Mar 28, 2019 13:51:29 GMT
Post by Rod on Mar 28, 2019 13:51:29 GMT
Ok, this seems to hold together better but it takes a long time to test chess moves!. I probably need a set move routine to start play from a known position. The last bug was all about reversing the move when found to be illegal. I have still to look at castling moves and such, so more to do.
It seems surprisingly "smart" even at two levels of recursion. Or perhaps I suck at chess.
'Based on How To Write A Chess Programm in QBASIC 'By Dean Menezes. Ported to Liberty BASIC by Rod Bird. 2019
'http://www.petesqbsite.com/sections/express/issue23/Tut_QB_Chess.txt 'https://www.deviantart.com/atskaheart/art/Chess-Pieces-208065294
'In Liberty BASIC arrays are Global. In QuickBasic arrays are not and can be passsed 'to functions and subs. The program made extensive use of passed arrays 'to mimic that I used the Level parameter to add another dimension 'to our arrays so that the recursion had somewhere unique to store its values
'I probably still dont understand the recursive part. Qudos to Mr Menezes for such a 'stunningly short and powerful Chess AI.
'This will have many bugs but I thought as I had got it running 'that I would share. Feel free to rewrite your own version or 'debug and enhance this version.
'LB5 with its multidimensional array capability will shorten and speed the code 'I have a graphics interface ready but it needs more debugging and testing.
dim bvalue(7,7) 'value of piece at board x,y dim bsign(7,7) 'sign of piece at board x,y -1 black 1 white dim bpiece(7,7) 'asc name of piece at board x,y dim movex(30,5) 'list of possible x moves for each Level <=26 queen on blank board dim movey(30,5) 'list of possible y moves for each Level dim bestx(5) 'stored best move per Level dim besty(5) dim bestx1(5) dim besty1(5)
global Move,Level,Maxlevel,Score
'global variables Move=-1 'the number of valid moves found for chosen piece Level=0 'recursion level for evaluate() Maxlevel=3 'max recursive calls for evaluate() 5 normal play 3 dumber and quicker Score=0 'worth of play Check=0 '1=currently in check call fillboard call showboard result=0 x=-1
'main program loop do call playermove x,y,x1,y1,result call showboard result=evaluate(-1,10000) x=bestx(1) y=besty(1) x1=bestx1(1) y1=besty1(1) loop while 1
'Firstly show the result of Blacks computer move 'then get and validate players move sub playermove x,y,x1,y1,result
if x>=0 then
'king on king end game if result < -2500 then print "I resign" end end if
'show the move print "Computers move ";chr$(65+x);8-y;"-";chr$(65+x1);8-y1;" Piece ";chr$(bpiece(x,y)) if bvalue(x1,y1)>0 then taken=showtaken(x1,y1,-1) call makemove x,y,x1,y1 check=incheck(1) if check then print "You are in check" call showboard
end if goto [in]
[err] print
[in] 'get input and do basic validation of that input input "YOUR MOVE: "; IN$ if upper$(IN$)="Q" then end if len(IN$)<>4 then print "Invalid data" goto [err] end if
'transform board name to array x,y index ie E2 = 4,6 x = ASC(UPPER$(MID$(IN$, 1, 1))) - 65 y = 8 - (ASC(MID$(IN$, 2, 1)) - 48) x1 = ASC(UPPER$(MID$(IN$, 3, 1))) - 65 y1 = 8 - (ASC(MID$(IN$, 4, 1)) - 48)
'are we on the board and moving a white piece print "checking player move for ";chr$(65+x);8-y;"-";chr$(65+x1);8-y1;" Piece ";chr$(bpiece(x,y)) if x<0 or x>7 or y<0 or y>7 or x1<0 or x1>7 or y1<0 or y1>7 or bvalue(x,y)<=0 then print "Off the board or wrong color play" goto [err] end if
'validate move is legal for white piece 'and that it does not put us in check sgn=1 'white illegal=1 call movelist x,y,sgn for m=0 to Move if x1=movex(m,Level) and y1=movey(m,Level) then illegal=0 taken=showtaken(x1,y1,1) 'store mover and target data so that it may be restored movervalue=bvalue(x,y) moverpiece=bpiece(x,y) moversign=bsign(x,y) targetvalue=bvalue(x1,y1) targetpiece=bpiece(x1,y1) targetsign=bsign(x1,y1) call makemove x,y,x1,y1 check=incheck(1) if check then 'reset play illegal=1 print "You are incheck" bvalue(x,y)=movervalue bpiece(x,y)=moverpiece bsign(x,y)=moversign bvalue(x1,y1)=targetvalue bpiece(x1,y1)=targetpiece bsign(x1,y1)=targetsign end if exit for end if next if illegal then print "Illegal move" goto [err] end if end sub
'get a list of valid moves for a particular piece sub movelist x,y,sgn Move=-1 select case bpiece(x,y) case asc("P") call pawn x,y,sgn case asc("N") call knight x,y,sgn case asc("B") call bishop x,y,sgn case asc("R") call rook x,y,sgn case asc("Q") call queen x,y,sgn case asc("K") call king x,y,sgn end select end sub
sub pawn x,y,sgn 'capture right? if x+1<=7 and y-sgn >=0 and y-sgn <=7 then if bsign(x+1,y-sgn)=0-sgn then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x+1 movey(Move,Level)=y-sgn end if end if 'capture left? if x-1>=0 and y-sgn >=0 and y-sgn <=7 then if bsign(x-1,y-sgn)=0-sgn then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x-1 movey(Move,Level)=y-sgn end if end if 'one forward? if y-sgn >=0 and y-sgn<=7 then if bsign(x,y-sgn)=0 then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x movey(Move,Level)=y-sgn 'two forward? if (y=1 and sgn<0) or (y=6 and sgn>0) then if bvalue(x,y-sgn*2)=0 then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x movey(Move,Level)=y-sgn*2 end if end if end if end if end sub
sub knight x,y,sgn x1=x-1 y1=y-2 gosub [addmove] x1=x-2 y1=y-1 gosub [addmove] x1=x+1 y1=y-2 gosub [addmove] x1=x+2 y1=y-1 gosub [addmove] x1=x-1 y1=y+2 gosub [addmove] x1=x-2 y1=y+1 gosub [addmove] x1=x+1 y1=y+2 gosub [addmove] x1=x+2 y1=y+1 gosub [addmove] exit sub
[addmove] if x1<0 or x1>7 or y1<0 or y1>7 then return if sgn <> bsign(x1,y1) then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x1 movey(Move,Level)=y1 end if return end sub
sub bishop x,y,sgn for dxy=1 to 7 x1=x-dxy y1=y+dxy 'off the board? if x1<0 or x1>7 or y1<0 or y1>7 then exit for gosub [addmove] 'found a piece to capture? then stop if bsign(x1,y1) then exit for next for dxy=1 to 7 x1=x+dxy y1=y+dxy if x1<0 or x1>7 or y1<0 or y1>7 then exit for gosub [addmove] if bsign(x1,y1) then exit for next for dxy=1 to 7 x1=x-dxy y1=y-dxy if x1<0 or x1>7 or y1<0 or y1>7 then exit for gosub [addmove] if bsign(x1,y1) then exit for next for dxy=1 to 7 x1=x+dxy y1=y-dxy if x1<0 or x1>7 or y1<0 or y1>7 then exit for gosub [addmove] if bsign(x1,y1) then exit for next exit sub
[addmove] if sgn <> bsign(x1,y1) then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x1 movey(Move,Level)=y1 end if return end sub
sub rook x,y,sgn for x1=x-1 to 0 step-1 if sgn <> bsign(x1,y) then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x1 movey(Move,Level)=y end if if bvalue(x1,y)<>0 then exit for next for x1=x+1 to 7 if sgn <> bsign(x1,y) then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x1 movey(Move,Level)=y end if if bvalue(x1,y)<>0 then exit for next for y1=y-1 to 0 step-1 if sgn <> bsign(x,y1) then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x movey(Move,Level)=y1 end if if bvalue(x,y1)<>0 then exit for next for y1=y+1 to 7 if sgn <> bsign(x,y1) then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x movey(Move,Level)=y1 end if if bvalue(x,y1)<>0 then exit for next end sub
sub queen x,y,sgn call bishop x,y,sgn call rook x,y,sgn end sub
sub king x,y,sgn for dy=-1 to 1 if y+dy<0 or y+dy>7 then [bypass2] for dx=-1 to 1 if x+dx<0 or x+dx>7 then goto [bypass1] if sgn <> bsign(x+dx,y+dy) then Move=Move+1 movex(Move,Level)=x+dx movey(Move,Level)=y+dy end if [bypass1] next [bypass2] next end sub
sub makemove x,y,x1,y1 'fill square taken bvalue(x1,y1)=bvalue(x,y) bpiece(x1,y1)=bpiece(x,y) bsign(x1,y1)=bsign(x,y)
'erase square vacated bvalue(x,y)=0 bpiece(x,y)=0 bsign(x,y)=0 'promote pawn if it reaches board edge if y1=0 and bvalue(x1,y1)=100 then bvalue(x1,y1)=900 : bpiece(x1,y1)=asc("Q") if y1=7 and bvalue(x1,y1)=-100 then bvalue(x1,y1)=-900 : bpiece(x1,y1)=asc("Q") end sub
sub showboard
'print "Pause Press any key"
print " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
print " A B C D E F G H"
print " --------------------------"
for y= 8 to 1 step -1
print 8-y;" ";y;"|";
for x=0 to 7
f1$=mid$(" [",(x+y) mod 2+1,1)
f2$=mid$(" ]",(x+y) mod 2+1,1)
if bsign(x,8-y)=-1 then
print f1$;chr$(bpiece(x,8-y));f2$;
print f1$;lower$(chr$(bpiece(x,8-y)));f2$;
end if
print "|"
print " --------------------------"
print " A B C D E F G H"
end sub sub fillboard restore [data] for y = 0 TO 7 for x = 0 TO 7 read z read z$ bvalue(x,y) = z bpiece(x,y)=asc(z$) if z<0 then bsign(x,y)=-1 if z>0 then bsign(x,y)=1 next next [data] DATA -500,"R",-270,"N",-300,"B",-900,"Q",-7500,"K",-300,"B",-270,"N",-500,"R" DATA -100,"P",-100,"P",-100,"P",-100,"P",-100,"P",-100,"P",-100,"P",-100,"P" DATA 0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," " DATA 0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," " DATA 0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," " DATA 0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," ",0," " DATA 100,"P",100,"P",100,"P",100,"P",100,"P",100,"P",100,"P",100,"P" DATA 500,"R",270,"N",300,"B",900,"Q",5000,"K",300,"B",270,"N",500,"R" end sub
'this function checks all squares to see if 'any opposition piece has the king in check function incheck(sgn) for x=0 to 7 for y=0 to 7 if bsign(x,y)=0-sgn then call movelist x,y,0-sgn for m=0 to Move if abs(bvalue(movex(m,Level),movey(m,Level)))>=5000 then incheck = 1 exit function end if next end if next next end function
'this function checks all squares for players to move then recursively test plays 'it plays its own move then plays the opponents best move, recursively over four moves. 'So getting the potential net worth of each moveable player on the board. The highest 'scored determines the computers next move. 'It is a classic mini max evaluation shortened to its a negamax form with pruning 'ie it does not waste time on lower value plays.
function evaluate(sgn,prune) Level=Level+1 bestscore=10000*sgn for y= 7 to 0 step -1 for x= 7 to 0 step -1 if bsign(x,y)=sgn then call movelist x,y,sgn for m=0 to Move x1=movex(m,Level) y1=movey(m,Level) oldscore=Score 'store mover and target data so that it may be restored movervalue=bvalue(x,y) moverpiece=bpiece(x,y) moversign=bsign(x,y) targetvalue=bvalue(x1,y1) targetpiece=bpiece(x1,y1) targetsign=bsign(x1,y1) call makemove x,y,x1,y1 'if Level=1 then print "Evaluating ";sgn;" Move ";chr$(65+x);8-y;"-";chr$(65+x1);8-y1 if Level<Maxlevel then Score=Score+evaluate(0-sgn,bestscore - targetvalue + sgn*(8-abs(4-x1)-abs(4-y1))) Score=Score+targetvalue-sgn*(8-abs(4-x1)-abs(4-y1)) if (sgn<0 and Score > bestscore) or (sgn>0 and Score < bestscore) then bestx(Level)=x besty(Level)=y bestx1(Level)=x1 besty1(Level)=y1 bestscore = Score if (sgn<0 and bestscore>=prune) or (sgn>0 and bestscore<=prune) then 'reset play bvalue(x,y)=movervalue bpiece(x,y)=moverpiece bsign(x,y)=moversign bvalue(x1,y1)=targetvalue bpiece(x1,y1)=targetpiece bsign(x1,y1)=targetsign Score=oldscore Level=Level-1 evaluate=bestscore exit function end if end if bvalue(x,y)=movervalue bpiece(x,y)=moverpiece bsign(x,y)=moversign bvalue(x1,y1)=targetvalue bpiece(x1,y1)=targetpiece bsign(x1,y1)=targetsign Score=oldscore next end if next next Level=Level-1 evaluate=bestscore end function
function showtaken(x,y,sgn) showtaken=abs(bvalue(x,y)) if showtaken>0 then if sgn<0 then print "Black took your "; if sgn>0 then print "White took your "; if showtaken=100 then print "Pawn" if showtaken=270 then print "Knight" if showtaken=300 then print "Bishop" if showtaken=500 then print "Rook" if showtaken=900 then print "Queen" if showtaken=5000 then print "King" end if end function