Post by B+ on Jun 11, 2021 18:59:33 GMT
I am baffled as to why one line quits drawing when I click mouse and get the other line started???
nomainwin W=800:H=600 WindowWidth=W+8 WindowHeight=H+32 open "MC" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "size 2" #g "down;trapclose [q];when leftButtonUp [u];setfocus" #g "color black" a=rnd(0)*W:b=0:c=rnd(0)*6-3:d=rnd(0)*3 + 3 u=0:v=0:x=400:y=H timer 60,[t]
[t] x=x+u:y=y+v:a=a+c:b=b+d #g "set ";x;" ";y #g "set ";a;" ";b wait
[u] dx=MouseX-400:dy=MouseY-H:d=(dx^2+dy^2)^.5 u=5*dx/d:v=5*dy/d:goto [t]
[q] close #g:end
Post by tsh73 on Jun 11, 2021 20:09:17 GMT
nomainwin W=800:H=600 WindowWidth=W+8 WindowHeight=H+32 open "MC" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "size 2" #g "down;trapclose [q];when leftButtonUp [u];setfocus" #g "color black" a=rnd(0)*W:b=0:c=rnd(0)*6-3:d=rnd(0)*3 + 3 u=0:v=0:x=400:y=H timer 60,[t]
[t] x=x+u:y=y+v:a=a+c:b=b+d #g "set ";x;" ";y #g "set ";a;" ";b wait
[u] 'dx=MouseX-400:dy=MouseY-H:d=(dx^2+dy^2)^.5 'u=5*dx/d:v=5*dy/d:goto [t] 'd used by b=b+d, use next letter 'e' dx=MouseX-400:dy=MouseY-H:e=(dx^2+dy^2)^.5 u=5*dx/e:v=5*dy/e:goto [t]
[q] close #g:end
Post by B+ on Jun 11, 2021 20:41:06 GMT
Ah saved from my bone headed mistake! Thanks
Post by B+ on Jun 11, 2021 21:16:37 GMT
Windows Properties Details tells me this is 792 bytes:
nomainwin W=800:H=600 WindowWidth=W+8 WindowHeight=H+32 open "MC" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "size 2" #g "down;trapclose [q];when leftButtonDown [d];setfocus" #g "color black" [a] timer 0 #g "fill white" a=rnd(0)*W:b=0:c=rnd(0)*6-3:d=rnd(0)*3 + 3 u=0:v=0:x=400:y=H timer 60,[t] [t] x=x+u:y=y+v:a=a+c:b=b+d if x<0 or y<0 or a<0 or b<0 or x>W or y>H or a>W or b>H then if b>H then m=m+1 goto [a] end if if ((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2)^.5<30 then for r=1 to 20 step 4 #g "place ";(x+a)/2;" ";(y+b)/2;"; circle ";r t=time$("ms"):while time$("ms")<t+ 40:wend next h=h+1 goto [a] else #g "set ";x;" ";y:#g "set ";a;" ";b end if wait [d] dx=MouseX-400:dy=MouseY-H:z=(dx^2+dy^2)^.5 u=5*dx/z:v=5*dy/z:goto [t] [q] notice "hits: "+str$(h)+", misses "+str$(m) close #g:end
Post by B+ on Jun 11, 2021 23:27:32 GMT
Whittled done some bytes (757):
nomainwin W=800:H=600:WindowWidth=W+8:WindowHeight=H+32 open "MC" for graphics_nsb_nf as #g #g "size 2;down;trapclose [q];when leftButtonDown [d];setfocus" [a] #g "fill white" a=rnd(0)*W:b=0:c=rnd(0)*6-3:d=rnd(0)*3 + 3:u=0:v=0:x=400:y=H timer 60,[t] [t] x=x+u:y=y+v:a=a+c:b=b+d if x<0 or y<0 or a<0 or b<0 or x>W or a>W or b>H then if b>H or x<0 or y<0 or x>W then m=m+1 goto [a] end if if ((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2)^.5<20 then for r=1 to 20 step 4 #g "place ";(x+a)/2;" ";(y+b)/2;"; circle ";r t=time$("ms"):while time$("ms")<t+40:wend next h=h+1:goto [a] else #g "set ";x;" ";y:#g "set ";a;" ";b end if wait [d] e=MouseX-400:f=MouseY-H:z=(e^2+f^2)^.5:u=5*e/z:v=5*f/z:goto [t] [q] s$="hits: ";h;", misses: ";m notice s$ close #g:end
Post by B+ on Jun 12, 2021 15:16:25 GMT
BTW, with these missiles you can click a 2nd time to change it's direction, sometimes it helps.
Post by B+ on Jun 12, 2021 17:36:23 GMT
For my next trick, heat seeking missiles so we don't have to depend on human shooters for survival. Anyone up for that challenge, tsh73?
Post by tsh73 on Jun 12, 2021 19:32:17 GMT
Post by B+ on Jun 13, 2021 4:21:56 GMT
Thanks to AI our land is safe: Attachments:
Post by B+ on Jun 13, 2021 15:37:07 GMT
Here is my War and Peace graphics modification: Attachments:
Post by tsh73 on Jun 16, 2021 14:04:32 GMT
Several enemy rockets version (under 1000 bytes). If program errors with (Subscript out of range: 26, r())- consider yourself won If it dies with label not found - alas you let enemy rocket fall.
nomainwin:open "" for graphics as #g:#g "down;home;posxy X Y;when mouseMove 0; when leftButtonUp 1":b$="size 1;color black":w$="size 2;color white":c$=";circlefilled ":dim r(25,6):z=2*Y:w=0:timer 30,4:wait 4 if A<5 and rnd(0)<.05 then I=I+1:A=A+1:r(I,0)=1:R=2*X*rnd(0):r(I,1)=R:r(I,3)=R:Q=2*X*rnd(0):d=d(r,0,Q,z):r(I,5)=(Q-R)/d:r(I,6)=z/d #g b$:for i=1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 8 r(i,3)=r(i,3)+r(i,5):r(i,4)=r(i,4)+r(i,6):gosub 6:if r(i,4)>z then 9 8 next if w=0 then wait if w=1 then M=M+D:N=N+E:if d(M,N,T,S)<11 then w=2:#g w$ #g "line ";X;" ";z;" ";M;" ";N else #g b$;";place ";T;" ";S;c$;r:for i = 1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 7 if d(r(i,3),r(i,4),T,S)<r then #g w$:gosub 6:r(i,0)=0:A=A-1:#g b$ 7 next r=r+2:if r>20 then #g w$;c$;r;";";b$:r=0:w=0 end if:wait 6 #g "line ";r(i,1);" 0 ";r(i,3);" ";r(i,4):return 0 x=MouseX:y=MouseY:wait 1 w=1:T=x:S=y:M=X:N=z:d=d(T,X,S,z)/10:D=(T-X)/d:E=(S-z)/d:#g "place ";x-4;" ";y+6;";\X":wait function d(x,y,a,b) d=sqr((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) end function
Post by B+ on Jun 16, 2021 16:42:03 GMT
LOL not only do you lose the game you lose JB and have to start it up again and re-paste the app if you didn't save it first.
Post by tsh73 on Jun 16, 2021 17:55:32 GMT
Carl suggested some things to throw away so now then you lose program just ends
open "" for graphics as #g:#g "down;home;posxy X Y;when mouseMove 0; when leftButtonUp 1":b$="size 1;color black":w$="size 2;color white":c$=";circlefilled ":dim r(25,6):z=2*Y:w=0:timer 30,4 4 if A<5 and rnd(0)<.05 then I=I+1:A=A+1:r(I,0)=1:R=2*X*rnd(0):r(I,1)=R:r(I,3)=R:Q=2*X*rnd(0):d=d(r,0,Q,z):r(I,5)=(Q-R)/d:r(I,6)=z/d #g b$:for i=1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 8 r(i,3)=r(i,3)+r(i,5):r(i,4)=r(i,4)+r(i,6):gosub 6:if r(i,4)>z then 9 8 next if w=0 then wait if w=1 then M=M+D:N=N+E:if d(M,N,T,S)<11 then w=2:#g w$ #g "line ";X;" ";z;" ";M;" ";N else #g b$;";place ";T;" ";S;c$;r:for i = 1 to I:if r(i,0)=0 then 7 if d(r(i,3),r(i,4),T,S)<r then #g w$:gosub 6:r(i,0)=0:A=A-1:#g b$ 7 next r=r+2:if r>20 then #g w$;c$;r;";";b$:r=0:w=0 end if:wait 6 #g "line ";r(i,1);" 0 ";r(i,3);" ";r(i,4):return 0 x=MouseX:y=MouseY:wait 1 w=1:T=x:S=y:M=X:N=z:d=d(T,X,S,z)/10:D=(T-X)/d:E=(S-z)/d:#g "place ";x-4;" ";y+6;";\X":wait 9 close #g:end function d(x,y,a,b) d=sqr((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) end function
Post by B+ on Jun 16, 2021 20:10:28 GMT
Yes! nice work!