Feb 18, 2022 18:53:56 GMT
Yeah a few gems from way back! Eliza was another that I happened upon when I first came back to Basic in 2014. What luck, I picked that as first project to translate to modern Basic wo line numbers with Else and Else If and Select Case and Subs and Functions!
Eliza taught me how to do many-to-one dictionary or data base sorta. I think that takes us right back to how this thread got started from associative memory subject. Eliza had a slew of optional responses given certain keyword triggers. I wanted to allow a growing/editable base saved to file. I could create more characters than Eliza, just by characteristic responses to keywords.
Post by tsh73 on Feb 20, 2022 20:22:26 GMT
Finally have a look at B+ program. Obviously Spectrum version has same algorithm but stores things differently, likely simpler. (it has q$(c) for text - question or answer - and a(c,1) a(c,2) for y/n links to next question) In fact it is binary tree, have a look: (on same level upper line is for 'Y')
Does it live in the sea Does it have 8 legs an octopus Is it orange clownfish a whale Is it scaly Does it eat ants a pangolin an ant a blancmange
I made three-line recursive sub to show it
REM Pangolins 'translation from ZX Spectrum code
nq=100: REM number of questions and animals DIM q$(nq): DIM a(nq,2): DIM r$(1) qf=8 FOR n=1 TO qf/2 -1 READ q$:q$(n)=q$: READ a:a(n,1)=a: READ a:a(n,2)=a 'print n, q$(n),a(n,1),a(n,2) 'print using("##",n), q$(n),a(n,1),a(n,2) NEXT n FOR n=n TO qf-1 READ q$:q$(n)=q$ 'print n, q$(n) NEXT n call printTree 1,1 ] wait
REM initial animals DATA "Does it live in the sea",4,2 DATA "Is it scaly",3,5 DATA "Does it eat ants",6,7 DATA "a whale", "a blancmange", "a pangolin", "an ant"
sub printTree n,lvl print space$(lvl*2);q$(n) if a(n,1) then call printTree a(n,1),lvl+1 if a(n,2) then call printTree a(n,2),lvl+1 end sub
Post by carlgundel on Feb 21, 2022 13:17:57 GMT
This is fun, and I remember a more sophisticated program where you actually teach it to distinguish between different animals by giving it input about unique features.
Post by plus on Feb 21, 2022 15:56:48 GMT
This is fun, and I remember a more sophisticated program where you actually teach it to distinguish between different animals by giving it input about unique features. Yes you can teach these apps new animals. In my translation, if it guesses a wrong animal, it will ask: 1. the name of the new animal 2. a yes/no question to distinguish your new animal from the one last guessed 3. the answer, Y or N, to the question that applies to the new animal.