Post by B+ on Aug 13, 2021 16:54:31 GMT
DE stands for DOS Emulation ie a single screen that does colored graphics like old QB
I pulled this out of my files because I am thinking of radical simplification for base to new mod Game.
Think I would enjoy a minimized version maybe tsh73 or Rod would be interested too?
'DE6 Breakout.txt started 2016-12-23
'new a number of graphic subs pset, line, circ, fcirc, ellips, fellipse
'wait4key$ (revised to return the key), at ,cp, seyes
global xmax, ymax 'these two you can easily reset to your needs
'set these to screen width = xmax, screen height = ymax, that you want
xmax = 700 : ymax = 560 '<<<<<< set this as you need or from plug-in notes
global cellW, cellH
'do not mess with cellW and cellH globals for printing
cellW = 10 '10 pixels wide for characters
cellH = 20 '20 pixels high for characters
global maxRow, maxCol
'and then these are calclated from above globals
maxCol = int(xmax / cellW) 'these control printing characters
maxRow = int(ymax / cellH)
global lastC, lastR 'for loc8 (locate), pl (print a line), lp (locate and print)
lastC = 1 : lastR = 1
'mouse and key events update globals with latest info
global inkee$
global mouseX, mouseY
global lbdX, lbdY, lbmX, lbmY, lbuX, lbuY 'using -99 for inactive positions
global rbdX, rbdY, rbmX, rbmY, rbuX, rbuY 'using -99 for inactive positions
dim qb$(15) 'thanks Andy Amaya for use with his sub qColor fore, back
qb$( 0) = " 0 0 0" 'black
qb$( 1) = " 0 0 128" 'blue
qb$( 2) = " 8 128 8" 'green
qb$( 3) = " 0 128 128" 'cyan
qb$( 4) = "128 0 0" 'red
qb$( 5) = "128 0 128" 'magenta
qb$( 6) = "128 64 32" 'brown
qb$( 7) = "168 168 168" 'white
qb$( 8) = "128 128 128" 'grey
qb$( 9) = " 84 84 252" 'light blue
qb$(10) = " 42 252 42" 'light green
qb$(11) = " 0 220 220" 'light cyan
qb$(12) = "255 0 0" 'light red
qb$(13) = "255 84 255" 'light magenta
qb$(14) = "255 255 0" 'yellow
qb$(15) = "255 255 255" 'bright white
WindowWidth = xmax + 8
WindowHeight = ymax + 32
UpperLeftX = (DisplayWidth-WindowWidth) / 2
UpperLeftY = (DisplayHeight-WindowHeight) / 2
'graphicbox #gr, 2, 2, xmax-2, ymax-2
open "DE6 Breakout" for graphics_nsb_nf as #gr '<, == change for plug in modules
#gr "trapclose quit"
'fonts that don't work arial, tahoma, verdana
'fonts that work
'#gr "font courier_new 10 20"
'#gr "font consolas 10 20"
#gr "font dejavu_sans_mono 10 20"
#gr "home" '< check drawing area
#gr "posxy w2 h2" '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
'notice "Screen Drawing Check";chr$(13);"Size:" + chr$(13) + "Width (w2*2) = ";w2*2;", Height (h2*2) = ";h2*2
#gr "setfocus"
#gr "when mouseMove mMove"
#gr "when leftButtonDown leftDown"
#gr "when leftButtonMove leftMove"
#gr "when leftButtonUp leftUp"
#gr "when rightButtonDown rightDown"
#gr "when rightButtonMove rightMove"
#gr "when rightButtonUp rightUp"
#gr "when characterInput charIn"
#gr "down"
'========================================================== plug-in main modules here
'plug-in notes: xmax = 700 : ymax = 560 title: Breakout
' >>> remove flush from pause
' wall is 50 pixels X 14 columns wide = 700 make screen width
' wall is 20 pixels X 8 rows = 160 = 1/3 screen height = 480 + 20 width
' under paddle track score and lifes on one line padded by blank lines 540 = 27
' so total height 480 to paddle 500 + 60 for 3 lines = 560
global br, bx, by, dx, dy, px, py, pw, plf, prt, bkw, bkh, score, life, hits, obk, rbk, speedups
br = 10 'ball radius, paddle and goals use this number also
bkw = 50 'brick width
bkh = 20 'brick height
py = 480 ' paddle surface
pw = 50 ' 100 wide to start half that at certain point
life = 5 ' only 3 allowed according to wiki
dim wc$(13, 7), wp(13, 7) 'for brick tracking wc wall colors, wp wall points
call initwall 'load arrays with data
call initball 'set dx, dy, bx, by ball position and change
call clear 0, 0, 0 'set background to black
call drawtable
call updatescore
px = xmax/2
while life
call drawpaddle
call drawball
call updatescore
if hits = 112 and scrn = 0 then 'setup new
scrn = 1
speedups = 0 : obk = 0 : rbk = 0 : pw = 50
call initwall
call drawtable
call initball
if hits = 224 then
call qColor 15, 0
call cp 14, "Congratulations on a perfect score!!!"
call pause 2500
call cp 14, space$(40)
exit while
end if
end if
call pause 20 '< adjust as needed for speed of your system
call qColor 15, 0
call cp 14, "Game Over!"
sub initwall
for r = 0 to 7
select case r
case 0,1 : cr$ = "225 0 0" : p = 7
case 2,3 : cr$ = "255 100 0" : p = 5
case 4,5 : cr$ = "0 128 0" : p = 3
case 6,7 : cr$ = "255 255 0" : p = 1
end select
for c = 0 to 13
wc$(c, r) = cr$ : wp(c, r) = p
totp = totp + p
notice "Total Points available for this screen is ";totp
end sub
sub initball 'set ball in play with location and dx, dy
bx = rand(br, 700 - br)
by = rand(py - 100, py - 10)
dx = rand(3, 7)
if rand(0, 1) then dx = -1 * dx
dy = -3 - speedups
end sub
sub drawtable ' in JB don't want to redraw this every loop
for r = 0 to 7
for c = 0 to 13
if wp(c, r) then
call cstr "255 255 255"
call bstr wc$(c, r)
call fbox c * bkw, r * bkh, c * bkw + bkw, r * bkh + bkh
end if
end sub
sub drawpaddle ' update paddle to mouseY, paddle top and bottom are global
'erase last paddle, it is aligned with Blue Computer Goal Line
call qColor 0, 0 'return to computer goal color
call fbox plf, py, prt, py + 20
px = mouseX 'update paddle location
plf = px - pw
prt = px + pw
call qColor 7, 7
call fbox plf, py, prt, py + 20
end sub
sub drawball
'erase last ball, blend into table color
call qColor 0, 0
call fcirc bx, by, br
bx = bx + dx
if bx < br then dx = dx * -1 : bx = br + 1
if bx > xmax - br then dx = dx * -1 : bx = xmax - br - 1
by = by + dy
if by + br > py then 'ball past paddle line
by = py - br 'don't let ball go into paddle or goal
if bx + br < plf or bx - br > prt then 'paddle miss
life = life - 1
' if life = 0 then end game
call updatescore
call qColor 7, 7
call fcirc bx, by, br
call pause 2500 'reflect on position of ball and loss of life
call qColor 0, 0 'black out
call fcirc bx, by, br
call initball 'get ball rolling again
else 'paddle hit
dy = dy * -1
dx = dx + rand(-2, 2)
if dx > 7 then dx = 7
if dx < -7 then dx = -7
end if
if by - br < 0 then 'ball hits back border, reverse direction
by = br : dy = dy * -1
if by - br < 160 then 'in wall area, what row and column?
starthits = hits
'maybe should check all 4 corners or smaller ball
row = int((by - br) / bkh) : col = int((bx - br) / bkw)
call handleBall row, col
row = int((by - br) / bkh) : col = int((bx + br) / bkw)
call handleBall row, col
row = int((by + br) / bkh) : col = int((bx - br) / bkw)
call handleBall row, col
row = int((by + br) / bkh) : col = int((bx + br) / bkw)
call handleBall row, col
if hits <> starthits then dy = dy * -1 'reverse ball direction
end if
end if
end if
call qColor 9, 9
call fcirc bx, by, br
end sub
sub handleBall row, col
if 0 <= row and row <= 7 and 0 <= col and col <= 13 then
if wp(col, row) then 'brick just hit, lot's to do before update ball
hits = hits + 1
if hits = 4 or hits = 8 or hits = 116 or hits = 120 then
speedups = speedups + 1
if dy < 0 then dy = dy - 1 else dy = dy + 1
end if
val = wp(col, row)
if val = 5 then 'first orange brick
if obk = 0 then 'flag first orange speed increase
obk = 1
speedups = speedups + 1
if dy < 0 then dy = dy - 1 else dy = dy + 1
end if
end if
if val = 7 then 'flag first red, speed increase paddle decrease!
if rbk = 0 then
rbk = 1
speedups = speedups + 1
if dy < 0 then dy = dy - 1 else dy = dy + 1
pw = pw/2
end if
end if
score = score + wp(col, row) 'update score with point value
wp(col, row) = 0 'no points here now
call qColor 0, 0 'black out box
call fbox col * bkw, row * bkh, col * bkw + bkw, row * bkh + bkh
end if
end if
end sub
sub updatescore
call qColor 7, 0
dy$ = right$(" ";str$(dy), 2)
dx$ = right$(" ";str$(dx), 2)
score$ = right$(" ";str$(score), 3)
call cp 27, "dy: ";dy$;" dx: ";dx$;" Lives: ";life;" Score: ";score$
end sub
wait ' ======= DE procedures color, drawing, events very useful subs or functions
sub mMove hdl$, mx, my
mouseX = mx : mouseY = my
end sub
' dont want to use Boolean 0 for non active button so am using -99
sub leftDown hdl$, mx, my 'must have handle and mouse x,y
lbdX = mx : lbdY = my
lbuX = -99 : lbuY = -99
lbmX = -99 : lbmY = -99
end sub
sub leftMove hdl$, mx, my 'must have handle and mouse x,y
lbmX = mx : lbmY = my
end sub
sub leftUp hdl$, mx, my 'must have handle and mouse x,y
lbuX = mx : lbuY = my
lbdX = -99 : lbdY = -99
lbmX = -99 : lbmY = -99
end sub
sub rightDown hdl$, mx, my 'must have handle and mouse x,y
rbdX = mx : rbdY = my
rbuX = -99 : rbuY = -99
rbmX = -99 : rbmY = -99
end sub
sub rightMove hdl$, mx, my 'must have handle and mouse x,y
rbmX = mx : rbmY = my
end sub
sub rightUp hdl$, mx, my 'must have handle and mouse x,y
rbuX = mx : rbuY = my
rbdX = -99 : rbdY = -99
rbmX = -99 : rbmY = -99
end sub
sub charIn hdl$, c$
inkee$ = c$
end sub
sub quit hdl$
timer 0
close #gr
end sub
sub clear r, g, b 'clear screen to new RGB color and set backcolor
' and set up so pl (print line) will start at line 1, cell column 1)
#gr "fill ";r;" ";g;" ";b
#gr "backcolor ";r;" ";g;" ";b
lastC = 1 : lastR = 1
end sub
sub fore r, g, b 'set fore color lines pixels text
#gr "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub
sub back r, g, b 'set background color for fills
#gr "backcolor ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub
sub hue r, g, b 'fore and back RGB color system
'hue sets both fore and backcolor for filled graphics commands fbox, fcirc, fellipse
#gr "color ";r;" ";g;" ";b
#gr "backcolor ";r;" ";g;" ";b
end sub
sub cstr rgb$
#gr "color ";rgb$
end sub
sub bstr rgb$
#gr "backcolor ";rgb$
end sub
Sub qColor foreColor, backColor 'thanks Andy Amaya old QB color system
#gr "Color ";qb$(foreColor);";BackColor ";qb$(backColor)
End Sub
sub seyes thickness 'pixel, line, border size for box, fbox, circ, fcirc...
#gr "size ";thickness
end sub
sub pset x, y 'set pixel at x, y (at whatever the current fore color is)
#gr "set ";x;" ";y
end sub
sub aline x0, y0, x1, y1 'somethimes you might want to spec a pixel longer on end x1, y1
#gr "line ";x0;" ";y0;" ";x1;" ";y1 'add 1 to end point
end sub
sub box x0, y0, x1, y1 'box two corners x0, y0 and x1, y1
#gr "place ";x0;" ";y0
#gr "box ";x1;" ";y1
end sub
sub fbox x0, y0, x1, y1 'fill box two corners x0, y0 and x1, y1
#gr "place ";x0;" ";y0
#gr "boxfilled ";x1;" ";y1
end sub
sub circ x, y, radius ' just circle border at center x,y
#gr "place ";x;" ";y;"; circle ";radius
end sub
sub fcirc x, y, radius ' fill circle x,y center
#gr "place ";x;" ";y;"; circlefilled ";radius
end sub
sub ellips x, y, w, h '< no e on end! just ellipse border
#gr "place ";x;" ";y;"; ellipse ";w;" ";h
end sub
sub fellipse x, y, w, h ' fill ellipse
#gr "place ";x;" ";y;"; ellipsefilled ";w;" ";h
end sub
sub loc8 x, y 'locate xColumnCell, yRowCell for printing
if 0 < x and x < maxCol + 1 and 0 < y and y < maxRow + 1 then
lastC = x
lastR = y
end if
end sub
sub pl mess$ 'print line (feed)
startR = lastR
for i = 1 to len(mess$)
call lp lastC, lastR, mid$(mess$, i, 1)
if lastR <> startR then exit for
lastC = 1
lastR = startR + 1
if lastR > maxRow then lastR = maxRow 'yuck!
end sub
sub lp x, y, mess$ 'locate x, y : print mess$ lp = locate and print
'if locate = x col and y row then and top left corner locates as 1, 1
c = x - 1: r = y
if 0 < x and x < maxCol + 1 and 0 < y and y < maxRow + 1 then
#gr "place ";c * cellW;" ";r * cellH - 4
#gr "|";mess$
lastC = x + len(mess$)
if lastC > maxCol then lastC = 1 : lastR = lastR + 1
if lastR > maxRow then lastR = maxRow 'yuck!
end if
end sub
sub cp y,cpText$ 'cp Center Print on line y the cpText$
call lp int((maxCol-len(cpText$))/2+1.5),y,cpText$
end sub
sub inp prmpt$, byref var$ 'input
'prints prompt at lastC, lastR and leaves lastC = 1 lastR = pRow + 1
inkee$ = "" 'clear last key (new fix for DE5)
call lp lastC, lastR, prmpt$;"{"
'this will update lastR and lastC to the starting point of input variable
pRow = lastR : pCol = lastC 'save these for redrawing var
call lp pCol, pRow, "}"
OK$ = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
OK$ = OK$+ chr$(8)+ chr$(27) + chr$(13) + "1234567890!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|\:;'<,>.?/"
if instr(OK$, inkee$) then
if inkee$ = Chr$(8) then
if t$ <> "" then
if Len(t$)=1 then t$="" else t$=Left$(t$,Len(t$)-1)
end if
if inkee$=Chr$(13) or inkee$=Chr$(27) then
'new D5, I was expecting nothing in return for my esc
if inkee$ = chr$(27) then t$ = ""
exit do
end if
end if
call lp pCol, pRow, t$;"} "
inkee$ = ""
end if
loop until done
var$ = t$
lastC = 1 : lastR = pRow + 1
end sub
sub at xPix, yPix, char$ 'print a string at pixel x, y This pin point locating.
#gr "place ";xPix;" ";yPix
#gr "|";char$
end sub
function wait4key$() 'updated for DE6 from sub to function like input$(1)
'This function stops program flow for keypress, and returns keypress
inkee$ = ""
while len(inkee$) = 0 : scan : k$ = inkee$ : wend
wait4key$ = k$
end function
sub pause mil
'================== Warning !!! =======================
' MARK (or anyone who uses this handy) remember to
' timer 0
' before close window and end program
'#gr "flush"
timer mil, [timesup]
timer 0
end sub
function sMult$(s$, mult) 'xerox a copy of a string mult times
for i = 1 to mult
rtn$ = rtn$ + s$
sMult$ = rtn$
end function
function rand(n1, n2) 'very handy for screen saver like eye candy
if n1 > n2 then hi = n1 : lo = n2 else hi = n2 : lo = n1
rand = int((hi - lo + 1) * rnd(0)) + lo
end function
I pulled this out of my files because I am thinking of radical simplification for base to new mod Game.
Think I would enjoy a minimized version maybe tsh73 or Rod would be interested too?